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Atrocities July 19th, 2005 12:16 AM

How many of you were able to see the premier episode for season nine of Stargate- better known now as Far-gate?

All in all it was a good episode, a bit short, less than 40 minutes long, and although there was only a short scene with O'Neal, the new cast members seem to fit right in.

Obviously there are some problems but over all not bad.

As for Atlantis, well that show was also good.

I really enjoyed BSG. Damn this show is just addicitively good to watch. I do hope they keep it on the air as it was a far better show, action and pace, than both of the SG shows.

Edit changed name of thread from FarGate to Stargate.

Colonel July 19th, 2005 02:24 AM

Well I have never heard it refered to as far gate in any case.

SG-1 Although O'neill leaves a gap in the show, just hope they dont screw up like they did in season 6 with a Jackson replacement, keep the new Colonel from acting like O'neill.

Atlantis- Good show my only problem with it is they are nuke happy- if you watch last season and this ones preimier you know what I mean.

As for BSG, I have seen the old ones which kept me leary when this show first came out but now I relize its great. as for the new ep. Great, one problem is their computers should have has record of the old jump spot and been able to jump to the old one.

Atrocities July 19th, 2005 05:17 AM

I like the Jackson replacement. And its referred to as Far-Gate because of Ben Bowder and whats her name.

About atlantis, the nuke they set off over the city, what do you think the fall out is going to do to the people that live on the main land of the planet?

As to Jump Spots, well FTL is not like mapping a route to the park. They could not extrapulate the jump distance and location from their new location. There is a certain degree of random drift that requires them to update coordinates. The fleets coordinates were not updated so they jumped to an entirely differant location than Galactica. The only way to find them was to return to point of origin, recalculate the jump and jump. There is a lot of real world physics involved. Moore is no dummy when it comes to covering his bases on the science of things.

To me it adds a degree of realism to the show that was sworely lacking in all of the ST series say for TOS. BSG is a great series thus far, and all I have read are good post about the show. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Wolfman77 July 19th, 2005 01:02 PM

SG-1, great season opener. Bowders Character seems alot like O'Niel so far, but if the writing is descent he should grow, and thats OK.

Atlantis, yes, nuke happy, but they seemed to work so I guess if they had them and didn't use them it would seem funny (They use them in BSG I think, as well as having them in B5,). It will be interesting to see if they address the fallout for the mainland. Given a whole planet and the fact that it is already established that the mainland is a fair trip away even by jumper, it wouldn't nessecarilly be an issue but I bet the writers can't pass it up.

BSG, Haven't seen a better writen show since B5, IMO. Never saw the first series though, too young. I was hooked when they left the ships behind that couldn't jump in the opener, addictive is an understatement. The scene with the little girl was just sad, they really make you feel for her. Thats what I call good writing annyway.

Iron Giant July 19th, 2005 02:12 PM

I never got into the SG series. When a friend told me he loved the show, I tried but I'm too far behind and don't get the references, so I've written it off.

BSG is ok but there are no good guys. Everyone is a jackass to everyone else when it suits them so I just don't care much if they live or die.

I grew up watching the originals and this new one has taken the nobility of purpose out and replaced it with a flippant, arrogant attitude. "Don't frack with me", "oh yea? Don't frack with me!" Oh yea, yea!??!, Don't fracking frack with my fracking blah, blah, blah, blah

I'm holding on to my interest in it by a thread bare string, and only because its the only SciFi I have right now. If they take a step off center or something else comes along, I'm done.

Timstone July 20th, 2005 02:37 PM

Ehh... excuse me guys, but what is BSG?

Wolfman77 July 20th, 2005 03:05 PM

Battlestar Galactica.

Timstone July 20th, 2005 04:13 PM

Aha, thanks for the translation.
Hmm... I must say I doubt if it is as good as the people here tell us. I do trust them, but I'm very sceptical. I've seen some episodes of the of Battlestar Galactica and I didn't like it at all, save for the miniskirts and the Cylons.
Thumbs up for the miniskirts! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Wolfman77 July 20th, 2005 04:52 PM

Yeah, thats the nature of Sci-Fi, you either like it or you don't. Everyone has different tastes. I do agree with Iron Giant though, they are all jackasses and they swear alot (yes, they change a few letters around, but the meaning is still there), but I'm still enjoying the show.

Renegade 13 July 20th, 2005 06:22 PM

But don't the majority of people swear a lot and be jackasses? Well maybe not the majority, but a enough to make the world a less pleasant place...

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