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Hidden Mod Commands?
Does anyone know of any mod commands that work but are not documented in the manual?
#clearpath still works, for example, there may be others. I'm particularly interested if it is possible to modify coastal recruitment for amphibious nations and/or underwater recruitment for land nations. |
Re: Hidden Mod Commands?
What does #clearpath do exactly? Same as #clearmagic?
Re: Hidden Mod Commands?
Oh and no, I haven't found any hidden ones. Hard to know how to look.
Re: Hidden Mod Commands?
I believe that #clearpath also strips the pathcost and available-as-pretender flags from a pretender.
Re: Hidden Mod Commands?
#clearpath is not in the documentation, but #clearmagic is. is this a relabeling?
Re: Hidden Mod Commands?
I don't believe there are actually any commands hidden, but maybe this list is of use to you...
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>$ strings /opt/dominions3/dom3_x86 | grep -o "^[a-z]*$" | sort | uniq abort accept additem addname addreccom addrecunit addspell aiinit aked allies allowedplayer allr alls alos ambidextrous ames amid ande ando animal animalawe annof antimagic anything aponf aquatic argaf armageddon armornegating armorpiercing army artefact artifact assa assassin athr ator atri attacker aute banishment basa battlemaps berserk bind bless bliz bloo bloodnation bodyguards boltf boots brief broth brus burn buro cancel cannotwin castledef castleprod castor castspell cave cent ceph charge charm chmod chus clear clearmagic clearnation clearrec clearsites clearspec clearspell closedir cocytos coldblood coldincome coldres coldsupply commoners comname computerplayer confusion connect constlevel copper copyright cora courage cratf crusherknack ctli ctor curse custommagic damage deathdeath deathincome debug decay deepfort deepsea default defaultfort defaultmapzoom defense demo deployunits descr desiccation dimensions ding disease diseasecloud disintegrate dium dominionstr domsummon domversion dough douse dust dvar dyingdom earthpower egarf ekagf eliuf ella emer enfpos entangle epithet estef etat ethereal eventisrare everyone everything evilcom exit experience expertleader expertmagicleader expertundeadleader explspr eyeloss eyes faguf farmfort farstrike fatiguecost fclose fcntl fear feat female ffffff fgets fight findmaps fireres fireshield firstshape flail flightspr flush flushopengl flying fopen forest forestfort forestmountain forestsurvival forgebonus fprintf fputc fread free friends frighten frost fscanf fsds fseek ftell fumi fwrite gallf gameinfo gcost gemprod genef genocide getenv getfreearmynr gethostbyname gethostname gfff gffff gfffj good goodcom goodleader goodmagicleader goodundeadleader graphics gwen hach hard hart hazif healer heat hegof helmet here herself himself hitpoint hnugf holo homecom homemon hops horror horrormark hrer hronf hter htze huge hula hulf iate iceprot idealcold illusion imagefile immortal impflock inanimate incunrest independents indepflag inferno inio inys ireb iron irya ishtf itemslots ival jdho jtbf kiel killfeatures kkurkalfe knownfeature landname lipo liqu listen lmgunnar lner localtime lsung ltzif luckevents lwolf lzhtest magicbeing magicboost magicskill mainlevel mainpath malloc manual mapinfo mapmove maptextcol maxage mcost memcpy memmove memset meus military militia mini miscellaneous misfortune missingdescriptions mkdir mmap mountainfort mountainsurvival mounted naga nanosleep nder ndul neednoteat neighbour neou newarmor newlords newmonster newsite newweapon nhelm nherf nion nobadevents nodeathsupply noheal nohomelandnames noitem noleader nomagicleader nonamefilter nopreach norm nostart nostr noundeadleader nratt nreff nter nuffin numb nund oatl ogal okleader okmagicleader okundeadleader older ommaf onfe onsk oods opendir opposition orca ormflock otyr ozrof pathcost pathf pathlevel peasants people perror phlo phonf physic pillagebonus pillf plain plains pois poisonarmor poisoncloud poisonres poll pooramphibian poorleader poormagicleader poorundeadleader poppergold poptype populace population prec precision pretender programming publishing putchar puts pyth quiet rael rand randgod randomequip randomevent rawsound rbodf rcost rdis read readdir readinfo reatf recv refresh regeneration reinvigoration reloadopengl remove rena researchbonus researchlevel researchscale resnewpack resourcemult ressize restricted restrictedgod retreat rewind rewinddir rger riches rios rknef rmaif rmdir rnak roma rone rradf rund rvard sacrificedom sailing scenario seal secondaryeffect secondaryeffectalways secondarylevel secondarypath secondshape secondtmpshape seduce seiof selectarmor selectitem selectmonster selectnametype selectnation selectsite selectweapon send serp setland setlinebuf shapechange shatter shock shockres showteam siegebonus sien silver sinniktok skogoth skyb slime slothincome slothresources sman snjaf socket something specstart spellbook spreaddom squad srand sscanf staff standard startage startcom startdom startfort startscout startspell starv stderr stdout stealthy sticf stop stor stos strcasecmp strcat strcmp strcpy strippath strlen strncasecmp strncat strncmp strncpy stronger strrchr strstr success succubus summary superiorleader superiormagicleader superiorundeadleader supplybonus supplymult sura swamp swampfort swampsurvival swapteams sysconf system teamf teamj temperate terrain test thild thou thro throf thruf thudf times tora trample turmoilevents turmoilincome tvid twis undead unkn unknown unresthalfinc unresthalfres unused updinfo usma uwfort uwnation vataf verd victim victorycondition victorypoints viewmagic vsnprintf vsprintf warmatrix waste wastesurvival wealth were whatever wrap wraparound ymouf yocaf ytes zalc zard</pre><hr /> I don't believe there's such a thing as "clearpath", but there is "clearspell" which isn't listed because it was replaced by "clear", I guess. |
Re: Hidden Mod Commands?
That was difficult to reconcile with the fact that I tested a mod with "#clearpath" in it and it still worked.
Of course, what it *did* was, it cleared the entire profile, so then I checked, and behold, the engine recognizes #clearwanker or #clearyomomma as well. So I guess that's just interpreted as #clear. |
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