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-   -   MP: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA Fomoria - Keithz Winner ! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=49571)

Bullock March 9th, 2013 12:18 AM

Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA Fomoria - Keithz Winner !
All players need a track record of at least few months of play (on shrapnel or somewhere else). This is supposed to be a (very) fast game with few players (24h/turn but set 30h for safety) . For this game I might be selective in favor of players that i know play their turn fast.

And like for all the games I'm the admin, I'm looking for persistent players who won't leave after the first defeat on the battlefield.

Map: Land of Ethereal Squirrels
Players: 6-8
Age: EA
Diplo : Everything is allowed. Trade is binding though.
Turns: 30h then increase on request
Mods: CBM 1.94 / Streamers & standards
Gamelink: http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo.cgi?game=Payback

Renaming: ON
Charts: ON
Magic site: 55
All other settings: Default

all settings can be discussed.

Disallowed exploits:
*Copying Bogus' orders and overfilling enemy lab to prevent his own forge.
*Probing armies with scouts/commanders must be done in such a way so as not to block movement.


Bullock - Marverni
Num - Vanheim
EvilHomer - Caelum
Ghoul - Pangaea
YellowCactus - Ryleh
Reverend Zombie - Yomi
Ossa - Helheim
Keithz - Fomoria

Num March 9th, 2013 04:00 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - Fast paced game - RECRUITING
Hi, I would like to play as Vanheim. I have already played something like 7 full games, plus 2 or 3 as sub, so not a newbie anymore I guess, but certainly not a vet still. Never won, but never abandoned (You may easily check my post history). I come back from a Dom3 one year and a half break though.
I am involved in another one game, on the Dom3mods forum. I am able to play on a regular pace, and I am reliable.

Edit : I would appreciate a nice map like the ones from Elmokki. My eyes need to be healthy.

Evilhomer March 9th, 2013 05:41 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - Fast paced game - RECRUITING
Caelum please

ghoul31 March 9th, 2013 08:29 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - Fast paced game - RECRUITING
I'm in
I'll choose a nation later

Evilhomer March 9th, 2013 08:58 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - Fast paced game - RECRUITING
I wonder what kind of "payback" Bullock is looking for with this game ...

Bullock March 9th, 2013 10:06 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - Fast paced game - RECRUITING
@Num Yeah you seem clean ;)

@Ghoul Ok don't forget to send some nap3 in this one !

@EH just a random title really ^^

Reverend Zombie March 9th, 2013 10:08 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - Fast paced game - RECRUITING
May I play?

Bullock March 9th, 2013 10:13 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - Fast paced game - RECRUITING
Your profile says so. If you can handle the pace you are welcome.

YellowCactus March 9th, 2013 12:46 PM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - Fast paced game - RECRUITING
EA Rlyeh please. I'm ready to get paid back for all the inept smacktalk I've done!

Reverend Zombie March 9th, 2013 02:06 PM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - Fast paced game - RECRUITING

Originally Posted by Bullock (Post 818314)
Your profile says so. If you can handle the pace you are welcome.

Thanks! I would like to claim Yomi, please.

TheHeatMiser March 9th, 2013 02:28 PM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - Fast paced game - RECRUITING
I would like a spot, I think Agartha may soon be cooked in FE

Ill post/upload nation soon

Bullock March 9th, 2013 05:03 PM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - Fast paced game - RECRUITING
One spot left then !

Game is up for pretenders: http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo.cgi?game=Payback

ghoul31 March 9th, 2013 07:15 PM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - Fast paced game - RECRUITING

TheHeatMiser March 9th, 2013 11:23 PM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - Fast paced game - RECRUITING
Helheim uploaded

TheHeatMiser March 10th, 2013 01:33 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - Fast paced game - RECRUITING
blah... :(sorry Bullock but I just learned I may be going with someone on a vaction in the near future. Bullock Please delete Helheim and someone else can have my spot

Bullock March 10th, 2013 01:05 PM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - Fast paced game - RECRUITING
Np dude. Better now than later.

So we have 2 spots left.

Ossa March 10th, 2013 01:16 PM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - Fast paced game - RECRUITING
Helheim for me

Bullock March 11th, 2013 09:20 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - Fast paced game - RECRUITING
YellowCactus do you mind picking a land nation if we don't find an 8th player soon ?

