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Beorne March 29th, 2008 02:43 PM

Communion questions
I've read the very long thread on communions but there is something I don't have unserstood well yet.
1- If a communion master casts, for example, body ethereal, the slaves are affected too?
2-Other masters gain buffs benefit too?
3-Is this true even if the caster casts the buff before entering in communion?
4-Is The master fatigue shared only between the slaves?
5-How the fatigue is distribuited if the slaves casts some spell?
6-Does the slaves gain the magic bonus too?

thejeff March 29th, 2008 02:56 PM

Re: Communion questions
1) Slaves gain actual self buffs a Master casts. Body Ethereal is a bad example, since it's really AoE 1. Personal Luck would work. Luck would not.

2) Other masters do not gain buffs.

3) Slaves only gain buffs the master casts while he and they are in communion.

4) The master casting the spell and all the slaves split the fatigue.

5) Fatigue from a slave casting goes to that slave.

6) Slaves only gain the communion path bonuses for the purpose of absorbing fatigue from the Master's spell. Any spells they cast are at their normal path levels.

Path booster spells, Power of the Spheres, Summon Earthpower, etc count as self-buffs, so slaves get the boost from them even for casting their own spells.

Corwin March 29th, 2008 05:10 PM

Re: Communion questions

thejeff said:
1) Slaves gain actual self buffs a Master casts. Body Ethereal is a bad example, since it's really AoE 1. Personal Luck would work. Luck would not.

2) Other masters do not gain buffs.

3) Slaves only gain buffs the master casts while he and they are in communion.

4) The master casting the spell and all the slaves split the fatigue.

5) Fatigue from a slave casting goes to that slave.

6) Slaves only gain the communion path bonuses for the purpose of absorbing fatigue from the Master's spell. Any spells they cast are at their normal path levels.

Path booster spells, Power of the Spheres, Summon Earthpower, etc count as self-buffs, so slaves get the boost from them even for casting their own spells.

Hold on, I remember that communion slaves were unable to cast spells or attack while their masters are present on the battlefield (or perhaps while masters were casting spells - I am not sure). At least that's how it used to work about a year ago. Has it been changed?

thejeff March 29th, 2008 05:34 PM

Re: Communion questions
There have been a bunch of threads about this. There's a communion guide floating around.

The short of it is:
A slave who acts before any master casts a spell will cast normally. Commanders act in the order on the army setup screen. So if your masters are at the bottom you can get the slaves to cast.

It's always been that way. It's apparently unintended. It's listed on the bug shortlist, but it seems to be commonly accepted.

Beorne March 31st, 2008 05:40 AM

Re: Communion questions
One last ... do masters gains buffs casted by slaves?

Beorne March 31st, 2008 05:41 AM

Re: Communion questions
One last ... do master gains buffs casted by slaves?

Beorne March 31st, 2008 05:41 AM

Re: Communion questions
One last ... do masters gain buffs casted by slaves?

PS: sorry for the three in a row ... my browser wasn't reactive so I cliked ...

Niarg March 31st, 2008 06:00 AM

Re: Communion questions

thejeff said:6) Slaves only gain the communion path bonuses for the purpose of absorbing fatigue from the Master's spell. Any spells they cast are at their normal path levels.

Are you sure about that?
Read the section on reverse communions in the big thread, this very strongly suggests that the magic levels of the slaves are boosted, otherwise there would be no point in reverse communions. Does anyone have any confirmation of how this really works (preferably ASAP as I'm going into a big battle using communions and I'd like to know how they work).

vfb March 31st, 2008 06:04 AM

Re: Communion questions
thejeff is right. That's the point of normal communions, the slaves boost the masters.

Slaves are only boosted by masters if the master casts a path-boosting buff:

Power of the Spheres
Summon Earthpower
Phoenix Power

capnq March 31st, 2008 11:00 AM

Re: Communion questions
For reference, the big Guide to communions thread.

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