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revenant2 May 11th, 2013 06:22 PM

Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Evilhomer wins as LA Abysia]
Evil Clowns: Reasonable pacing. open to everyone with at least some MP experience. Random Nations.

Map: Realm of Roaring Rhinos
Age: Multi Era
Players: Depends on interest, but hoping for 12-18.
Mods: Single Age Mod, CBM 1.94, Streamers & Standards
Hosting: Llama Server starting at 28H and then adjusting depending on the needs of the other players.
Settings: Default, but with Charts Off, Renaming On, and Hall of Fame 15
Victory Conditions: To the bitter end or until a consensus is reached by ALL players.
Diplomacy: Everything goes, but trades are binding.
Exploits: The usual, e.g., Copying Bogus's Orders, overfilling labs, etc.
Rules: Please don't go AI without discussing it first.

All nations will be assigned randomly with a choice of a single re-roll. If we end up with too many water nations (based on the map), we'll make suitable adjustments. Please post if you're interested.

-Revenant2(EA Fomoria)
-Ghoul31(MA Ashod)
-Mattyburn7(LA Bogarus)
-Starcryst(LA Ermor)
-Evilhomer(LA Abysia)
-TheHeatMiser(LA Pythium)
-Jolly Roger(MA Jotunheim)
-sansanjuan(MA Machaka)
-ossa(EA Niefelheim)
-Lumix19(MA C'tis)

ghoul31 May 11th, 2013 06:36 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting]
I'm not big on random nations, but I will play.

mattyburn7 May 11th, 2013 09:05 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting]
I am in

starcryst May 11th, 2013 09:07 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting]
I'll try it as well. Need to play something other than Caelum anyway.

Evilhomer May 11th, 2013 09:18 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting]
I am in

TheHeatMiser May 11th, 2013 10:21 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting]
Ill join. I am currently only playing in silent hill.

revenant2 May 11th, 2013 11:40 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting]
Thanks for your interest everyone. I made a few updates to the front posting. I figure it will take a few days to gather enough players before I do the randomization (which I'm going to do via a spreadsheet if anyone is curious).

I want to do random nations to push my comfort zone a bit and learn more about the game. I figure other folks might have a similar interest.

Jolly Roger May 12th, 2013 06:05 AM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting]
Please count me in.

Cheers, Klaus

sansanjuan May 12th, 2013 01:52 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting]
I'm in. Thanks for hosting.

Ossa May 12th, 2013 04:29 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting]
Count me in please

PsiSoldier May 12th, 2013 09:31 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting 9/18]
Ok. Why the hell not.. Last time I did a random game it turned out alright I'm in.

revenant2 May 12th, 2013 09:33 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting 9/18]
We're at 10 players right now. I'm going to give another day before I send out the nation list. It will probably take a day or so to iron out the nations (for those who want to re-roll), so I figure we'll be ready to upload pretenders by about Wednesday.

We'll accept stragglers along the way...

Lumix19 May 13th, 2013 12:09 AM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting 10/18]
I'd like to join if I could

revenant2 May 13th, 2013 03:39 AM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting 10/18]

Originally Posted by Lumix19 (Post 819870)
I'd like to join if I could

No problem; we have plenty of slots left.

Evilhomer May 14th, 2013 12:40 AM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting 11/18]
Instead of using the re-roll I suggest each player gets offered 2 random nation and then can pick the one they want. Would save some time since no request for re-roll slowing the start down.

revenant2 May 14th, 2013 01:08 AM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting 11/18]

Originally Posted by Evilhomer (Post 819911)
Instead of using the re-roll I suggest each player gets offered 2 random nation and then can pick the one they want. Would save some time since no request for re-roll slowing the start down.

Good suggestion. I'll give everyone a choice of two.

I'll send something out shortly.

revenant2 May 14th, 2013 02:10 AM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting 11/18]
Far below are the nation assignments.

I figure with only 11 of us that The Realm of Roaring Rhinos (no fixed starts) would be a good map, although we might need to revisit this if Ghoul and PsiSoldier both pick water nations.

If this looks good, I'll fire off the game tomorrow evening after folks have a chance to comment. Please let me know what nation you plan to pick so I can adjust the front page.

