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This is a placeholder for a Nation that's going to take a looong time to complete (since I want to adapt certain vanilla sprites to fit it), if I ever get around to actually finishing it.
In the meantime, it's a handy spot for me to write ideas down as they come to me. This is a MA demonic nation who will have access to Fire, Blood, Death, and Earth magic paths, only. These will be further limited/reduced, as while this is intended to be a very magical Nation, it's strength lies more in it's wildly diverse Summons, and strong Blood-forging, and less in it's combat magic. It will have remarkabe PD, but it's aggressive capabilities will be low for most of the game, and most of it's few recruitable units will be Capital Only. Basically, it's ideas from either my brain, or sources that I've either forgotten or half-remembered, but it's easy to see that this is a Nation based around Christian occultism-specifically demonology. Some mild influences have come from the game Magic: The Gathering, as well, and I've decided to attempt to strengthen, rather than reduce, the connection. Features: Excellent blood-forging, but (for a blood Nation) no good blood-hunting units. No specific Blood-Hunters, only blood mages who can-as an aside-hunt. Decent (but not spectacular) regular forging. Very good researchers. An enormous variety of summons, including some extremely powerful ones at very high levels. They get no (0) starting gems, but have a bonus to gold production. 3 obvious, different Summoning paths-through focusing on the use of Fire+Earth, Blood+Earth, or Earth+Death. Each offers advantages, but trying to do everything this Nation is capable of, in a single game (especially MP) is almost certainly going to end in failure. PD: Consists of Obsidian Wights (undead remains of human skeletons, encased in hardened lava, armour-piercing claws, spiked carapace), and Obsidian Effigies (much weaker, but mildly similar to gargoyles, in that they have good Prot and fly, and have a gargoyle form--they can also spit flames over short range). Obsidian Wights and Obsidian Effigies cannot be recruited or summoned. They are led by Cinderwyrms (immobile artillery who can breathe obsidian shards), and Encased Spectrals (immobile mage/priests that have to be killed twice). Starting Sites: Le Grande Abbatoir-supply bonus 50, increases Death-enter to summon Charnal Thing Abyssal Oubliette-increases order-enter to summon Pit Thing Wetworks-increases productivity-50 resource bonus per turn-enter to summon Vat Thing The Hellbore-increases Heat, 250 gold bonus per turn. . Units: Non Capital Recruits: Imp (as per the summon) Flagellant (you thought they only worked for the good guys?) Ash Wight (undead remains of human corpses, scorched to ashes by hellfire, do decay damage) Manes (half-demon soldier that grows stronger in darkness) Non Capital Commanders: Homonculous (scout) Dark Knight (Manes commander) Dark Templar. Leader of the Manes with priestly powers. Succubus (as per the summon) Diabolist. Minor mage. Capital Recruits: Sniper Imp (imp armed with x-bow) Gremlin (sacred imp armed with hammer, tongs, weapons do double damage to constructs (crushers, golems, etc)) http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/attac...1&d=1227690472 Hell's Gaoler (demonic pig-man armed with manacles, defensive bonus +2, patrol bonus +2) Capital Site-recruitment: Vat Spawned (Vat Spawned can shapechange into a Slime Thing-elemental like critter that only lasts 1 combat) Pit Spawned (Pit Spawned can shapechange into a Pit Thing-immobile, no teleport PD booster-which will produce more Pit Spawned, in combat only) Charnel Spawned (Charnel Spawned is basically a corpse man with cleavers for hands-but can shapechange into a Butcher Thing, an immobile, undead priest 1/PD booster who can resurrect ghouls) Capital Commanders: Demonic Tutor (demon mage with research bonus) Demodand (sacred 4 armed stone-being immobile demonic smiths-can teleport if empowered, but have no innate access to Astral) Demonic Engineer (demon mage with seige/defense bonus 25) Lord of the Pits (Thuggish Commander) Dark Prince (Cambion general, 80 Leadership, Awe.) Summons: Conjuration: Summon Ash Mephit (Conj 0-1 fire gem) Summon Steam Mephit (Conj 0-1 water gem) Summon Smoke Mephit (Conj 0-1 air gem) Summon Ooze Mephit ( Conj 0-1 earth gem) Summon Dust Mephit (Conj 0-1 death gem) Summon Salt Mephit (Conj 0-1 astral gem) King of Ash (Unique, produces Ash