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Edi October 12th, 2007 04:33 PM

Dom3 Database - v3.10
The Dom3 DB has been updated to reflect the changes in version 3.10.

List of changes:
  • Entries for the new unit powers (heretic, reaper, plague carrier, storm, fire, cold & dark power) have been added and made visible.
  • New poptypes: Oni and Fir Bolg
  • New units: 108
  • New weapons (19) and armor (2)
  • New magic sites: 140
  • Corrections to existing entries (some errors may remain, as IW did not list each separate unit that got minor tweaks, hence I do not know about them)
  • Forts listed twice for ease of reference: By number and by name
  • Pretender Summary: added gold cost (point cost) column and new pretenders
  • Nations: all nation numbers, names, epithets, starting forts and start sites listed
  • Independents: List of independent units by category: Poptypes, magic site recruitables and site summons. Only ID and name listed as of yet.
  • Army List: updated and added Fomoria and Serpent Cult Pythium
  • Various minor updates and tweaks

The new file has been uploaded to the usual location. The file is named Dom3DB_310_RC-1.zip. It contains the DB in both Open Office (.ods) and Excel (.xls) format. The Excel version lacks a lot of the formatting of the Open Office version and is generally a pain in the arse to read because of all the zeroes due to a lot of the functions not working as they do in Open Office if they work at all. I really cannot be arsed to prettify it since I never use Excel unless I absolutely, positively cannot avoid it. The Excel version is provided "as is" and I will NOT support it in any way beyond that. I have no objection at all if somebody else cleans it up, though.

The discussion thread for v3.08 of the DB is here in case anyone needs to refer to it.

As always, feedback is appreciated and encouraged and will be diligently read. If you have any questions or suggestions related to the Dom3 DB, ask them here.

Zylithan October 12th, 2007 04:34 PM

Re: Dom3 Database - v3.10
feedback = thanks, you rock. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Gevaudan October 12th, 2007 05:14 PM

Re: Dom3 Database - v3.10
second that!

Morkilus October 12th, 2007 06:59 PM

Re: Dom3 Database - v3.10
That was fast!

Micah October 12th, 2007 07:11 PM

Re: Dom3 Database - v3.10
Thanks Edi.

Ironhawk October 12th, 2007 07:36 PM

Re: Dom3 Database - v3.10
Go Edi, go!

WraithLord October 12th, 2007 08:12 PM

Re: Dom3 Database - v3.10
Thank you Edi.

Now I rush to DL the DB...

Salamander8 October 12th, 2007 08:27 PM

Re: Dom3 Database - v3.10
Thanks again for all your efforts Edi! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif

Ballbarian October 12th, 2007 08:39 PM

Re: Dom3 Database - v3.10
Thanks Edi!

Edratman October 12th, 2007 08:51 PM

Re: Dom3 Database - v3.10
I was willing to wait a while for you to do this on a more reasonable schedule.

All I can say is thank you very much.

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