EA Fomoria, LA Ulm

MA Ashod, MA Oceania

MA Pangaea, LA Bogarus

LA Ermor, EA Agartha

LA Abysia, EA Ulm

EA Mictlan, LA Pythum

Jolly Roger
MA Ermor, MA Jotunheim

MA Pythium, MA Machaka

EA Niefelheim, EA Lanka

MA R'lyeh, MA Caelum

MA Marignon, MA C'tis

Jolly Roger May 14th, 2013 10:15 AM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting 11/12]
MA Jotunheim

Cheers, Klaus

mattyburn7 May 14th, 2013 10:28 AM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting 11/12]
LA Bogarus, please.

starcryst May 14th, 2013 12:16 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting 11/12]
LA Ermor

Lumix19 May 14th, 2013 03:50 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting 11/12]
MA C'tis

mattyburn7 May 14th, 2013 04:15 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting 11/12]
It looks like there are 2 evil clowns games on llamaserver. Appears to be a nefarious plan from Rev.

revenant2 May 14th, 2013 04:58 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting 11/12]

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 819930)
It looks like there are 2 evil clowns games on llamaserver. Appears to be a nefarious plan from Rev.

Hah. I had some technical difficulties when I was playing around with the game settings last night. I think I need to redo them all (I set the games to 12 players), so please hold off uploading pretenders until I send out the official link later tonight.

Also, when I do send out the link, you're free to change your mind about your nation choice and use the alternative choice. For instance, I'm likely going to go EA Fomoria, but there's a small chance I might go LA Ulm.

I'll update the list after the game starts.

revenant2 May 14th, 2013 05:25 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting 11/12]

Originally Posted by revenant2 (Post 819932)

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 819930)
It looks like there are 2 evil clowns games on llamaserver. Appears to be a nefarious plan from Rev.

Hah. I had some technical difficulties when I was playing around with the game settings last night. I think I need to redo them all (I set the games to 12 players), so please hold off uploading pretenders until I send out the official link later tonight.

Also, when I do send out the link, you're free to change your mind about your nation choice and use the alternative choice. For instance, I'm likely going to go EA Fomoria, but there's a small chance I might go LA Ulm.

I'll update the list after the game starts.

Actually, it looks like I can force a game start even if the maximum number of players aren't ready, so we're actually ready to go on http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo....me=Evil_Clowns.

I delete the previous EvilClowns to avoid any confusion. Go ahead and begin uploading pretenders.

Apologies for being a newb about this; this is my first game I've created on the Llama server.

sansanjuan May 14th, 2013 10:57 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Recruiting 11/12]
MA Machaka

Ossa May 15th, 2013 02:49 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Uploading Pretenders]
EA Niefel

revenant2 May 15th, 2013 05:51 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Uploading Pretenders]
I've updated the main page with everyone who has updated a pretender to this point. We're still waiting uploads from the following folks:


I'm hoping we can start the game by tomorrow evening.

We also have space for one more person if anyone is interested, although we should be fine with 11 as well.

revenant2 May 16th, 2013 09:15 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Uploading Pretenders]
We're waiting on one more nation to upload their pretender. If I don't hear from them and they don't upload their pretender, I'm going to manually start the game tonight at around midnight Pacific.

sansanjuan May 17th, 2013 01:24 AM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Uploading Pretenders]
Could someone post a link to the Realm of Roaring Rhinos map. Llamaserver has map in catalog but no link I could find.

I saw this zip posted by Calahan. Is this the version?


revenant2 May 17th, 2013 03:16 AM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [Uploading Pretenders]

Originally Posted by sansanjuan (Post 820031)
Could someone post a link to the Realm of Roaring Rhinos map. Llamaserver has map in catalog but no link I could find.

I updated the first summary post with a link to the MAP. I also increased the Hall of Fame from 10 to 15 and extended the hosting interval from 24 to 28 hours.

The game has officially started. Good luck everyone.

TheHeatMiser May 24th, 2013 03:35 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [In Progress]
Could you extend the next timer by 24hours please? Im going camping 2nite so im not sure what time I will be back tomorrow. thanks!

revenant2 May 24th, 2013 03:54 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [In Progress]

Originally Posted by TheHeatMiser (Post 820214)
Could you extend the next timer by 24hours please? Im going camping 2nite so im not sure what time I will be back tomorrow. thanks!

Sure. I'll extend after the next turn.

sansanjuan May 24th, 2013 06:15 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [In Progress]
Bravo on game pace. I'm sure we'll have a bunch of delays as summer kicks in but awesome we've gone this far this fast.

revenant2 May 24th, 2013 07:46 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [In Progress]
At the request of TheHeatMiser, I've extended hosting to 03:37 GMT on Monday May 27th.

sansanjuan May 28th, 2013 08:23 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [In Progress]
Kudos to the Ermorian hordes. Even though I screwed up the NAP countdown :doh: it wouldn't have mattered. Hats (and heads) off to the undead!

