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Bullock May 15th, 2013 12:19 PM

Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
All players with a track record of at least few months of play are welcome (on shrapnel or somewhere else). The game will be relatively fast paced, so don't join if you lack the time for such game.

Map: TBD
Players: 6-12
Expected Commitment: High
Age: Multi
Diplo : Everything is allowed. Trade is binding though.
Turns: 30h increase on request
Mods: CBM 1.94 / Streamers & standards / Single Age
Gamelink: http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo.cgi?game=Dontstarve

Renaming: ON
Charts: OFF
HoF: 15
All other settings: Default

all settings can be discussed.

Disallowed exploits:
*Copying Bogus' orders and overfilling enemy lab to prevent his own forge.
*Probing armies with scouts/commanders must be done in such a way so as not to block movement.


Bullock - LA Ermor
Ossa - LA Marignon
Vargr - MA Pangaea
Ghoul31 - EA Niefhelm
Evilhomer - MA Ryleh
Rytek - MA Midgard
Jolly Roger - LA Jomon
Starcryst - EA Caelum
GFsnl - LA Ulm
Colonial - EA Ulm

Bullock May 15th, 2013 12:21 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - RECRUITING
It might turn to be a small game since a quite big one just started.
If you don't want to join because there is a LA Ermor let me know i'll pick pythium instead.

Ossa May 15th, 2013 02:50 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - RECRUITING
LA Marignon

vargr May 15th, 2013 03:21 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - RECRUITING
MA Pangaea, please

ghoul31 May 15th, 2013 05:36 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - RECRUITING

Evilhomer May 16th, 2013 02:14 AM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - RECRUITING
EA pangea

Bullock May 16th, 2013 07:00 AM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - RECRUITING
Welcome everybody.
There is going to be a lot of maneads in this game !

@EH back to the source ? ;)

another 3 players would be nice ! please come in

Evilhomer May 16th, 2013 07:29 AM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - RECRUITING
Pan is always fun to play but I plan to switch to a water nation if the map permits.

Bullock May 16th, 2013 07:45 AM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - RECRUITING
the map depends of the nations picks & the number of players so feel free to pick a water n.. you can even pick both, with multi era there is so many nations to choose.

Rytek May 16th, 2013 09:32 AM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - RECRUITING
sign me up. So many nations to choose from. let me think about it and ill get back.

Bullock May 16th, 2013 10:08 AM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - RECRUITING
It seems you haven't played the game for while. You should have a close look to the CBM Mod if you are not familiar with it. But welcome in.

For the map if we are <= than 8 players i 'm proposing parganos wrapped.


Game is up for pretenders


vargr May 16th, 2013 10:42 AM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - RECRUITING
If Evilhomer wants Pan I could take LA Atlantis, I don't really have a preference. Both are interesting and fine to me.

Does this version of Parganos still have those large low income (waste, mountain etc) areas? Could be an issue. But I'm fine with the map.

Jolly Roger May 16th, 2013 11:07 AM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - RECRUITING
Please count me in.

LA Jomon.

Cheers, Klaus

starcryst May 16th, 2013 12:01 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - RECRUITING
I'll take EA Caelum.

Evilhomer May 16th, 2013 01:59 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - RECRUITING

Originally Posted by vargr (Post 820002)
If Evilhomer wants Pan I could take LA Atlantis, I don't really have a preference. Both are interesting and fine to me.

Does this version of Parganos still have those large low income (waste, mountain etc) areas? Could be an issue. But I'm fine with the map.

Go ahead and pick Pan vargr. I will pick MA Rlyeh instead

GFSnl May 16th, 2013 04:13 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - RECRUITING

I'd like to play as LA Ulm.

vargr May 16th, 2013 04:38 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - RECRUITING

Originally Posted by Evilhomer (Post 820008)
Go ahead and pick Pan vargr. I will pick MA Rlyeh instead

MA Pan it is. I have a build almost ready, will upload tomorrow.

Bullock May 16th, 2013 04:57 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - RECRUITING

Originally Posted by GFSnl (Post 820014)

I'd like to play as LA Ulm.

Glad to see you in.

We have a descent number of players, i'm expecting to start the game tomorrow night, recruitment is still open until then.

Gentlemen, its Time to work on your pretenders !

Colonial May 17th, 2013 04:51 AM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - RECRUITING
Can I sneak in with EA Ulm?

Bullock May 17th, 2013 07:02 AM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - RECRUITING
Sure welcome in.

Rytek May 17th, 2013 08:52 AM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - RECRUITING
Ok, I have decided on MA Midgard.

