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This thread is for keeping track of winning nations and players of medium or large regular (non-blitz) forum games. Post the era, number of players, mods used, winning player and nation, and a link to the forum thread and your game will be added. Only games with at least six players will be included in the winning nations section, but feel free to include smaller games for the Hall of Honor. Ties are counted as a half point on the victorious nation chart. If you think you have made it to the Hall of Fame please let me know when you post the win.
<font color="green"> Victorious Nations </font> :clap:All Age Mega Game:clap: Winners: Zeldor - Game:Kingmaker - Players: 63 - Nation: LA Argatha - Mods: custom Early (56) Sauromatia: 9 Caelum: 5.5 Niefelheim: 5 Fomoria: 5 Lanka: 4 Mictlan: 4 C'tis: 3.5 Helheim: 3 Hinnom: 3 Kailasa: 3 T'ien Ch'i: 2.5 Vanheim: 2.5 Ulm: 2 Marverni: 2 Pangaea: 1.5 R'lyeh: 1.5 Argatha: 1 Arcoscephale: 1 Yomi: .5 Oceania: .5 Ermor: .5 Abysia: 0 Tir na n'Og: 0 Atlantis: 0 Mid (44) Pythium: 7 Pangaea: 5.5 Abysia: 3.5 Shinuyama: 3 Jotunheim: 3 Caelum: 3 Ulm: 2 R'lyeh: 2 Ermor: 2 Marignon: 2 C'tis: 2 Mictlan: 2 Arcoscephale: 1 Oceania: 1 Man: 1 Ashdod: 1 Machaka: 1 T'ien Ch'i: .5 Argatha: .5 Vanheim: 0 Bandar Log: 0 Atlantis: 0 Eriu: 0 Late (34) Ermor: 5 R'lyeh: 4 Marignon: 3 Mictlan: 3 T'ien Ch'i: 2 Utgard: 2 Abysia: 2 Man: 2 Patala: 2 Midgard: 2 Jomon: 1.5 Argatha: 1 Pythium: 1 Pangaea: 1 Caelum: .5 Ulm: 1 Gath: 1 Arcoscephale: 0 C'tis: 0 Atlantis: 0 Bogorus: 0 Mod Nations: Ulm Reborn: 2 Arga Dis: 1 <font color="red"> The Hall of Honor </font> Early Winners: chrispederson - Game: Betelgeuse - Players: 14 - Nation: Mictlan - Mods: CBM Winner: Executor/chrispederson - Game: Solar - Players: 10 - Nation: Mictlan/Ermor - Mods:CBM Winner: Psycho - Game: Momentum - Players: 12 - Nation: Sauromatia - Mods: WH Winner: P3D - Game: Noobieworld - Players: 6 - Nation: Mictlan - Mods: Better Indies Winner: Executor - Game: Playtime - Players: 11 - Nation: Lanka - Mods: none Winner: Karnoz/Executor - Game: Beer - Players: 17 - Nation: Neifelheim - Mods: none Winner: Psycho - Game: Greenrow - Players: 12 - Nation: Kailasa - Mods: none Winner: licker - Game: Byleswar - Players: 9 - Nation: Neifelheim - Mods: none Winner: Archaeolept - Game: Hellscape - Players: 8 - Nation: Hinom - Mods: none Winner: Juffos - Game: The Great Nooby - Players: 10 - Nation: Neifelheim - Mods: none Winner: Isokron - Game: Kickabout - Players: 12 - Nation: Sauromatia - Mods: none Winner: Redeyes - Game: Nightfall - Players: 8 - Nation: Caelum - Mods: Winner: Executor - Game: Blitzkrieg - Players: 8 - Nation: Mictlan - Mods: WH Winner: WingedDog - Game: Jotunland - Players: 10 - Nation: Arco - Mods: CBM Winner: Gregstrom - Game: Slow Boat to T'ien Chi - Players: 10 - Nation: Lanka - Mods: Winner: Tyrant - Game: DeadlyMedley2 - Players: 12 - Nation: Caelum - Mods: Winner: Evilhomer - Game: Paladin - Players: 8 - Nation: Hinnom - Mods: CBM Winner: Kadelake - Game: Strolling2 - Players: 12 - Nation: Sauromatia - Mods: WH Winner: JimMorrison - Game: BraveNewWorld - Players: 15 - Nation: Fomoria Mods: Winner: Calahan - Game: FreshMeat - Players: 10 - Nation: Fomoria Mods: Winner: Executor - Game: Sha-Bay - Players: 4 - Nation: Hinom Mods: no graphs Winner: Psycho - Game: LeafNoseBat - Players: 8 - Nation: Kailasa Mods:WH Winner: Hoplosternum - Game: Newbeitopia - Players: 8 - Nation: Fomoria Mods:WH Winner: Digress - Game: Feotan - Players: 12 - Nation: Sauromatia Mods:WH Winner: Renojustin - Game: Peccary - Players: 8 - Nation: Sauromatia Mods: none