KeithZ March 11th, 2013 10:18 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - Fast paced game - RECRUITING
I'd like to join as Fomoria if you're still recruiting.

Bullock March 11th, 2013 03:29 PM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - Fast paced game - RECRUITING
we are rdy to go then

Bullock March 12th, 2013 03:05 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
I have pmed Ossa for his pretender & it's a go.

Good luck gentlemen

Reverend Zombie March 15th, 2013 10:50 PM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
May I request a pause in hosting, please? I need to install Dom 3 on a new PC and can't find my cd key.

Bullock March 16th, 2013 12:59 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
Done for 48h. keep us posted.

Bullock March 17th, 2013 06:45 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
For a fast game it's a huge fail. ;)
Any news Zombi ?

Man with No Name March 17th, 2013 07:01 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running

Originally Posted by Reverend Zombie (Post 818477)
I need to install Dom 3 on a new PC and can't find my cd key.

If you still have access to your old computer/old Dominions 3 files, then you can copy the file called "key" (located in the Dominions 3 directory) to the Dominions 3 directory on your new compuer (after you install it). Or alternatively just open the "key" file with any text editor to retrieve your CD-Key (as the contents of that file are the same as the CD-Key you typed in)

Of course this only applies if you still have access to your previous computer/Dominions 3 files. You can also just copy the entire Dominions 3 folder to your new computer and run it directly from there, since there are no registry dependencies so the game doesn't need to be installed to play it. A lot of players actually keep their game on a USB stick, which allows them to play the game on any computer.

And one bit of advice is that if you are using Windows, then it's a good idea to not install Dominions 3 to the default Program Files directory. (as doing that causes some hassle with save files etc)

Reverend Zombie March 17th, 2013 08:34 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
Thanks for pausing the game. I will be able to finish the turn by the end of the day. My apologies to everyone for holding things up.

Bullock April 3rd, 2013 03:24 PM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
Evilhomer didn't respect his nap engagement. attacking after 2 turns instead of 3.

Kill him !

Bullock April 4th, 2013 05:09 PM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
For info Ryleh has turn himself AI.

Evilhomer April 7th, 2013 08:40 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
Could I have another 24 hours please.

Bullock April 17th, 2013 01:50 PM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
I'm claiming ownership of lands 12 & 23 which was mine before Caelum invasion.

Thank you !

Bullock April 20th, 2013 09:13 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
Thanks for sticking to the end Evil Homer despite the numbers of foes.

I just want to mention that i didn't attack you for some past grief but Yomi bring me into it. I joined him because i was afraid you would grow too fast on his back and become unstoppable. Also a bit because you took some lands i was expecting to be mine in the early stage of the game ;)

Btw i'm making a new game i hope to see u in.

Evilhomer April 20th, 2013 12:21 PM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
No worries Bullock, it is all part of the game. I will go AI now since I cannot offer any real resistance anymore - Best of luck to all remaining players.

Num April 23rd, 2013 10:58 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
Good luck for your next game Evilhomer.

To Bullock/Ghoul/Ossa/KeithZ, I am sorry to often play the last, my schedule is not easy, and I have only time to play once a day. I will try to play two turns in a row as much as possible, but it takes time, I will not be able to do so every evening.
In addition I will work both the weekends of May 4/5th and 11/12th. Sorry to call your patience.

ghoul31 April 28th, 2013 08:22 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
Well since everyone is attacking me, you just handed Fomoria the game.

Num April 28th, 2013 01:54 PM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
My bad, I did not seen you were attacking Fomoria.

Seriously you are maybe right, but what do you expect ? Me attacking Fomoria while I am already at war with you ? Or Bullock (who is coming back from a complete slaughter a few turns ago) destroying all KeithZ empire alone ?

Ossa April 29th, 2013 04:14 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
I need a 12h extension due to lots of work.

ghoul31 May 4th, 2013 05:13 PM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
That was a nice exploit. send a few troops to block my army so they couldn't join in at the battle at the city.

Fomoria ready has this game won. So there is no point in making yourself look like a jerk by exploiting at this point.

ghoul31 May 4th, 2013 05:24 PM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
But coming from the guy who attacks me from behind every game, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you use exploits

Bullock May 5th, 2013 07:31 PM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
The exploit is in your head ... i'm not a jerk !

