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LoloMo May 16th, 2007 08:53 PM

Perpetuality Trading House Now Open
The Perpetuality Trading House is now Open for Business.

The goal of this trading house is to provide a fast, efficient, and clutter free way to trade items for the 62 players of Velusion's Perpetuality Megagame. It seeks to capture the market for very common and specific trades only that are pretty much automatic.

1. After the initial discussion stage which will last 48 hours, there will be no posts on this thread which do not conform to the specified standard. That is, no comments that prices are too high, don't sell to that nation, counter offers, etc. Those can be posted on the original Perpetuality MP thread.

2. All sellers will post in the following format:
a. Nation Selling
b. (Item being sold)(#being offered)
c. Price (gold, gems, or another item)
d. Nations blacklisted from the trade
e. Turn item is posted
f. Status (sold to x nation, transaction completed, price adjusted, complaints if any, etc.)

3. All buyers will post in the following format:
a. Nation Buying
b. Will buy (# items) (which item) (from which nation)
c. Complaints if any

4. Alternative Selling or buying post in the following format:

MA Ermor wants to buy 1 Dwarven Hammer. Please PM price, will pay in death gems or gold. Lowest price in 24 hours gets my business.


MA Ermor wants to sell 1 Dwarven Hammer. Minimum bid 20 gems. Will take death or earth gems. Please PM your bids. Highest bid in 24 hours gets it.

******* Note, DO NOT POST BIDS ON THIS THREAD *******

4. All prices are fixed by the seller. There will be no haggling of prices on this thread, and no comments on how expensive/cheap an item is.

5. Items are sold to the first posted buyer not on the blacklisted list of the seller. The seller can not choose who he sells to except for those under his blacklisted list. The seller can not withdraw the item he is selling unless it is an obvious typo. (Except in the case of the private auctions, then obviously the buyer/seller can pick which deal he favors)

6. Items to be sold are considered to be valid on the turn the item is posted, and on the turn after the item is posted. After this, it is the seller's discretion if the item is still available for sale.

7. If you are the first posted buyer, you will immediately send the requested payment. The seller should send the item on the same turn, or the next turn at the latest.

8. Any violation of the rules of trading will be noted on the front post as a mark against a specific nation.

9. Use edits to update status on your buying or selling post.

Jazzepi May 16th, 2007 09:11 PM

Re: Perpetuality Trading House (Under Construction
2. All sellers will post in the following format:
a. Nation Selling
b. Dwarven Hammer(#being offered)

I assume this was just a badly formatted mistake. You don't really expect people to only be selling dwarven hammers? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif


LoloMo May 16th, 2007 09:27 PM

Re: Perpetuality Trading House (Under Construction
You're right! I'll edit it thanks, hehe it's a Freudian slip.

A post would look like:

MA Ermor Selling
Dwarven Hammer (1)
20 Death Gems
MA Marignon
Turn 3
Sold to LA R'lyeh, item sent awaiting payment.

lch May 16th, 2007 09:56 PM

Re: Perpetuality Trading House (Under Construction
You should at least prefix the entries so that everybody knows what you're talking about:

Nation: MA Ermor
Selling: Dwarven Hammer (1)
Price: 20 Death Gems
Except: MA Marignon
Start: Turn 3
Status: Sold to LA R'lyeh, item sent awaiting payment.

LoloMo May 17th, 2007 12:03 AM

Re: Perpetuality Trading House (Under Construction
BTW you can sell gems or gold also, for example:

Nation: MA Ermor
Selling: Death Gems (20)
Price: Dwarven Hammer
Except: MA Marignon
Start: Turn 3
Status: Sold to LA R'lyeh, items sent awaiting payment.

Evilhomer May 17th, 2007 08:27 AM

Re: Perpetuality Trading House (Under Construction
so, when can i expect my hammer and gems ? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

on a serious note, this sounds like a nice idea guys, it will keep the original thread from growing to large. As for the price of things i hope you can list several options with AND/OR. Also when you list a request to buy an item how will that work ? obviously you might not know what the potential seller might need, so can you leave that blank or what?

LoloMo May 17th, 2007 10:02 AM

Re: Perpetuality Trading House (Under Construction
Yep you can put and/or, but you can't leave the price or the item to be sold blank, or have some vagueness to it, because that would lead to negotiations which would clutter up the thread. Request to buy without a price can probably be put in the original thread.

Remember that even with this current system, if each player has only one item to sell within the first 15 turns, and assuming one buying response only, that's 124 posts already.

However, we can probably allow something like:

MA Ermor WTB Dwarven hammer, PM me to negotiate price.

(WTB means "want to buy", WTS means "want to sell") then the price negotiation is handled off this thread; there will be no public reply to your request.

atul May 17th, 2007 10:19 AM

Re: Perpetuality Trading House (Under Construction

LoloMo said:MA Ermor WTB Dwarven hammer, PM me to negotiate price.

I'd like to see that format allowed also, brings some flexibility to the system. Also it would make sure that people not spending 90% of their days browsing these forums would get a shot at buying something. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Also, would the following be ok'ed?

MA Ermor Selling Dwarven Hammer, PM your offer in death gems, minimum price 20, the best offer arriving within 24h accepted.

Uh, maybe it just was the course I took in the auction theory, but that should form efficient markets (the one who values the item most gets it while seller gets the best value for his sell). Or is it too complex?

LoloMo May 17th, 2007 11:45 AM

Re: Perpetuality Trading House (Under Construction
Yup I think that should be ok, since the prospective bids will be handled off the thread by PM only.

Maybe more posts will be along this line, you'll probably get better prices, but the time to complete the transaction will probably be longer.

BigDisAwesome May 17th, 2007 02:56 PM

Re: Perpetuality Trading House (Under Construction
I agree with you atul. That seems the best way to do it to me.

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