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-   -   Hello! Some questions about castles, please. (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=26043)

BigJMoney September 22nd, 2005 05:43 PM

Hello! Some questions about castles, please.
I'm obviously new around here (love what you've done with the place http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif ) and I had some questions about castles. I've looked all through the forums, and various fan-sites for HOURS now to get all the info I could before posing questions. Here goes:

What does this ROI stand for? I see you guys using a lot. I've figured out most acronyms, such as PD and MR, but this one has be baffled.

I've seen someone say that the Mountain Citadel has 32 "missile points", but when cosulting the manual, it says my Caelum Empire only gets 8 shortbows to defend a castle with. Does this mean that I can recuit up to 24 more archers to put in defense of the castle? Also, how do mages and priests function to defend a castle? Can they cast spells over walls?

Thanks for any answers,

=$= Big J Money =$=

shovah September 22nd, 2005 05:44 PM

Re: Hello! Some questions about castles, please.
i think the 32 missle points means it has 4 towers each with 8 bows or something to that effect

AztraGoth September 22nd, 2005 06:00 PM

Re: Hello! Some questions about castles, please.
Q: "Can they cast spells over walls?"
A: Yes

Shmonk September 22nd, 2005 06:02 PM

Re: Hello! Some questions about castles, please.
ROI should mean Return on Invesment. Meaning that is the castle worth the cost at pretender creation in regards to number of missle points / ease of defense (is the entrance to the castle narrow, making it harder for attacker to enter, or is it open like the watchtower and there is no wall whatsoever).

BigJMoney September 22nd, 2005 06:47 PM

Re: Hello! Some questions about castles, please.
Thanks for the info. I guess the thing about Caelum having 8 brossbowmen doesn't mean anything then. Also, I have read a lot of different sources of info regarding morale, but a few things still aren't clear:

Are morale "losses" recorded for the squad or for each unit? This is important in terms of how standards work.

Can multiple standard units' benefits stack? (ie. 2 standards will remove 2 morale losses per turn)

When a unit dies, who has to make a morale check? Every unit in the squad, or just each unit in the same square?

I might start a new thread (or revive an old one) if nobody sees my morale questions in this castle thread.

Thanks again,


NTJedi September 22nd, 2005 07:07 PM

about castles

Hopefully Dominions_3 will give some type of status percentage of total siege of castle. This way players can estimate how many days before storming is possible. Also it will give players an estimate of whether or not to increase the siege attack.

Molog September 22nd, 2005 09:27 PM

Re: Hello! Some questions about castles, please.

BigJMoney said:
Thanks for the info. I guess the thing about Caelum having 8 brossbowmen doesn't mean anything then. Also, I have read a lot of different sources of info regarding morale, but a few things still aren't clear:

It means the castle towers on your particular castle fire 8 arrows a turn. With Ermor it are 4 javalins and with C'tis it are stones and poison.

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