Winner: Baalz - Game: Dark Paradise - Players: 8 - Nation: Hinnom Mods: none Winner: yandav - Game: Manatee - Players: 17- Nation: Kailasa Mods: Winner: Fantasma - Game: Fruitbat - Players: 8 - Nation: Marvearni - Mods: WH, dead seas Winner: Niarg - Game: Khaldun - Players: 6 - Nation: C'tis - Mods: none Winner: Tuidjy - Game: DangerPudding - Players: 12 - Nation: Niefelheim - Mods: none Winner: Dimaz - Game: Question of Balance - Players: 10- Nation: C'tis - Mods:WH, CB 1.2, VPs Winner: Kadelake - Game: Strolling - Players: 13- Nation: Sauromatia - Mods:WH Winner: ano - Game: War of Dominion - Players: 12- Nation: Lanka - Mods: none Winner: djo - Game: Solstice - Players: 8- Nation: Fomoria - Mods: none Winner: Micah - Game: Rand - Players: 18- Nation: Fomoria - Mods: WH,CB, no diplomacy, anonymous Winner: Szumo - Game: DoomChicken - Players: 12- Nation: Argatha - Mods: WH Winner: IzzyZ - Game: Chupacabra - Players: 8 - Nation: Marverni - Mods: none Winner: Calmon - Game: Consecrated Ground - Players: 10 - Nation: Helheim - Mods: WH Winner: DrPraetorious - Game: Sophistry - Players: 21 - Nation: Niefelheim - Mods: none Winner: tie - Game: Mara - Players: 8 - Nation: Oceania/Yomi/T'ien Chi - Mods: none Winner: Micah - Game: Dolphin - Players: 15 - Nation: Ulm - Mods: WH Winner: Jurri - Game: BARK - Players: 14 - Nation: R'lyeh - Mods: CB + WH Winner: RicoRico - Game: Clash of the Newbies - Players: 6 - Nation: Sauromatia Mods: none Winner: Jazzepi - Game: Happy Days - Players: 11 - Nation: Niefelheim -Mods: none Winner: Micah - Game:Tempest - Players: 21 - Nation Helheim - Mods: none Winner: Jazzepi - Game:Ragnarok - Players: 12 - Nation T'ien Chi - Mods: none Winner: Wraithlord - Game:Wrath of Opposing Fates - Players: 12 - Nation:Caelum - Mods: none Winner: Amhazair - Game:The Middle Way - Players - 16 - Nation: Helheim - Mods: WH Winner: thejeff - Game: Newb EA Aran- Players: 8 - Nation: Vanheim Mods: None Winner: Jurri - Game: Dawnstrike - Players: 18 - Nation: Caelum - Mods: None Winner: johnarryn - Game: War is Hell - Players: 15 - Nation: Ulm - Mods: None Winner: Maltrease -Game: mid_spruit -Players: 10 - Nation: Caelum - Mods: None Winner: AdmiralZhao - Game: The Gold Lion - Players: 13 - Nation: Lanka - Mods: None Winner: Whollaberg - Game: Newbie EA - Players: 20 - Nation: Vanheim - Mods: None Winner: Frank Trollman - Game: Small EA MP - Players: 6 - Nation Sauromatia - Mods: ? Winner: Corwin - Game: EA Random Nations - Players: 16 Nation: T'ien Chi - Mods: none Winner: tie - Game: Newbie2 - Players:12 - Nations: Pangaea, C'tis, R'leyh, Caelum - Mods: None Winner: K - Game: Tyrande - Players:5 - Nation: Lanka - Mods: None Winner: LoloMo - Game: ManaBurn-Players:15 - Nation: Pangaea - Mods:CB, WH, hi $, res, sites Mid Winner: Gregstrom - Game: Joker - Players: 8 - Nation: Machaka - Mods: WH Humor Winner :D -Tifone (see thread) Winner: Redeyes - Game: Rothfuss - Players: 11 - Nation: Pythium - Mods: CBM Winner: DonCorazon - Game: Epic Battles - Players: 8 - Nation: Pangaea - Mods: none Winner: Agema - Game: Megatherium - Players: 9 - Nation: Pythium - Mods:WH, Epic Heroes Winner: Psycho - Game: Madcradle - Players: 11 - Nation: Caelum - Mods: none Winner: Archaeolept - Game: Dawn of War - Players: 19 - Nation: Mictlan - Mods: none Winner: Nimnio - Game: Exterminatus2 - Players: 15 - Nation: C'tis - Mods: CBM Winner: Juffos - Game: Storm - Players: 9 - Nation: Jotunheim - Mods: WH Winner: Calmon - Game: Rand Redux - Players: 13 - Nation: Ashdod - Mods: CBM, no diplo, random nations Winner: Evilhomer - Game: Hoeronica - Players: 10 - Nation: Caelum - Mods:random nations Winner: