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KissBlade October 19th, 2007 08:09 PM

Suggested Changes to Bless Bonuses
Change Air 9 from Shock Resistance to Precision buff, like +4 or something. Air 9 is so niche but a precision buff would really be interesting I think for sacred mages and things like ancestral vessels =).

Death 9 to a fear weapon or a fear aura instead of it's current form.

Blood 9 to something else besides it's current crappy version.

Velusion October 19th, 2007 09:31 PM

Re: Suggested Changes to Bless Bonuses
I'll sign this petition.

One suggestion for Blood9:
Dying Breath: Upon dying it curses the attacker AND deals something like a single 12 point AN damage.

konming October 19th, 2007 09:49 PM

Re: Suggested Changes to Bless Bonuses
Or W9 F9 bless should be weakened. Like F9 change to fire weapon, but no additional damage, just fire effect and magical. W9 lessen quickness to 25%.

Warhammer October 19th, 2007 10:29 PM

Re: Suggested Changes to Bless Bonuses
I'm not sure I'd sign on to weakening W9 or F9 blesses. The A9 bless would certainly make things more interesting. Suddenly a nation like EA T'ien Ch'i would have a serious question on their hands regarding their bless.

jutetrea October 19th, 2007 10:43 PM

Re: Suggested Changes to Bless Bonuses
Order of power, IMO

Regen - although generally best for high HP units, even a 10-12 hp unit gains a slight HP regen and the affliction reduction to 1/8
MR - everyone can use more MR, not sure if i like the max of 18 (from manual)
re-invig - everyone can use invig, higher armor more so
+atk - frequently useful, although the increments are low
+def - less useful as can be easily reduced through swarming, unit dependent, existing high def gets much better
airshield - niche usefulness, but still good at low levels
+affliction - niche usefulness, +shroud can make even some spells even more effective
+str - more damage is good, but low increment and the increase doesn't seem worth it. Either the unit has high str already and its a small % increase, or low str already and the little increase doesn't help much

Many seem good at lvl 4 (i.e. +2 atk) but the increase at lvl 8 isn't that hot (+2 atk to +4 atk)

Major bless
Quickness - almost always good
Fire affect - magic weapon plus significant damage, plus burn
Berserk - very powerful, but also double edged.
+4 prot - nice, but doesn't seem to impact as much as above. Primarily good for mid-high prot units although some benefit to low prot units.
Twist Fate - Kind of good, but 1 shot benefit. AFAIK the hit doesn't have to do damage, just land to dispel TF making it less useful on high prot units. Needs a bit of a tweak up but not much.
Death weapon - magic weapon? 2 AN (or AP) AN is kind of nice, but 2 damage isn't that great. If it made the whole attack AN it might be too powerful. Possibly make full attack into AP? Not too great as is.
Lightning resist - meh, very niche. Possibly mirror image? Mistform being too powerful. +precision as above might work too, possibly +precision for minor and +80 airshield for major?
Death curse - meh, really needs to be changed. Very niche in usefulness

Seems like there is a large disparity in power, with F,W,N being great; E,S being ok, and the rest being weak in comparison.

To also be considered: a D9 pretender will get great value out of the path level with many death spells being level dependent and good high path cost spells. The same could also be said for B9, S9 and E9. Possibly pushing E,S up to the need no change level.

Add a state called partial ethereality - 40% instead of 75% for S9, or possibly luck?
Raise E9 to +5 or +6 prot
D9 to AP weps (or create a new weapon status for partial AP (similar to partial quickness)) Partial AP would reduce prot by 1/4 instead of 1/2. Or give all weapons a coat of poison/corrosion/disease.
B9 - no clue, but death curse kind of sucks. Possibly a minor drain life effect? 1/2 or 1/4 of current wep drain life. Possibly similar to 10% regen (lvl 6 nature) but gives a bit of invig as well.
A9 - 80% airshield, mirror image, lesser mistform effect, lightning weapon effect, or lightning shield effect (either similar to fire sheild, or a type of charge body that doesn't affect the sacred for a 1 shot attack ala reverse twist fate)

Endoperez October 19th, 2007 11:46 PM

Re: Suggested Changes to Bless Bonuses
Curse Luck from Blood 9 would be kind of interesting. Ability to NEGATE LUCK, on thugs/SCs... that's good.

KissBlade October 20th, 2007 12:20 AM

Re: Suggested Changes to Bless Bonuses
I definitely think Life Drain for Blood 9 is VERY thematic and actually very very nice.

sector24 October 20th, 2007 12:41 AM

Re: Suggested Changes to Bless Bonuses
Personally I think the blesses go very well with the spells. Sorcery paths are typically very powerful and have weaker blesses while elemental paths have stronger blesses but fewer powerful spells. I'm not sure if it's meant to be that way or not.

Velusion October 20th, 2007 12:55 AM

Re: Suggested Changes to Bless Bonuses

KissBlade said:
I definitely think Life Drain for Blood 9 is VERY thematic and actually very very nice.

That would be nicely thematic but I'd be worried about it being tooooo nice...

I think if it was limited in some way it would be pretty sweet.

Sombre October 20th, 2007 12:58 AM

Re: Suggested Changes to Bless Bonuses
You can't make D9 give fear 0, it's just too strong. I think death and astral blesses are fine the way they are. Air bless on the other hand - I think precision would be interesting for that.

What if B9 gave some form of blood vengeance? Would it be too strong?

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