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All players with a track record of at least few months of play are welcome (on shrapnel or somewhere else). The game will be relatively fast paced, so don't join if you lack the time for such game.
And like for all the games i'm the admin, i'm looking for persistent players who won't leave after the first defeat on the battlefield. Map: Realm of Roaring Rhinos http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showpost.php?p=804192 Players: 5-13 Age: Multi Era Diplo : Everything is allowed. Trade is binding though. Turns: Initially 24 hours, 36h trn20, then increase on request Mods: CBM 1.94 / Streamers & standards / single age mod Gamelink: http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo....me=Silent_hill LA ermor is forbidden Ind:7 Renaming: ON Charts: ON All other settings: Default all settings can be discussed. Disallowed exploits: *Copying Bogus' orders and overfilling enemy lab to prevent his own forge. *Probing armies with scouts/commanders must be done in such a way so as not to block movement. Players: Bullock - LA Mictlan Jolly Roger - LA Pangaea. YellowCactus - LA Ulm Ghoul31 - Nief Revenant2 - MA Ermor Lumix - LA Abysia TheHeatMiser - EA Hinnom BBZ - LA Patala Tiavals - EA Ryleh starcryst - EA Caelum Minko - MA Ctis Darkwing - LA Ctis |
Re: Silent Hill - MA - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
MA Pangaea for me.
Thanks for setting this up, mate. Klaus |
Re: Silent Hill - MA - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
I'm In!
Jotunheim Please |
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
Sign me up as LA Patala and thx:)
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
To please a friend i turned this to Multi era.
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
Hi Bullock,
in this case I would like to switch to LA Pangaea Thanks, Klaus |
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
Ill take a spot please.
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
Oh, Multi-Era...
Yay! Change me to Late Age Ulm if possible! Thanks! |
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
I'd like to join as MA Ermor
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
Could I join as LA Abysia please?
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
EA R'lyeh for me please.
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
Sorry I should have been more clear. Im going with EA Hinnon.
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
OP updated.
Game is up for pretender : http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo....me=Silent_hill You can change your mind about your nation before the game start. Just PM me to delete your pretender before or after adding a new one. |
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
May I ask for a spot in this game? I had 5-6 mp games before (one of which I actually split a victory for, yay me), but I haven't played for a while so I could use a day or two to brush up my game.
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
I'll take EA - Caelum if there are still slots.
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
At this point i'm planning to start as soon as all registered pretenders are rdy. |
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
Sign me up for LA C'tis if there's room by the time I'm done posting this. ;)
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
Can I get MA C'tis (never played with single age mod so dont know)? If no, I'll be MA Shinuyama.
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
Yeah np for MA Ctis.
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
Tiavals do you feel like playing a Water nation on Realm of Roaring Rhinos map ?
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
Why not? So long as I get a water start, I have enough underwater provinces to live, yes(roughly my allotment if you divide the provinces of the map by 12)? Almost all of the provinces are connected. Or does the non-fixed start mean I can start anywhere on the map, even on land?
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
There is enough land, actually it's even pretty fair. However it will be hard to spread dom on this shape of province connections.
There is no fixed start actually. I can take the time to fix one however. Pick one and give me the number of the land and i'll had it if u want. |
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
I'd like province 85(Central sea of tears) if possible, it is a very reasonable start place, since there's only 3 land provinces next to it, meaning it won't be that easy to dom-kill me. :)
Also, would it be possible to give the download link for the map? There are a few versions of it floating around and I'm not sure which it is. |
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
I have to contact calahan to get the map File.
However if u have the image of the map it's enough to play. |
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - RECRUITING
Even better Calahan contacted me ;) Thx to him.
Everything is set & rdy to go ! |
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
We are waiting for starcryst's pretender and it's a go !
Good luck gentlemen |
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Good luck to all and have fun!:)
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
I have a question and its not something I can easily reproduce:
If I equip a crown of command on a scout(leadership 0) who has the heroic ability Valor will I then receive the Valor leadership bonus? thanks |
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Me and Jolly Roger share a province that's adjacent to both of our capitals, which could be a drag. While I can live with it, how would people feel with restarting? If enough people dislike the idea, I guess there's little to be done.