Bullock May 17th, 2013 10:22 AM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
OP updated.

I think the previous map will be too small for 10 players. (~115L+15W)
Switched to realm of roaming rhinos (~165L+15W)

A classic but well balanced map with all sea connected for our water nation player. Feel free to bring some other map ideas or your map preference between those 2 above.

Without comment we go with the rhinos' map

Bullock May 17th, 2013 10:30 AM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
Recruitment is still open for a couple players.

Bullock May 18th, 2013 06:16 AM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
After some thought i think I'll switch back to parganos. Its 12/13 lands per land players + the wation nation. Sounds fair.

vargr May 18th, 2013 07:41 AM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
I'm ok with both maps

Bullock May 18th, 2013 01:03 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
Come on guys, i can't wait to see my skellies running everywhere !

Still waiting for 5 pretenders !

The map sounds quite unfair for the water nation in fact...(one third of the water province are not connected) so lets go for the rhinos' map with random spawn.

Colonial May 18th, 2013 03:52 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
I'm always one for a touch more spacious maps, the endgame is going to be sprawling anyway after all...

Ossa May 19th, 2013 04:13 AM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
Will send in my pretender now.

Bullock May 19th, 2013 07:01 AM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
8/10 ! Hurry up i'm starting the game as it is tonight.

Bullock May 19th, 2013 04:04 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
OK guys, game is about to start. (Rytek if you read me !)

It's a random spawn. So you are allowed to complain about your starting location, but you have to do so turn 1. Other players will judge if it requires or not a reset.

2 caps might be (very) near each others but there is plenty of space so try to befriend and look the other way !

Good luck gentlemen.

Bullock May 19th, 2013 04:46 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
i have a cap with only 2 adjacent prov. I can play with that but that means there is no restriction (or bad one) so don't hesitate to report bad/unplayable starting loc.

Rytek May 19th, 2013 06:13 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
ugh, I missed out? I am sorry I just came home from a training seminar. I was just going to upload pretender. OH well. Luck guys.

Bullock May 19th, 2013 06:16 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
There is still a probability that we have to reset, so stay tuned !

Bullock May 20th, 2013 10:32 AM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
Well it seems i was the only one with a ****ty starting loc. (but i don't mind with Ermor) and we have reached turn2 without any complaint.

But keep checking the forum Rytek i might start a new game soon.

Jolly Roger May 20th, 2013 01:14 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
My capitol has only 4 adjacent provinces. Below average but definetely playable.

Cheers, Klaus

Rytek May 20th, 2013 05:22 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
ok. good luck. I took too long trying to test out the new CBM.

Bullock May 28th, 2013 01:43 AM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
I'll be out for a 4days trip. I'll most likely have the time to get the turns in. But in case i can't, i will switch timer to 100h so the game might run as usual and prevent me from stalling.

Colonial May 28th, 2013 04:33 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
Anyone have extra air or fire gems they fancy trading for earth or nature? PM me

Bullock June 7th, 2013 07:18 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
Trading my F/W/N gems for D or S gems 1:1

Colonial June 7th, 2013 10:57 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
May I request a 24 hour extension? I have a travel day tomorrow

Bullock June 9th, 2013 11:36 AM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
oh sorry dude i missed your request, prolly because of the forum issues.

GFSnl June 9th, 2013 04:16 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
I won't have access to a computer with Dom 3 until Thursday 14:00 CET. Can I postpone until then after this turn hosts?

Bullock June 9th, 2013 10:01 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
Yeah i'll do my best to no forget.

Bullock June 10th, 2013 02:06 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running

I'm now trading my F/W/N gems for D or S gems 1:1.5

GFSnl June 11th, 2013 05:50 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
I managed to take another turn in an internet cafe from my USB but I'm still not back till thursday 14:00 so please extend again.

vargr June 15th, 2013 06:14 AM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
Sorry about the stale. I thought I had sent my turn in, but seems I didn't. Not at home atm, but I'll play my turn tomorrow in time for the planned hosting.

Bullock June 17th, 2013 11:43 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
Just to be sure i'm still trading my F/W/N gems for D or S gems
at a ratio of 1gem of yours for 1.5 of mine.

Colonial June 18th, 2013 07:01 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
hey, can I get another 24hour extension?

Bullock June 18th, 2013 08:08 PM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running

Originally Posted by Colonial (Post 820779)
hey, can I get another 24hour extension?


ghoul31 June 22nd, 2013 11:56 AM

Re: Don't Starve - Multi Era - Intermediate & vets - Running
can we change this to 48 hours?

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