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lch May 13th, 2007 04:21 PM

Games that are looking for substitute players
This thread is supposed to contain info on games that are looking for substitute players. Newbies are encouraged to join running games as a substitute player because they can get their feet wet and get the hang of MP gaming. To quote:


Gandalf Parker said:
Hey! You new players! Grabbing one of these replacement slots is a great way to check out MP games without concern over comments. It will be scales you didnt pick, a pretender that might not match the way you play, and often a bad spot in the game. You have ready-made excuses if you dont do well, and plenty of room to crow if you do.

Don't get discouraged, sometimes even players in very good positions are looking for substitutes because they simply don't have the time to play anymore, or lost the interest.

Since I'm reading lots of game threads even if I'm not participating in them, I see the following common pattern alot:
  • somebody wants to drop out of the game because he doesn't have the time to participate anymore
  • he tells that he'd like a replacement in the game thread
  • the others continue playing like usual
  • after 5 more turns nothing has changed and either said player sets himself to AI or the host does it because he has been stalling all the time
This is happening far too often than necessary, I have seen it for at least half a dozen games by now. You can't expect that potential new players work through all the game threads to find a vacant position that they can fill. But there are lots of players waiting to play a new game, or take over a nation at least. If the host creates a new "looking for a sub" thread, then they usually have a replacement player within 24 hours, but most of the time they only change the title for their game thread, at most, and nobody signs up.

We should have a central meeting point for these games that are looking for substitute players and players that are looking for games to join, so this is the thread for it. Maybe a mod can sticky this thread if it turns out to be useful.

I'd like that whenever a game/player is looking for a substitute, that they should post in this thread with a short info about the open position looking to get filled, short info about the game, and a link to the game thread. If you get a substitute player or set the nation to AI later on, then please edit your post and state that you're no longer looking for the sub. New players, please respond directly in the game thread if you want to fill the position.

lch May 13th, 2007 04:26 PM

Parganos game
Let's start with something.

The Parganos game seems to be looking for a substitute for Jomon:


Here's the game info:
  • Using patch version 3.06
  • No mods will be in effect
  • Fast research on
  • Graphs on
  • Renaming on
  • Master Password in use
  • Other options - defaults
Players & Nations:
  • solo - Pangaea
  • ajr - Mictlan
  • arghaii - Jomon
  • cupido2 - Agartha
  • st.patrik - Man
  • Tuidjy - C'tis

lch May 16th, 2007 08:37 PM

NewDawn game
Bump, I'm looking for a replacement for EA Sauromatia in the NewDawn game.

Early Age game, using the NewDawn map, everything on default, 72h timer (maybe you could help speed it up by getting your turns in early), we're on turn 29 at the moment.

Your nation isn't one of the strongest factions (could be because there have been some stale turns), but the situation isn't hopeless either, others have it worse. You're even second-highest in number of provinces - nobody else likes swamps all that much. All the other factions seem to be at war with each other, you could make some allies and join in that fun.

If you're interested to take over the nation then please apply in the game thread. As long as no replacement has been found I'm going to input some turns myself to prevent stalling.

Edit: Seems like that position has been filled by CUnknown. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

Cor May 21st, 2007 05:45 PM

Re: NewDawn game
We may be looking for a replacement for Oceania in the Clash of the Newbies game. I say may because we have a deadline of May 24th to get a turn in.

Oceania is in good position, not winning not losing. Its around turn 55.

era: early
map: Aran
special sites 65
money /resource/ supply 100
rand events: common
score graph: enabled
Hall of fame: 15
Magic research: easy
victory conditions: Victory points 9
8 1vp provinces
each capital worth 1

renaming ON {edited by popular demand)

5 players

Cor- Arcoscephale.
Cupido2- Abysia
RicoRico- Sauromatia
jutetrea - Atlantis

Morkilus May 22nd, 2007 03:36 PM

Re: NewDawn game
Since the Perpetuality game is on a 24 hour timer, I'm going to need a sub for this weekend (Vegas, baby... Vegas!) from Friday to Monday. It's early in the game and I'm woefully ill-equipped to deal with even indies at this point, so it'll be easy turns to build up enough of Patala's crappy troops to take them on. Here is the thread for the game and server info:


EDIT: Found a sub! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

CUnknown May 22nd, 2007 04:25 PM

Re: NewDawn game
Hi, I am going to be gone next week, and I might need someone to take over my empire in Invisible Swarm. I'm the host, so I'll slow down the game timer, at least, so you'd only have to take like 2-3 turns.

Also, we will most likely need a replacement for Caelum in that game. Caelum is not in a bad situation, I don't believe, but Remmy hasn't been taking turns for a few days. He might show back up, but each stale turn he gets, it makes it less likely imo that he'll come back. We have been on a 24-h quickhost timer, so a few days absense is like 3 turns he's staled.

Edit: subs found!

Sandman May 23rd, 2007 04:04 AM

Re: NewDawn game
The T'ien Ch'i position in the Middle Way probably needs a sub. It's a pretty strong position, or so I've heard.

Amhazair May 23rd, 2007 12:31 PM

Re: NewDawn game
To use the words of the current T'ien Ch'i player (Hellboy):

For those considering the position, I would describe it as one of the stronger nations in the game, but well behind that of the leading nation, Helheim. T'ien Ch'i has significant resources to spend at I'm just at the peak of a long buildup of research/resources. I'll be happy to brief any player taking over in detail, via PM or email.

atul May 26th, 2007 10:07 AM

Re: Substitution needed (Perpetuality)
Edit: Substitute found. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I'm visiting the eternal city of Rome next week, from wednesday 30th of May to saturday 2nd of June, and I would need a substitute player for my nation in Perpetuality 62-player megagame.

Your mission, should you take it, is to ensure the prosperity of MA Agartha during the four days I'm absent. Currently MA Agartha can be described as "average", yet the situation is quite volatile as room for expansion is getting sparse. I foresee no big trouble in coming days, however surprises may happen. I will leave instructions how I wish to see my empire tended, but you may improvise if you want.

PM me for more details.

Gandalf Parker May 26th, 2007 11:59 AM

Re: Substitution needed (Perpetuality)
You might check in IRC. There are some expert players there that didnt want to join the game for fear of micromanagement later on. Filling in this early in the game would be perfect for them.

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