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Hmm you are EA R'lyeh, not that i want to say anything, but on this map you are bound to be one or two provinces away from someone(as you are a water nation).
I dont want to be a pain but I think that while this is a game-breaking problem between two land nations(which is why i was gonna agree to a restart) I dont think its that bad since you are an Underwater nation. The map is also such that underwater nationhas to take high dominion to survive. So dominion is not a problem. And Pangaea doesn't have any standard underwater expansion so you wouldn't be competing for provinces at least not early on. Regarding you trying to get out of the water, that is going to be harder, but it was going to be hard anyways (since you are always bound to find people who'd make you stay underwater (that is the way the game was designed). I think that depending on who took the land province this is more of a diplomatic question than anything else.If you took it and I was Pangaea I'd immediately take it back. An Underwater nation cannot beat a Land nation(on land) at least not early on. (if Pangaea took the land border province between you two I dont think there is any problem. The two of you can discuss some sort of preaching policy(like no temples on that province) Or an alliance between a land and an underwater nations has been something I had a lot of success with) But that is up to you two and the diplomacy you conduct. |
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
As I said I wont't stop a restart(im not a douche) but on this map you are going to start either 1 or two provinces away from the capital of a land nation that is because of the design of the map.
And you are going to have problems expanding on land due to the design of the game. but you are underwater nation so you have 16 uncontested provinces anyways. Even on a big map such as cradle of dominions the underwater faction in the game I played was 1 province away from an enemy capital and 2 provinces away from 2 me and another guy, but that 'stop them at all from winning the game (Also this placement is bound to happen because underwater provinces are bigger and have more adjacent land provinces anyways) |
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
I do agree with BBZ. Also if you want to "improve" the starting point dispatching it means you will have to work on all of them not only the 2 you dislike.
Btw i would be more embarrassed of this situation as Pangaea than as Ryleh. But i like democratic decision. So if you feel like drawing again the starting position and if the majority of the involved players want to restart i'm fine with that. |
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Your analysis seems quite sound bbz. Let's see what Jolly Roger has to say, if anything, but I suppose I'm okay with continuing.
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Thanks for comments.
There are only 4 provinces adjacent to the capitol of Pangaea, so this province is very important. As far as I know the capitol of an underwater nation doesn´t benefit from an adjacent land province on the subject of resources and vice versa. Means I wanna hold that province and suggest to talk about a diplomatic solution. No need for a restart as far as I´m concerned. Cheers, Klaus |
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Sorry for the delay. I thought I had sent in my turn already. Well, at least I didn't accidentally stale! :o
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Hi, I'd need a 24 hr turn postpone.Just woke up to see my internet at home isn't working. I hope it'll be up today and I'll sent in the turn asap.
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Started working and I've just sent in my turn so nvm about the turn host postpone. But Ulm seems to not have sent it in yet... so might be a good idea to check with him maybe?
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Thanks for the mention of Ulm. I almost didn't submit my turn...again! Wife started a new job with two rugrats in my hands. I am starting to lose my mind!
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Fyi i had extended the turn. I'm not always posting here to say so. It's because i'm doing it from my smartphone and it's a burden to post here with it.
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Goddamnit. I had the same problem as yesterday and got the internet running just in time to see i staled...
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Lets change the timer to 48hrs.
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
switched to 36h as scheduled. I hope your connec issue will be solved soon minko! gl with that
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
thanks for the gl wish. i havent had any issues since sunday so i hope the ISP gods have taken pity on me and put my troubles to an end.
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Looks like EA R'lyeh hit jackpot with the site-searching:D
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
3 on one as usual
gotta love worthless cowards |
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
Really Ghoul? Worthless cowards? Okay. I hear ya! Our battle was 7 giants vs 55 Ulm holy knights. You lost -zero- and I lost 55. Now, how is it cowardly for your neighbors to pile on? If they don't, you will win.
Re: Silent Hill - Multi Era - Vet & intermediate - Running
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