DonCorazon - Game: AndeanZorro - Players: 10 - Nation: Pythium - Mods: WH Winner: JimMorrison/ChrisPederson (tie) - Game: Glory - Players: 15 - Nation: Argatha/Marignon - Mods: WH Winner: Sum1lost - Game: Aquarium - Players: 15 - Nation: Mictlan - Mods: WH Winner: Xietor - Game: Fallacy - Players: 22 - Nation: Pythium - Mods: Velusion's Big Game mod (clam nerf) Winner: IndyPendant - Game: Silvan - Players: 8 - Nation: Ermor - Mods:CBM Pretenders and Scales, WH, graphs off, hard research Winner: Amhazair - Game: Uakari - Players: 12 - Nation: Arga Dis - Mods: WH, Skaven, Arga Dis & Tomb Kings mod nations Winner: Velusion - Game: TigerCat - Players: 15 - Nation: Abysia - Mods: WH Winner: Zeldor/parcelt (tie) - Game: Urapara - Players: 8 - Nation: Tien Chi/Abysia - Mods: none Winner: Lolomo - Game: Epic Heroes 2 - Players: 18 - Nation: Caelum- Mods: Epic Heroes, WH, gem item nerf Winner: IndyPendant - Game: Swarm 2.5 - Players: 8 - Nation: R'lyeh - Mods: CB 1.2, province control VP Winner: Twan - Game: King of the Isle - Players: 12 - Nation: Arcocephale - Mods: WH, cumulative VP Winner: Llamabeast - Game: Marmoset - Players: 8 - Nation: Ulm Reborn - Mods: New Ulm,Skaven, Arga Dis, Tomb Kings Winner: Wraithlord - Game: Hydrant - Players: 15 - Nation: Ulm - Mods: WH, CB Winner: Horst F. JENS/Cor2 - Game: v 3.08 Newbie Game - Players: 8 - Nation: Man - Mods: none Winner: Cor2/Baalz - Game: Bragi - Players: 8 - Nation: Pangaea- Mods: none Winner: FAJ - Game: Atla - Players: 7 - Nation: Abysia - Mods: none Winner: WraithLord - Game: Dagur - Players: 8 - Nation: Pythium - Mods: WH Winner: Amhazair - Game: Armadillo - Players: 21 - Nation: C'tis - Mods: WH Winner: Shuma - Game: SmokeyBat - Players: 14 - Nation: Shinuyama - Mods: WH Winner: Micah - Game: Rico's casual PBEM - Players: 16 - Nation: Abysia - Mods: none Winner: Xietor - Game: Epic Heroes - Players: 12 - Nation: Shinuyama - Mods: Epic Heroes, WH Winner: tie Llamabeast/Xeitor - Game: Alpaca - Players: 10 - Nation: Pangaea/Marignon -Mods: WH Winner: Szumo - Game: Jaguar - Players: 9 - Nation: R'lyeh - Mods: WH Winner: Baalz - Game: Afterthought - Players: 21 - Nation: R'leyh - Mods: none Winner: Ewierl - Game: Dark Matter - Players: 12 - Nation: Pangaea - Mods: none Winner: CUnknown - Game: Invisable Swarm - Players: 7 - Nation: Ulm - Mods: none Winner: Evilhomer - Game: Slow 10 Player - Players: 10 Nation: Oceania - Mods: none Winner: Calmon - Game: Faerun MA PBEM - Players: 17 -Nation: Ermor - Mods: VPs Winner: Teraswaerto - Game: neZ - Players: 10 - Nation: Jotunheim - Mods: None Winner: Ironhawk - Game: Concepts of Creation - Players: 20 - Nation: Pythium - Mods: CB .92 & WH 1.5 Winner: Wraithlord - Game: Jinxed Frechdachs - Players: 14 - Nation: Pythium - Mods: None Winner: Micah - Game: Undertow - Players: 12 - Nation: Shinuyama - Mods: None Winner: Llamabeast - Game: Small ME - Players: 4 - Nation: Ermor - Mods: None Winner: Frank Trollman - Game: MidEra Game - Players: 10 - Nation: Pangaea - Mods: None Winner: Solo - Game: Dessert Eye - Players: 6 - Nation: Jotunheim - Mods: None Winner: Tyrant - Game: Middle Aged - Players: 15 - Nation: Marignon - Mods: None Late Winner: Zeldor - Game: CrimsonSkies - Players: 12 - Nation: Midgard - Mods: CBM Winner: Burnsaber - Game: WildPansies - Players: 8 - Nation: Gath - Mods: CBM, no diplomacy Winner: WraithLord - Game: Victoria - Players: 15 - Nation: Patala - Mods: none Winner: Revolution - Game: Discharge - Players: 15 - Nation: Patala - Mods: CBM, No Ermor, no R'yleh Winner: Archaeolept - Game: Wheel of Time - Players: 12 - Nation: Joman - Mods: CBM Winner: fungalreason - Game: