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New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/11)
This game is aimed at "intermediate" players or New players - I will leave it to you to define if you fit in this category.
IMPORTANT: I expect players to stick to the end and communicate if they need delays. Please don't quit because you lose 1 battle and then go AWOL. Details are as follows: Map: Not sure yet Era: EA Hosting: Llamaserver, 28h initially then increase as required. Extensions given upon request - PM me AND post in the thread Mods: CBM 1.94 Players: At least eight - let's see how many we get Settings: Default, but with score graphs off Victory conditions: Victor upon player aggreement. Avoid exploits, and don't be a douche. Trades are binding, other diplomacy is not. We already have signed up: Mattyburn7 - Arco Debaser - Vanheim Lumix19 - Yomi PsiSoldier - Lanka Ghoul31 - Agartha Peacekeeper - Kailasa Ossa - C'tis googly1 - Sauromatia Bullock - tir na nog Brain_Caster - Tien Chi Welltimat - Abysia Cheers! |
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate players
Could I get Yomi please?
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate players
Lumix in for Yomi!
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate players
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate players
Ghoul31 in win Agartha.
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate players (RECRUITING)
Ctis would be nice
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate players (RECRUITING)
id like to jump in as Niflheim.
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate players (RECRUITING)
actually, id like to reconsider and enter with Kailasa.
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate players (RECRUITING)
I'll try out Lanka
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate players (RECRUITING)
Once we see how many we get (I'm thinking of capping at 12) we can decide on a map. I"m thinking larger (18 to 20 provinces per nation) with balanced starting positions. I'm open to suggestions on map.
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate players (RECRUITING)
I would like to play Helheim please!
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate players (RECRUITING)
k. We have 8. If nobody else asks to play by tomorrow morning I'll close entry and post game on llamaserver. If its 8 of us I'm thinking a map of about 160 provinces, primarily land. With balanced starting positions. If anyone has any suggestions let me know.
Cheers |
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate players (RECRUITING)
If I could switch to Sauromatia that would be good. When do we submit pretenders?
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate players (RECRUITING)
I'd like to join as tir na nog
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate players (RECRUITING)
I'd like to join as Tien Chi, if there's still room.
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate players (RECRUITING)
Cool. I have you all in. I'll edit original post shortly. That puts us at 10 and we'll leave it there.
I just have to pick a map, then I'll set up game to upload pretenders. Should happen today. |
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate players (RECRUITING)
If i am not too late i would like to join as Abysia.
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate players (11/11)
ok. We are locked in now. 11 players total. Accepting no more. I just have to find a map. If anyone knows a map with approximately 220 provinces with balanced starting positions for 11 players, let me know.
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate players (11/11)
Saw this and remembered that there's a version of GreeceStain on llamaserver with 9 + 1 and 11 + 1 fixed starts by Calahan. Wraps and has 181 + 18 provinces (too small?).
See: http://dom3.servegame.com/wiki/Greece_Stain and the link in llamaserver map browser (at the 9 + 1 version) for the clean image. |
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate players (11/11)
I think 20 provinces per player is too many. The micro when nations start getting eliminated and nations get big is going to be brutal. Twelve to fifteen seems better to me.
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate players (11/11)
I'll go with Vargr's suggestion then? Sounds like it is perfect for 11 players and it compromises (16.5 land and 1.5 water)
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate players (11/11)
Everyone. The game is on llamaserver. Please upload Pretenders.
Game is called veni_vidi_vici. It is using land of roaring rhinos 11 fixed. |
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
Is the map called 'Realm of roaring rhinos'?
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
I downloaded this map but it doesnt seem to work. Can someone please send me a link to where they got it. Thanks.
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
So I just found a different version of the map at http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=47456
but I am not sure which version to download... |
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
i wasnt sure either, just download them both.
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
Hey sorry it may be a little while before I can upload my pretender. I am working 15.5 hour days right now and don't have time to test the pretender I made for the game yet. But I should be free to test it out on Saturday and upload then. Right now I pretty much only have time to get home from work, eat, take a shower and go to bed.
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
Could you please post a link to current map.
The Map "Realm of Roaring Rhinos" from Llamaserver either a) missing link b) missing on link с) incomplete (only tga file). |
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
youll find a version of the map you can get here as well as the 1 tga image youll need. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=47456 |
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
Thanks Peacekeeper! Sorry I didn't respond earlier. Was bedtime here.
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
Psi_Soldier: No problem. Thanks for letting us know.
Everyone: We have 8 of 11 in. Expect the game to start Saturday. Cheers |
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
so first turn is out. good luck everyone.
and of the 2 map files i indicated earlier, apparently both were wrong. heres the correct link for the .tga https://dl.dropbox.com/u/97382000/ro...%20Only%29.zip |
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
don t bother with the tga. It's just a renaming issue.
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
I got some information from the creator of the map that renaming may cause some problems. To play it safe it would be best to download from the link that Peacekeeper posted.
Cheers! |
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
Googly can't send you messages on the Shrapnel Forums. Not sure if this is on purpose or not.
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
I'm going to need an extension for this turn. I'm at work now and have to go straight to school when I get off in 5 hours and when I get out of school I have to eat and sleep and then have to go back to work at 2am.. wont have any time to look at the turn until around 11am eastern tomorrow
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
k. I added a 36h extension for this turn (takes it to about 10 PM Eastern tomorrow). Let me know if you need more time.
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
Actually I got out from work a few minutes early and did a rushed turn. Probably not the most well thought out turn but its done and in. Hopefully all is good.
P.s. That should have been more like a 6 or 10 hour extension. as 36 hours added a full 36 hours to the clock and not changing the clock from 24 to 36.. Oh well hopefully no one gets lazy and takes advantage of it. |
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
I know...My mental arithmetic was off...Pretty sad for a math and numbers guy.
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
Well still two people to submit turns. I'm hoping one of them waits until about noon today to submit so I have a chance to do my turn a little better. I literally did it in about 5 minutes so It would be nice to have a chance to examine it a little more closely before it hosts. But either way its all good.
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
I can turn auto-host off if you would like?
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
Yes that would be nice if you can. Just turn it back on around 12 eastern and all should be good. I know I made one tactical error in my haste that could be serious
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
so im waiting to turn this in still?
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
I turned off quick host so we should be ok...but if you want to wait another 4 hours to be safe peacekeeper that would be helpful. Thanks for checking and holding off on submitting!
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
Ok.. My revised turn is in. Good to go!
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
Question: We have been at 28 hours the entire time and we are now at Turn 33. Is there a feeling that we should bump the time to 36 hours or leave as-is?
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
I've been slow lately but should be back on track at the end of the week.
I don't mind about the timer both length fit me |
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
k. I'll keep at 28 for now. Thanks!
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
Saw a reference to VVV in another post and though I would ramble a bit.
This game has been a lot of fun and at this point it doesn't appear to have 1 clear-cut front runner though several people are certainly looking strong. Everyone does appear to be in at least 1 war at this point. One point I'll make since myself and some others have stealthy units is that if I have a NAP with someone, I'll only send scouts into their territory but will not send in stealthy mages, spies, assassins, etc. If anyone else is playing by different set of rules, that is cool, just let me know so I can do the same :). Hope everyone else is enjoying! |
Re: New Game - Veni Vidi Vici EA CBM 1.94 - Newb/Intermediate UPLOAD PRETENDERS (11/1
All times are GMT -4. The time now is 02:31 PM. |
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