Mephits, Conj 2) King of Steam (Unique, produces Steam Mephits, Conj 2) King of Smoke (Unique, produces Smoke Mephits, Conj 2) King of Ooze (Unique, produces Ooze Mephits, Conj 2) King of Dust (Unique, produces Dust Mephits, Conj 2) King of Salt (Unique, produces Salt Mephits, Conj 2) Summon Salamander (summons fire salamander, ala EA Abyssia, Conj 2) Summon Lesser Magma Elemental (Combat only-Conj 3) Summon Lesser Sulfer Elemental (Combat only-Conj 3) Summon Lesser Obsidian Elemental (Combat only-Conj 3) Summon Lesser Soot Elemental (Combat only-Conj 3) Pillar of Salt (immobile construct with high Patrol, secondform releases Wailing Lady-Conj 4, Death 2/Earth 2) Summon Magma Elemental (Combat only-Conj 5) Summon Sulfer Elemental (Combat only-Conj 5) Summon Obsidian Elemental (Combat only-Conj 5) Summon Soot Elemental (Combat only-Conj 5) Living Smog (Combat only-Conj 7, Summons 4+ Sulfer Elementals) Living Ash (Combat only-Conj 7, Summons 4+ Soot Elementals) Living Lava (Combat only-Conj 7, Summons 4+ Magma Elementals) Living Glass (Combat only-Conj 7, Summons 4+ Obsidian Elementals) Hell's Fury (4 versions, functions like Earth Attack, each summons a different Dis Elemental type-Conj 8) King of Flowing Flame (Unique, Conj 8) King of Choking Stone (Unique, Conj 8) King of Ashen Snow (Unique, Conj 8) King of Crystal Ribbons (Unique, Conj 8) Revelation (functions like Earth Attack, summons a Volcanic Dragon with Fire 4/Earth 4-Conj 9) Notes: Obsidian Elementals have spiked armour, Magma Elementals have Heat Aura, Sulpher Elementals have Poison Cloud, and Soot Elementals do Dessication damage. Blood: Bind Barbed Demon (Blood 2-winged, spiked demons armed with harpoons) Bind Demon Rake (Blood 2-demonic satyr armed with fiery scourge, pillage bonus 5) Bind Malebranche(Blood 4-pale, cyclopean demons of earth with 2 venemous claws) Bind Incubus (Blood 5, demon that resembles (mocks) a Pan, summons Cambions-half-demons with Awe-Conj 5) Summon Rider (Blood 6, 4 versions, each summons a different unique Pale Horseman, War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death) Bind Cacodaemon (Blood 7-winged lava-demon, close enough to a Balrog for goverment work.) Midnight Orgy (Blood 8-summons 13 demonic satyrs) Mastema's Barbs (Blood 8-summons 18+ Barbed Demons) Claws of Malacoda (Blood 8-summons 3+ Malebranche) Melqart's Brood (Blood 8-summons a Blood Worm, a large, tough commander with a giant worm body with both Regeneration and a Lifedrain bite. High Blood Hunting if GoRed.) Unchain Malacoda (Blood 9-Unique demon lord) Unchain Mastema (Blood 9-Unique demon lord) Unchain Melqart (Blood 9-Unique demon lord) Construction: Dead Man's Cross (Summons a Scorpion, an immobile construct ballista that fires armor-piercing bolts. Const 0) Lead Effigy (Summons an undead warrior who has been encased in molten lead. Const 1) Pewter Idol (Summons a demon snake with lead skin and a poison bite. Sacred. Const 2) Bronze Idol (Summons a fiery demon minotaur with bronze horns and a golden battleaxe. Sacred. Const 3) Ormolu Idol (Summons Ormolu Harpy, a stealthy demon harpy with bronze feathers and golden talons. Sacred. Const 4) Idol of the Masculine (Commander demon minotaur with Holy 1/Fire 1. Const 4) Idol of the Feminine (Demon harpy seducer/assassin with Inquisitor 1, Holy 2. Const 4) Scythe Golem (bone and metal spidery construct, with 4 scythe arms) (Const 5) Chain Golem (somewhat similar to Dark Vines, only made from living chains) (Const 5) Obsidian Golem (Spiked Armour, 2 poison fist attacks) (Const 6) Infernal Machine (Const 7) Juggernaut-like trampler that produces Lead Effigies Furnace Golem (Constr 7) Iron Golem with heat aura. Metal Molokh. (Const 8) Sacred golem-like beings with 4 arms. Intended to be a top SC chassis. Will cost 40 fire gems. Earth Be As Lead (Const 8) Summons 18+ Pewter Idols Heavens Be As Bronze (Const 8) Summons 9+ Bronze Idols. Moon Be As Blood (Const 8) Summons 6+ Ormolu Idols. Sum of all Evils (Const 9) Summons the Loc-Nar, an unique, immobile construct with 8 Astral, casts Arcane Domination at the start of battle. 1 Hp. Fear0/Awe0. Blind. Resist Fire, Cold, Poison, Shock 150%, Stealth 30, Inquisitor 3, Popeating 25, Generate Unrest 250, Province Madness 30, Voidsanity 20. Att: Consume Soul. Alteration: Hellswarm (Alt 4, combat only, requires blood 2, death 2, summons 20+Locusts) Other spells: Evocation: Brimstone Bolt (Evo 1, A1/F1. Fire 1, Weak Poison. Range 15) Brimstone Strike (Evo 2, A2/F2. Area 1, Fire 3, Strong Poison, Range 10) Brimstone Burst (Evo 3, A3/F3. Area 3, Fire 5+, Strong Poison, 1 Sulpher Haze cloud, Range 5) Rain of Brimstone (Evo 7, A5/F5. 