Artifact - Players: 16 - Nation: Utgard - Mods: CBM, Artifact Holder Winner: AreaOfEffect - Game: Collider - Players: 8 - Nation: Man - Mods: Winner: Toran - Game: Methadone - Players: 6 - Nation: Abysia - Mods: CBM Winner: licker - Game: Buggy - Players: 8 - Nation: Ulm - Mods: CBM Winner: Psycho - Game: Fallen Kingdoms - Players: 8 - Nation: Man - Mods: no Dreamlands or Ashen Empire Winner: Isokron - Game: Doomsday - Players: 10 - Nation: Abysia - Mods: CBM Winner: Revolution - Game: Coruption - Players: 8 - Nation: Pangaea - Mods: WH Winner: Sum1lost - Game: EmpiresRising - Players: 11 - Nation: Pangaea Mods: CBM, high income and sites, slow research Winner: DryaUnda - Game: Leomendor - Players: 9 - Nation: Ermor Mods: none Winner: karnoza - Game: Alexander - Players: 18 - Nation: Mictlan Mods: none Winner: DonCorazon - Game: Alexandria - Players: 12 - Nation: Tien chi Mods: CBM 1.21 Winner: Micah - Game: End of Time - Players: 10 - Nation: Ermor Mods: WH Winner: Calmon - Game: Fracture - Players: 16 - Nation: Marignon Mods: WH Winner: Profanicus - Game: VesperBat - Players: 15 - Nation: Midgard Mods: WH Winner: ano - Game: Highlander - Players: 19 - Nation: R'lyeh Mods: limited diplomacy Winner: Karlem - Game: Vampire Bat - Players: 8 - Nation: Mictlan Mods: WH, Dead Seas, no R'ley or Ermor Winner: Amhazair - Game: Sloth - Players: 19 - Nation: R'lyeh Mods: none Winner: Ironhawk - Game: Epotara - Players: 17 - Nation: Pythium Mods: CBM (Pretenders and Scales), WHM 1.8, Endoperez's "Quickfix", Streamers & Standards, Capitol VPs Winner: Kadelake - Game: Suricate - Players: 8 - Nation: Utgard Mods: none Winner: Megolbob - Game: Starfall - Players: 13 - Nation: Ermor Mods: none Winner: Tuidjy - Game: NeoXekinima - Players: 7 - Nation: Ulm Reborn Mods: all mod nations Winner: EvilHomer - Game: Discordia - Players: 18 - Nation: R'lyeh Mods: none Winner: Hullu - Game: Ventri LA - Players: 10 - Nation: Ermor Mods:CB + WH Winner: Xox - Game: Shadow People - Players: 15 - Nation: R'lyeh Mods: none Winner: Ramiro - Game: Hidden Signs - Players: 13 - Nation: Ermor Mods: none Winner: Meglobob/st patrick - Game: LE, Random, VP - Players:15 - Nation:Caelum/Jomon - Mods:none Winner: Micah - Game: End of Time - Players: 10 - Nation:Marignon - Mods : None Winner: Calmon - Game: Eventide - Players: 18 - Nation: Marginon - Mods: None Winner: Calmon - Game: The Quick & the Dead - Players: 11 - Nation: Ermor - Mods: CB 1.0 & WH 1.6 Winner: Jurri - Game: Dawggie Does Dominions - Players: 15 - Nation: Mictlan - Mods: None Winner: Meglobob - Game: Random Settings - Players: 12 - Nation: Agartha - Mods: None Winner: Jazzepi - Game: Epiphany - Players: 11 - Nation: T'ien Ch'i - Mods: VPs <font color="red"> All Age Games </font> Winners: chrispederson - Game: Ulmish Civil War - Players: 4 - Nation: Ulm - Mods: CBM Winners: Executor - Game: Timewarp - Players: 18 - Nation: EA C'tis - Mods: WH Winners: PsiSoldier - Game: Procyon - Players: 6 - Nation: Sautomatia - Mods: Winners: Zeldor - Game: Kingmaker - Players: 63 - Nation: LA Argatha - Mods: custom <font color="blue"> Team Games </font> Winners: WraithLord - Game:Qwerty - Players:22 - Era: Mid - Nations: Man, C'tis - Mods: Winners: Trumanator, Executor, Grudgebringer, Statttis, and SanSanjuan - Game:War of the Ring - Players: 10 - Era: Late - Nations: Sylvania, New Ulm, TC, Hoburgs, Arco - Mods: WOTR Winners: Micah & Lingchih - Game:Revenge of Pinping - Players: 16 - Era: Late - Nations: Ulm & Pangaea - Mods: Winners: Zeldor & moderation - Game:EpikBattel - Players: 10 - Era: Early - Nations: Mictlan & R'leyh- Mods: WH, cumulative VP Winners: Wokeye & Everz/Gowb - Game: Agouti - Players: 10 - Era: Early - Nations: Abysia & Lanka - Mods: none Winners: Micah & Shovah32 - Game: Allegiances - Players: 8 - Era: Mid - Nations: R'lyeh & Oceania - Mods: none Winners: Micah & Dr. Praetorious - Game: Allegiances 2 - Players: 12 - Era: Early - Nations: Caelum & Argatha - Mods: 15 turn global NAP <font color="purple">Hall of Fame </font> Player - Victories/Opponents Defeated 1- Micah 7/95 2- Calmon 6/78 3- Wraithlord 5/59 4- Psycho 5/46 5- Amhazair 4/64 6-Executor 4/45 7- Jurri 3/45 8- Archaeolept 3/36 9- EvilHomer 3/35 10- Jazzepi 3/31 11- Kadelake 3/30 12- DonCorazon 3/27 13- Zeldor 2.5/76 14- Xietor 2.5/36 15- Ironhawk 2/35 |
Re: Victorious Nation Data
Well, I claim Caelum as one of the strongest nations. Been that way since Dom1. Air magic is simply very powerful, and no one can use it as well as Caelum.
Two MP games I was in have been finished. 1. Dawnstrike: won by EA Caelum (played by Jurri, cumulative VPs were used. 2. ImpendingIndustry/LA random nations or some such: won by LA Agartha (played by Meglobob). Research victory. It was kind of funny as several people, including Meglobob and myself, had forgotten that the game had research as victory condition. He actually set himself to AI 1 turn before winning since he was losing a war. LA Agartha is strong too, powerful death magic, kind of obvious. |
Re: Victorious Nation Data
Also Teraswaerto forgets to mention that I was fighting 4 other players on 3 seperate fronts, LA Ermor, Mictian, C'tis and Ulm. I only went AI because the host/other players would not change the timer from 24hr (we were on turn 40+) to give me a chance to script my many multiple armies correctly. LA agartha is a strong nation given time, but can easily be knocked out early in MP and IS NOT TOO POWERFUL. LA Agartha is a good, well balanced nation. |
Re: Victorious Nation Data
Well, that's too true. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I didn't mean to imply that setting to AI made it not your victory.
Turn times aside, you were losing the war, quite understandably against multiple opponents. I did have the impression you'd have set to AI soon even with a longer turn timer, if you hadn't won the game that is http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif, but maybe I'm mistaken. |
Re: Victorious Nation Data
Dawnstrike - Finished with Jurri/EA Caelum the winner. I would not read too much into this as Jurri is a top player, any nation controlled by him is extremly dangerous. So its hard to say if EA Caelum is overpowered. Also it was culmative VP's which I and most other players in the game did not grasp the meaning of until it was too late. If it had been to the death, Jurri/EA Caelum may have been defeated by a multiplayer alliance.
Re: Victorious Nation Data
To further clarify, I do not claim that EA Caelum or LA Agartha are overpowered, simply that they are strong.
Re: Victorious Nation Data
But I probably would have still lost, if I had not won of course... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: Victorious Nation Data
Middle Era, Cradle of Dominion - Game ended turn 50'ish, with no conclusive winner. 3 possible winners were Ulm/Solo, Machaka/Twan and me/Man. I think both myself and Twan concluded MA Ulm/Solo would have probably won. He had 5 globals up and his army was virtually all summoned/magical troops, with a HUGE gem income.
Re: Victorious Nation Data
Re: Victorious Nation Data
2 games I was not playing in:-
Concept of Creation - MA Pythium won, (Ironhawk). Dawggie does Dominions - LA Mictian won, (Jurri). |
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