Newly installed Machaka minister of counting

Jolly Roger May 31st, 2013 12:05 PM

Important !!
Hi Revenant,

something must be wrong with my email address set for this game.

I don´t receive turn files anymore.

Requested two times for resending file, but didn´t work.

Please postpone the next turn until this issue is fixed.

I´ll send my email address by PM.



Jolly Roger May 31st, 2013 12:27 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [In Progress]
Received file now.

Very strange.



revenant2 June 8th, 2013 03:47 AM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [In Progress]
I need a pair of "Boots of the Messenger". If anyone can hook me up (hopefully this coming turn), I'll gladly pay the crafting cost and a fair fee. Please PM if you're interested.

sansanjuan June 12th, 2013 11:55 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [In Progress]
Good game all. The spiderfolk have been crushed between the Abysian/Ermor hordes. The cap castle battle was a good time. Wish my growing fury would have lit off. Sad to have my kitted and unscratched bane run away. Que sera.

Evilhomer June 13th, 2013 03:01 AM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [In Progress]
Good game sansanjuan.

starcryst June 13th, 2013 05:10 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [In Progress]

Originally Posted by sansanjuan (Post 820667)
Good game all. The spiderfolk have been crushed between the Abysian/Ermor hordes. The cap castle battle was a good time. Wish my growing fury would have lit off. Sad to have my kitted and unscratched bane run away. Que sera.

Yeah you ate my first army that tried to tackle your cap pretty good. Note to self, don't attack defended castles with Ermor without heavy mage support...

Good game.

revenant2 June 13th, 2013 07:39 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [In Progress]

Originally Posted by sansanjuan (Post 820667)
Good game all. The spiderfolk have been crushed between the Abysian/Ermor hordes. The cap castle battle was a good time. Wish my growing fury would have lit off. Sad to have my kitted and unscratched bane run away. Que sera.

Ermor has quite a few fear inducing units that can cause problems for thugs. A few turns ago one of my not-so-manly thugs tangled with one of Ermor's Wraith Centurion's and a small horde of assorted uglies, and fought for a couple of turns before turning tail and running away in terror.

It's probably too late for you, but using Fire Plate and a Dragon Helmet gives +7 morale and fire immunity for only 10 fire gems, which might come in handy against Abysia as well.

Evilhomer June 13th, 2013 11:18 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [In Progress]
Nation of LA abysia is looking for trades;

Offer 43 water gems for 30 gems of air/earth/death/astral (any mix).

Offer ring of Wizardry for 65 air gems (or mix with mostly air gems and some earth/death/astral is possible). (one time offer)

Send pm if interested.

EH / LA Abysia.:bug:

TheHeatMiser June 14th, 2013 09:45 AM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [In Progress]
Hello I will be away from my computer. For the next turn can I get a turn delay until Sunday night eastern standard time? thanks

revenant2 June 14th, 2013 01:55 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [In Progress]

Originally Posted by TheHeatMiser (Post 820701)
Hello I will be away from my computer. For the next turn can I get a turn delay until Sunday night eastern standard time? thanks

Turn delayed until 05:17 GMT on Monday June 17th.

revenant2 June 20th, 2013 06:29 AM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [In Progress]
Is everyone okay with this game pace? We're still on the original game clock of 28-hours, and we're well into the mid-game.

starcryst June 20th, 2013 08:18 AM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [In Progress]

Originally Posted by revenant2 (Post 820793)
Is everyone okay with this game pace? We're still on the original game clock of 28-hours, and we're well into the mid-game.

I need it to slow down a bit. Can we push it to be a bit longer? Also I need an extension for this turn. Work is crazy right now and I don't have time to get my turn in today.

revenant2 June 20th, 2013 04:08 PM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [In Progress]

Originally Posted by starcryst (Post 820797)

Originally Posted by revenant2 (Post 820793)
Is everyone okay with this game pace? We're still on the original game clock of 28-hours, and we're well into the mid-game.

I need it to slow down a bit. Can we push it to be a bit longer? Also I need an extension for this turn. Work is crazy right now and I don't have time to get my turn in today.

Sorry SC, I didn't see this until too late. I extended the auto-hosting from 28 to 52 hours.

starcryst June 23rd, 2013 11:00 AM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [In Progress]
No worries. Did affect much for me.

Evilhomer June 28th, 2013 05:40 AM

Re: Evil Clowns - Multi Era/Random [In Progress]
I will be going away for the weekend, can we postpone hosting until monday?

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