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-   -   Fools Lament III (modded) - Started, v2.15! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=21899)

Soapyfrog December 5th, 2004 01:05 AM

Fools Lament III (modded) - Started, v2.15!
3rd in the series recruiting now! Should be a corker!


The intent of this mod is to enhance armies, both magical and mundane and to reduce the role of the super combatant. This mod also attempts to address some of the spells that considered by many to be highly efficient. It also reduces the effectiveness of some of the hoarding strategies which are commonly employed.

We're playing on the Peter Ebbesen modded Wars of Orania "Nasty Edition" map, with some slight modfications. We are shooting for a full house for maximum carnage... failing that excess slots will be filled with moderate or hard AI depending on how many.

Game Settings:

Indep Strength: 9
Research: very hard
Magic Site Freq: 50
Hall of Fame: 15
Graphs: off
Renaming: allowed
Victory: Standard

I want to try graphs off to see how it affects the political dynamic and reward diligent scouting. We'll be playing with a little less gem sites than the Last one, but the house restrictions we used are now dropped, in favour of the mod which should seriously curtail hoarding.

Current Player List:

Jotunheim - Soapyfrog
Pangaea - Nappa
Man - baboune
Tien Chi - Legacyspy
Ermor - anatoli11
Acrosephele - rex_havok
Marignon - Crash
Caelum - odd_enuf
Abysia - Jurri
Ulm - Knudsen
Pythium - Cohen
Mictlan - Bluebird
Ryleh - ckfnpku
Vanheim - Yossar
Matchaka - The Panther
Ctis - Jarkko
Atlantis - Reverend Zombie

Full House!

*** Note: Dec. 7th 2004 ***

I have updated the test mod to include Zen's latest changes to the spell and pretender conceptual balance mods.

If you have already made and uploaded a pretender, you will have to recreate him with the new mod file enabled.

Direct link to the mod here: www.soapyfrog.net/dom2/testmod16090.dm

*** Note: Dec. 20th 2004 ***

Server upgraded to v2.15.

Soapyfrog December 5th, 2004 01:07 AM

Re: Fools Lament III (modded) - Recruiting Now!
I have claimed Jotunheim. Nappa has claimed first dibs on Pangaea.

Remember when designing a pretender you must enable the correct mod in your preferences.

Please claim your spot in this thread before uploading, and DO NOT hit "Start Game" after uploading! Thank you http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

baboune December 5th, 2004 11:56 AM

Re: Fools Lament III (modded) - Recruiting Now!
I will join as Man.

Legacyspy December 5th, 2004 01:15 PM

Re: Fools Lament III (modded) - Recruiting Now!
If you dont mind a newb, I would like to take T'ien Ch'i

anatoli11 December 5th, 2004 01:51 PM

Re: Fools Lament III (modded) - Recruiting Now!
I'd like Ermor this time around (liked their lands so much Last game, I thought I would buy the house rather than renting!)

rex_havok December 5th, 2004 01:56 PM

Re: Fools Lament III (modded) - Recruiting Now!
i would like to try r'yleh

Crash December 6th, 2004 12:05 AM

Re: Fools Lament III (modded) - Recruiting Now!
I would like to try Marignon if that nation is still available.


odd_enuf December 6th, 2004 03:23 AM

Re: Fools Lament III (modded) - Recruiting Now!
is this PBM or on a server?
if it's on a server i'll take caelum

also, a couple other things, on the versin of ONE your using, as much as i like htat map there are a couple of problems with it, first with ulm, if you take iron faith or black forest you lose of the magic sites in ulm's capital, with man, the hama drayad man starts with has no home province, so it dies in 3 turns. Finally, i don't htink its possible to modify the spell research.
As for the mod, i couldn't dl it from the site listed

Jurri December 6th, 2004 06:45 AM

Re: Fools Lament III (modded) - Recruiting Now!
One might also note that with the mod Pangaea has an additional 5 nature gem income via the treelord and Mictlan an additional 3 blood slaves income via the FoB.

Anyway, I might try Atlantis.

Knudsen December 6th, 2004 08:54 AM

Re: Fools Lament III (modded) - Recruiting Now!
I'd like to give Ulm a shot, if you are still recruiting

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