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-   -   Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=49530)

TimeLegend February 22nd, 2013 01:37 PM

Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
GAME NAME: Furious_Noobs
ERA: Early
MAP: Shadowshore (Found here: http://z7.invisionfree.com/Dom3mods/...?showtopic=491)
TURNS: 48 hours
MODS: CBM 1.94
DIPLOMACY: Machiavelli

Special Rules: Renaming Yes

Also I should note that the map only has about enough water provinces for one water nation so keep such in mind. We'll be using the Llama server to play the game (PBEM).

TimeLegend: Tir Na n'Og
Brain_Caster: Ermor
Ossa: C'tis
Brazouck: Arcoscephale
Peacekeeper: Tien Chi
Vlam: Mictlan
Trumelunki: Kailasa
GoodKnight_IL: Abysia
foul_play: Agartha
Gargouille: Oceania

Brain_Caster February 22nd, 2013 02:36 PM

Re: Furious Noob (Newbie Game, 2/10)
Looking forward to this game. So far, I've only played a few duels against TimeLegend, but I think I did relatively well in those, so at least I shouldn't embarass myself too badly. :)

Happyfungi February 24th, 2013 02:38 AM

Re: Furious Noob (Newbie Game, 2/10)
You may want to provide more information about game settings and what format like direct connection or PBEM.

Ossa February 24th, 2013 09:11 AM

Re: Furious Noob (Newbie Game, 2/10)
I'm rather intermediate than newb but I'd like to join with Ctis.

Brazouck February 24th, 2013 12:32 PM

Re: Furious Noob (Newbie Game, 2/10)
I'm in !!

I have 2 mp games under my belt where I didn't last long :)

TimeLegend February 24th, 2013 01:37 PM

Re: Furious Noob (Newbie Game, 2/10)
Ok. Which Faction will you be joining in as?

Brazouck February 24th, 2013 03:20 PM

Re: Furious Noob (Newbie Game, 4/10)
arcoscephale would please me

Peacekeeper February 25th, 2013 11:47 AM

Re: Furious Noob (Newbie Game, 4/10)
like ossa im somewhere in between intermediate and noob but id love to take part if youll have me.

i would join as tien chi

Vlam February 25th, 2013 01:58 PM

Re: Furious Noob -EA- (Newbie Game, 5/10)
I FINALLY got my account activated!

So I was waiting for a game like this one to open to join the forum :)

I'll be pleased of being part of this one, I'm a real noob.
I'm french tho, so we'll see for hosting times?

If it's ok, I'd like to play as Mictlan!

See you soon!

EDIT: Didn't saw 48h a turn, no problem so!

Brazouck February 25th, 2013 02:22 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 6/10)
Salut vlam, ravi d'avoir un compatriote :)

TimeLegend February 25th, 2013 02:49 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 6/10)
Hoping to get some more recruits I made a secondary thread here.

mattyburn7 February 25th, 2013 03:50 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 6/10)
I would call myself an intermediate though I haven't won any games yet. If you need a spot and want to have me let me know and I'll jump in.

TimeLegend February 25th, 2013 04:12 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 6/10)
I think it'll be easier for if y'all simply tell me how many games you've been in previously. 5 and under are more or less guaranteed a spot while 6-10 game can work in a pinch , but hopefully I won't need to get intermediates for this game with the new forums.

Vlam February 25th, 2013 04:23 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 6/10)
@Brazouck: Check PM :) .

Can't wait for this one to start!

Peacekeeper February 25th, 2013 04:23 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 6/10)
i think ive played 7. im not entirely sure because i tend to play a game or two then take a long break. I played some dominions 2 as well so im not sure when in my post history the dominion 3 games start up. it seems like its been 9 months since my last games this time around.

parone February 25th, 2013 04:50 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 6/10)
hmm. im prob also an intermediate. ill join if you need an extra.

mattyburn7 February 25th, 2013 05:33 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 7/10)
I'm probably in 10 to 15 range so no worries. If you are really in a pinch PM me. Good luck guys!

TimeLegend February 25th, 2013 05:38 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 7/10)

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 817902)
I'm probably in 10 to 15 range so no worries. If you are really in a pinch PM me. Good luck guys!

Ok I'll be sure to if need be. :)

foul_play February 25th, 2013 07:04 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 8/10)
I'd like to play as agartha, first time playing MP, advice very welcomed

Gargouille February 25th, 2013 08:29 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 9/10)
Hello, can i join with Oceania?
Salut Vlam et Brazouk!

