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-   -   Ring mail hauberk vs. scale mail cuirass? (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=22457)

tinkthank January 20th, 2005 07:31 AM

Ring mail hauberk vs. scale mail cuirass?
Whats the difference between a ring mail hauberk and a scale mail cuirass?

Vicious Love January 20th, 2005 12:37 PM

Re: Ring mail hauberk vs. scale mail cuirass?
One's a hauberk made of rings, the other's a cuirass made of scales.

Kristoffer O January 20th, 2005 12:41 PM

Re: Ring mail hauberk vs. scale mail cuirass?
Resource cost. I don't remember the stats right now, but there might be a difference in enc or def. Res cost is embedded in the unit stats in dom2 (not so in dom3) and it might be difficult to calculate. I think I gave some sum up of different armors' resource cost once.

Agrajag January 20th, 2005 04:07 PM

Re: Ring mail hauberk vs. scale mail cuirass?
Im using a (bad) dictionary here, and I have these results:
A Hauberk is supposed to be a scale mail armor with no arm protection, so I have difficulty seeing how one can be made out of rings...
A cuirass is supposed to be a breastplate armor, which CAN be made from scales.
Can someone enlighten me as to the exact meaning of a ring mail hauberk and a scale mail cuirass?

Reverend Zombie January 20th, 2005 06:22 PM

Re: Ring mail hauberk vs. scale mail cuirass?
My dictionary defines hauberk as "tunic of chain mail armor." Merriam-Webster's Tenth Ed. Collegiate Dictionary.

Get a new dictionary.

Tuidjy January 20th, 2005 08:35 PM

Re: Ring mail hauberk vs. scale mail cuirass?
In the SoCA group I hang out with, we use 'hauberk' for any flexible sleeveless
armour, and 'cuirass' for stiff armours which cover either the chest, or the
chest and the back.

I should add that 'ringmail', at least in the sense we use it, is not
chainmail. It is made by sewing, or somehow attaching, relatively big metal
rings on some base (usually soft leather). Chainmail is made by combining
smaller rings, which end up holding onto each other.

As for cuirasses, we make them from stiff materials - metal, boiled leather,
or, sacrilegious as it may be, pLastic. Attaching scales on top of that would
be pointless.

As far as I am concerned, a 'scale hauberk' would be a sleeveless, soft leather
shirt with sewed-on scales. A scale cuirace would be the single scale of a large
reptile fitted with straps, so that it can be used as a breastplate.

tinkthank January 21st, 2005 08:31 AM

Re: Ring mail hauberk vs. scale mail cuirass?
Hey thanks.
I meant that these two items *in dom2* are identical in statistics (def, enc, prot) -- if they cost different resources, that is good.

Edi January 23rd, 2005 05:40 AM

Re: Ring mail hauberk vs. scale mail cuirass?
See the Weapons and Armor reference material I wrote. It has the rescosts for the different armors and several weapons as well, you can get it from Arryn's site.


PvK January 24th, 2005 08:57 PM

Re: Ring mail hauberk vs. scale mail cuirass?
A hauberk is an armored tunic (generally of chainmail outside of Dominions), and may or may not have sleeves of whatever length.

Q.v. merriam-webster.com, which adds about tunics, "a simple slip-on garment made with or without sleeves and usually knee-length or longer, belted at the waist, and worn as an under or outer garment by men and women of ancient Greece and Rome"

M-W gives Cuirass as, "a piece of armor covering the body from neck to waist; also : the breastplate of such a piece".


FarAway Pretender January 25th, 2005 12:06 AM

Re: Ring mail hauberk vs. scale mail cuirass?
So, if a character has an Arm cut off, does that mean that the Protection bonus from a ring mail hauberk should increase to more than for a scale male cuirass?


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