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-   -   Utility: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=41304)

Lokean November 17th, 2008 11:20 PM

This thread is intended to bring together all the new MP games looking for players, and possibly any games seeking substitutes, at some point. If you're starting a new MP game, please reply to this thread with the information requested at the bottom of this post. Once the game is full, please reply to this thread again, stating the name of the game and that it has been filled; I will remove these games from the list.

The list is still in Alpha at the moment, and might not be feasible in practice, but I'm willing to give it a try. I will check this thread as often as I am able and will post a reply each time I update the list. Please do not post feedback on the concept in this thread; if you have any requests or useful feedback please post it in This thread.

New games currently seeking players
  1. The Dom3minions Server - Gandalf Parker's contribution to the fine art of MP gaming
  2. Mulligan - A strange concept for a game, in which time appears to be highly mutable
    • Any Age
    • Requires Single Age Mod
    • Each nation receives a set of 'mulligans' which may be used to turn back time, unless the other nations oppose you!
  3. Mirror Match - A game where the only difference between nations is who they worship and who they kill
    • No 'age' as such
    • Requires Mirror Match Mod

Games currently seeking substitutes
  1. Hinnom sub required for Madwar
    • Separate request for sub thread: Here
    • Hinnom is the dominant nation, but the player has dropped out for RL reasons
    • Mods: Worthy Heroes 1.8
    • Turn 40.
  2. LA Arcoscephale sub required for Kingmaker
    • Very late game, with Arcoscephale being one of few remaining nations
    • Research almost finished, Master Enslave, Evoc. 9, Wish, clams, an s8 Seraph and more!
    • Interest should be directed to Xietor in PM
  3. EA Pangaea sub required for Blitzkrieg
    • Late stage of the game, turn 70
    • Pangaea has two globals up, forge and enchanted forest
    • A good position, possibly a winning one through strong diplomacy
  4. LA R'lyeh & Jomon sub required for Victoria
    • Late stage game, R'lyeh is occupying a corner position
    • Possibly in the running to win
  5. LA Jomon sub required for Victoria
    • Late stage game, no idea how Jomon is doing

Last Update:
The last update post. All information further down the thread has not been sorted into to list yet, this may include new games, requests for subs or notices of closure for entries in the current list.

Information required for a new MP game to be added to the list
  1. The url where people may sign up for the game
  2. The Age of the game
  3. Any significant mods or rules which would make the game atypical
  4. Optional - A catchy tag line

Information required for requests for substitutes
  1. The URL
  2. The nation requiring a substitute (specifying age if necessary)
  3. Any mods or significant oddities
  4. Optional - The turn

Kheldron November 18th, 2008 02:09 PM

Re: List of games currently looking for players (Making a new game? Post it here!)
We're looking for a permanent sub for Hinnom in madwar.
EA vanilla . url : http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=40287
7 players left.
Hinnom is first place in nearly all graphs. Turn 40.

Lokean November 18th, 2008 03:17 PM

Re: List of games currently looking for players (Making a new game? Post it here!)
Updated with Kheldron's request for substitute.

Juffos November 18th, 2008 10:31 PM

Re: List of games currently looking for players (Making a new game? Post it here!)
Exterminatus2 is looking for a temporal/permament sub for MA Man.


Lokean November 19th, 2008 08:10 PM

Re: List of games currently looking for players (Making a new game? Post it here!)
Updated with Juffos' request

AreaOfEffect November 20th, 2008 06:50 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Bandar Log sub for Standards has been found. Thanks.

Tifone November 21st, 2008 10:19 AM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
I suggest to the posters, to help Lokean reducing his work, to write their request in his first post's format so he can just copy-paste ;)

Lokean November 21st, 2008 01:23 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
They could do, but I may not be keeping the format like that, depending on whether it seems sensible.

I've added Denisius' game to the list, since it seems to be looking for one player still.

chrispedersen November 22nd, 2008 02:23 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Sub wanted for Pimping.
Jomon Player. Member of the Tien Chi / Jomon team and the
Tien Chi / Jomon /Abyssian alliance. Good Position.

Lokean November 22nd, 2008 03:43 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Removed Denisius' game. I will not be adding Pimping to this thread, as the request was posted at 18:23 GMT, while the game thread made Executor the sub at 18:51 GMT. Thus, I assume the position is filled.

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