TimeLegend February 25th, 2013 08:39 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 9/10)
Ok everyone. I need the other players opinion on something. While we wait for Trumelunki to decide on his nation, I'd like to hear if you all do or don't mind that some of the other players are borderline Intermediate players. We can allow them to come and play anyway or we can wait for some newer players to come to this game.

Gargouille February 25th, 2013 09:03 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10)
I am not realy noob, i played 5 MP (3 here, and 2 with french private server), i can leave (i am not a bad player, but me never win a game). I come here because i see Vlam, and i play a game with him (his first MP game) in a french server.
Cette fois ci, si je suis accepté, je serais planqué dans l'eau!

foul_play February 25th, 2013 09:06 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10)
I don't mind intermediate players esp if they aren't uber tryhards. Also are we starting with only 1 province? because it seems boring to wait 48 hours for the first 3 turns just to capture the surrounding provinces. If i said something stupid, pardon me, I'm totally new to dom3 MP.

TimeLegend February 25th, 2013 09:10 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10)
The only 2 who seem to be Newb/Intermiadate are:
Ossa: ? games played
Peacekeeper: 7 games played.

But for starting Provinces,yes we'll be starting with one province, because if I've learned one thing about playing duels is that the early game is almost just as important ,if not more so, then the other parts.

Also it's just how I roll. :cool:

Gargouille February 25th, 2013 09:14 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10)
Yes, i think it's better "one province for beginning".

Vlam February 26th, 2013 02:27 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10)
Ah ah, trop chouette y'a Gargouille :-) !
C'est chouette l'eau!

I don't mind for intermediate player too, especially if they are ready to give advice ;) .
What about quickhost for the very few first turn (1-5?)?
By the way, one starting province seems to be better than the other choice, I've never seen a MP game with more than 1 starting province.

Brazouck February 26th, 2013 04:27 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10)
Héhé, trois francais ...

no problem for more intermediates player for me, I don't hope to win anyway ...

What will be the strength of independants ? It is important for the pretender.

Brazouck February 26th, 2013 04:28 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10)
Timelegend, my name is Brazouck, not brazock ;)

Also I vote for starting with one

TimeLegend February 26th, 2013 05:00 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10)

Originally Posted by Brazouck (Post 817928)
What will be the strength of independants ? It is important for the pretender.

Standard which is strength 5 Indie PDs. Pain in the butt at times, but workable, also fixed.

So far if you're keeping tabs on both threads it's

Wait for newer player: 1
Don't mind: 2

mattyburn7 February 26th, 2013 09:23 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10)
One thing on the timing. Yes. Turn quick host on. Most likely y'all will burn through first 5 to 10 turns pretty quickly. At that point it will slow down a bit.

TimeLegend February 26th, 2013 02:21 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10)
GAME IS NOW SET UP. It is time to send pretenders. Be sure to have the mod on when you make the pretender and the right nation. I'm only saying this because I've made those mistakes before.


Peacekeeper February 26th, 2013 03:22 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10)
since its a lot of people first game on llama server, heres the faq for how it works, how to send in your pretenders, etc.


most relevant to us at the moment is part 1 of it


Firstly, you should only join a game if you've found there's a thread for it on this board, you've read it, and they're still looking for players. Then you should post on the thread saying what nation you'll be. To actually join the game:

- Make sure you have the same mods enabled as the game you're playing in (Preferences->Mod Preferences) although only mods affecting pretender design, such as Conceptual Balance, actually matter
- Go to Game Tools -> Create a pretender god in Dominions. Don't set a password, since for PBEM games they're not helpful and occasionally annoying (e.g. if you need a sub)
- Go to the savedgames/newlords folder in the dominions directory, and find your pretender file (e.g. mid_pythium_0.2h)
- E-mail the file to: pretenders[ at ]llamaserver[ dot ]net
- Crucially, you must have the game name in the subject line of your e-mail

A few minutes later you should get a confirmation e-mail, and if you check the website you should find your nation added to the list of nations which have joined the game.

If later you think of an improvement to your pretender, you can send it in again. Provided the game hasn't actually started the server will accept your revised pretender, and send you an e-mail to say so.

foul_play February 26th, 2013 07:26 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Send in Pretenders)
btw, the CBM mod is freaking amazing. I've always wondered why the giant Agartha uses the same spear lengths as normal sized human, didn't make much sense, and the CBM mod addresses this small detail. Running some single players right now. Let's hope I don't stay up too late today :(

mattyburn7 February 26th, 2013 08:42 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Send in Pretenders)
I know I'm not a player, but I have one other suggestion.
Hang in there and have fun. Even if it looks like you are not going to win, create secondary goal, be a pain in someone's butt. This is how you have fun and learn the game.