I have gathered all my troops to attack your army, i didn't try to split yours. Actually i don't even understand why a part of your army didn't move ! the few drakes who blocked a part of your troops came from the neighboring prov, if you were moving to your fort i really don't understand why it has blocked a part of your army. The weird position of the mage at the front row (who was supposed to be defended if in the full army) can be considered as a clue that i haven't done that on purpose.

Anyway you can believe me or not on this matter, but i'm getting tired of your false accusation at the end of all games where we have fought each other.

You are again referring to some past games where i've been more than fair evey time... i've made my point on each of those accusation already, so i won't start again.

I have always fulfilled our nap/trade, and to be honest, i consider that i never attacked you from behind in any game... so if you are stubborn enough to still bring some old grief against me, please give an exemple with it, so i know what we are talking about.

ghoul31 May 7th, 2013 06:46 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
You attacked me from behind in every game we played, including this one. You waited ubtil Van Attacked me ,then while I'm busy fighting him you attacked.

Now you are going to do the same thing in Veni Vidi Vici

And you did it in the last 4 game before this.

Its always the same. You wait until I'm engaged in a big war , then you come in from behing and try to take all my provinces while I'm fighting every someone else.

Bullock May 7th, 2013 07:20 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
The only other example i know is in the game "Time for a slaughter", i have detailed how i've been more than fair with you. You prolly missed the post.

Concerning this one, Vanheim initiated the move. I gladly accepted his offer because he saved my *** against Caelum, i was beholden to him. And also because you stole one rich land after a barbarian invasion, despite my request to give it back. With or without him i would have attacked you. (beside, you are the only one of my size, i wasn't going against fomo alone)

Now for VVV you are the most obvious target for me, your lands are easy to defend with very small borders to others, your sea prov are also very interesting. As far as i know, everybody is at war actually so whoever i'd have picked it would have been the same situation. I also have good diplomatic relation with vanheim, we did some trade and he kept me posted on the current war situation, if i help him and if he survive he will become a valuable ally.

And globally, for all the game you mention, you are doing no diplo, so you are getting always dodpiled, which is an obvious result.

I remember when i joined shrapnel and started my own games, i refused you at first because i saw a lot of drama in your historic. i don't remember what kind of drama it was but certainly the same as now. I think now i turned to be your new pet peeve since you have joined all my games and therefore we fought a lot. (and i'm glad you did np about that)

I have no rancor against you, i'd have behave this way against anybody and i think i'm playing this game pretty fairly. I did even help you in silent hill while i was myself in big troubles with no expectation of profit or whatever.


ghoul31 May 7th, 2013 06:47 PM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
ok, sorry

Num May 10th, 2013 08:52 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
May I have a delay of 24h for the next turn ? I will not have any time available tonight (and I Will need some...).

Bullock May 10th, 2013 11:29 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
i gave you 36 considering the harsh situation =)

I won't let him die alone therefore i'm ending my nap with fomo
hostilities may start turn 61

Ossa May 10th, 2013 05:42 PM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
Hrmpf... do we have even the slightest chance to kill off this monster?

Num May 11th, 2013 04:10 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
Certainly not, but I hope to end in a furious and beautiful explosion of Chaos.

KeithZ has won at the time I have believed he would have attacked Pangaea with me. I thought I owed him something because he did not crushed me at the very beginning of the game, and so I prefered the Pangaea attack option. Before taking care of Fomoria. It was stupid regarding machiavelic strategy, but it was obvious to me regarding human commitment.
So it is all my fault, I assume that. But I had no other option, from my point of view.

Sorry and thanks for the Delay.

ghoul31 May 12th, 2013 05:15 PM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
So why are we still playing this game?

Bullock May 13th, 2013 06:07 AM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
When Num is ready to bow we can end this i guess. At least it's what the charts are saying ^^

Num May 13th, 2013 01:37 PM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
I am ready to end the game if you want to. I knew at first turn I have no chance to win with experienced players. I lack experience in lategame, I lack experience in general. I can beat a weaker nation in a weaker position like I did versus Pangaea, I cannot defend myself efficiently against a good nation managed by a good player in a dominant position.

Bullock May 13th, 2013 01:56 PM

Re: Payback - Vet & intermediate - EA - Running
Ok then Keithz is our winner !

Well played !

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