3 Earth gems. 50+ attacks of Brimstone Bolt.) Heroes: Obsidian General (leader of the human forces that were consumed by the Hellbore) The Cindermist (malevolent entity, made up of the ashen flesh of all those consumed by the Hellbore) The Lady of Blades (self-healing succubus assassin) Demonflesh Golem (immortal, armoured golem made from parts of other demons) Chemosh (Demon King-in-Exile) Hellspawned (A stealthy assassin that, while effective on it's own, will also transform permanently into a neutral unit powerful enough to shut down most Provinces-for you and for whoever you inflict it on, atleast for a while. So basically, the equivalent of a tactical nuke. It can transform voluntarily, but will also transform automatically, if killed, so you have to be very careful not to "set it off" inside-for instance-Dis's home Province, because it's strong enough to take on pretty much anything that isn't prepaired for it-Dis included-before the late game, and the Firstform, while thuggish, won't be invulnerable. This process is irreversible.) Multiheroes: Astaroth (demonic commander that starts afflicted) Jezebel (ISuccubus, but with a little magic) Pretenders: Divine Pariah (demonic version of the Virtue). |
Re: Dis-Hell's Crucible.
HB, it seem we are interested by the same things: I've started to work on a few other nations, including a demonish nation who will heavily use blood summons! Mine seems quite different from yours, but the starting idea seems quite similar...
I'm expecting to see your mod finished... but please, first finish your Aksum mod :D ! I'm really eager to try it ! |
Re: Dis-Hell's Crucible.
Aksum's coming right along. I've started on the .DM file, but it's taking a while.
Re: Dis-Hell's Crucible.
Personally, I'd cut the straight demonic units. I really like the theme of hell's forges on earth, but I think I'd be a bit happier with it if it was a human nation that was made up of these fantastic smiths and machinists that pay a terrible price for their talents, or perhaps a people that worships their machinery and invites demons to possess it although that might be a little too blatantly inspired by Warhammer 40K's Machine Spirit, something like that. Maybe there could be plenty of demon units, but I'm seeing recruitable demons as fitting more into an early-middle age nation and given the mechanical theme I'm seeing this as a late age nation.
The furthest I'd go in having recruitable demons is the manes, which sounds like a pretty cool unit, and I'd definitely make them sacred to reduce their numbers. Other than that, the summons sound cool as hell, infernal machine and furnace golem especially. I also really like the idea of a unit that you can only get via PD. |
Re: Dis-Hell's Crucible.
Pit Spawn (Pit Spawn can shapechange into a Pit Thing-immobile, no teleport PD booster-which will produce more Pit Spawn, in combat only)
how do you mods this? |
Re: Dis-Hell's Crucible.
Shapechange, onebattlespell.
Though there are issues with custom onebattlespells. |
Re: Dis-Hell's Crucible.
which is why I bring it up since onebattlespell will not allow new modded spells to be used. You can't summon your own creatures unless you'd replace another existing spell I think (and that is always somewhat of a less good option to me.)
Re: Dis-Hell's Crucible.
Copy the original spell so it remains available. Then mod the original one and make it unavailable, and use it for the #onebattlespell.
I'm not aware of any issues with that. |
Re: Dis-Hell's Crucible.
Woowww, it seems you added a lot of summons !!
Re: Dis-Hell's Crucible.
I realize that I keep saying that you should cut stuff, but here we go. I'm not much of a fan of adding all of those types of mephits. Tiny demonic spirits of steam and smoke would be totally awesome just because you can imagine a troop of enemy soldiers closing in on some foul machine that's belching smoke everywhere and then, horror of horrors, the smoke turns out to be alive and it tears them to pieces. Other than that, like I said before, I'd shy away from making straight demonic units if only because I don't find a nation made up of random demons to be particularly compelling. A nation made up of possessed machinery and corrupt smiths imbuing their weapons with the souls of the damned? Now that's interesting.
Just my dumb opinion though. |
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