Vlam February 27th, 2013 07:29 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Send in Pretenders)
C'mon Arco :) !

parone February 27th, 2013 11:07 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Send in Pretenders)
have fun. in their own way, your first few dom games are the best!

TimeLegend February 27th, 2013 01:19 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Send in Pretenders)
This going to be a bit embarrassing to say, but I think I sent the wrong pretender. I'll need to restart the 'Send Pretender' part, so I ask do you all mind if I do that?

Regardless of yes or no,Sorry all.

Peacekeeper February 27th, 2013 01:31 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Send in Pretenders)
go for it, i hate my starting position anyway!

Vlam February 27th, 2013 01:46 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Send in Pretenders)
No problem, go on!

TimeLegend February 27th, 2013 03:11 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Send in Pretenders)
Ok then, just re-send them and then we're good.

Brazouck February 27th, 2013 04:11 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Send in Pretenders)
what must we do ?

TimeLegend February 27th, 2013 04:26 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Send in Pretenders)
As just resend your Pretender to Llamaserver with the same subject [ Furious_Noobs ] and you're good.

EDIT: Wait I'm being dumb your pretenders are all their I'm restarting now. My bad.

Vlam February 27th, 2013 05:22 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Send in Pretenders)
Good luck everyone :) !

Peacekeeper February 28th, 2013 12:23 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
so there appears to be a bug with EA arco right now brazouk that you might want to take note of. Their starting upkeep is higher than its supposed to be. This was posted on the Desura forums about it.

link to post: http://www.desura.com/games/dominion...ame-610/page/2


Unfortunately there isn't. Or at least not a solution that involves just a few mouse clicks. The recent posts on the dedicated thread for this bug that Lunaje linked has a suggestion that should work in theory, but it will need someone to create a mod, and/or makes changes to existing gameplay mods, in order to workaround it.

As to how much the EA Arco player is affected by this bug, well best to ask the EA Arco player. And ask him/her what their starting upkeep was. If it's only been inflated to around 40-50gp, then that might not be that crippling. But if it's closer to or over 100gp, then that starts to really hurt.

And apologies for not pointing this out to you sooner. I didn't notice that there was a EA Arco player in the game when it was still in Pretender sending/sign-up stage, as I was monitoring the new posts, but wasn't checking the player list for updates.
im not sure how badly your getting hit by it but let us know what you want to do regarding it.

as a side note, with the 2 threads going, would it be easier for everyone to consolidate in 1 thread now that the game is under way? Probably on teh desura forums, since the more experienced players seem to be active there and willing to help out with any questions that might arise.

Vlam February 28th, 2013 03:54 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Hello everyone!

I feel stupid. :doh:
I just learned today that I was in holidays from 1/03 to 8/03.
This is a surprise, I wasn't told I was leaving.
I may have internet where I'm going, but it's not obvious, and I may not be able to play my turns.

If you need a sub, no problem, I understand, even if this makes me sad. :(

Have fun anyway.

Brazouck February 28th, 2013 06:54 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
I will do with the bug, if I lose badly, I will have an excuse ... :D

No problem for me waiting a week for vlam

Vlam March 1st, 2013 01:53 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
I could have find a solution:
if you turn the server in quickhost, without time limit, I may be able to play a few turn, 2 by 2, using PDAnet.

<3 Brazouck ;)

Peacekeeper March 1st, 2013 12:10 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Originally Posted by Vlam (Post 818052)
I could have find a solution:
if you turn the server in quickhost, without time limit, I may be able to play a few turn, 2 by 2, using PDAnet.

<3 Brazouck ;)

sounds reasonable.

Peacekeeper March 1st, 2013 12:28 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
just a warning for everyone. The Shrapnel forums have private messaging turned off by default. So if you just made your account and this is your first game, youll need to go to the "User CP"(should be on the top of the screen here under the dom 3 awakenin > multiplayer > furious noobs). Once there, under "settings and options" youll be able to edit options. Enabling PMs will be there under all the email options.

Vlam March 1st, 2013 12:36 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Even if I can play turns 2 by 2, it would be appreciated turning off the countdow of each turn: I may take 3 days the first time, or something like that.

Thank you!

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