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Tolkien February 22nd, 2009 11:18 AM

Countering Pangaea
As the title states, I'm fighting Pangaea in a current game and I'm in a tricky situation (as Helheim). He's got Carrion Woods up (still relatively early in the game, so I don't have the better death anti-undead spells), and I don't have the research yet to dispel it. I'm not too concerned about the manikins and maenads, but he's got a bunch of carrion beasts and centaurs that is going to make it a pain for my glamor. Any advice?

Radio_Star February 22nd, 2009 01:54 PM

Re: Countering Pangaea
Would dust to dust work? It should(?) target the largest enemies and you've great access to spam it.

Quitti February 22nd, 2009 04:34 PM

Re: Countering Pangaea
Dust to dust is your best bet - it's a very very useful spell. I kept out a 500+ undead army from my castle with 20 death mages and 20-ish normal troops with just that spell.

Executor February 22nd, 2009 06:51 PM

Re: Countering Pangaea
Depends what mages and spells you've got, and how many mages more importantly.

Bunch of slingers would tear apart those manikin also.

Rain of stones would be ideal, but I guess that's a little higher up the ladder.

If you're short on death mages for dust to dust than,
you have recrutable Vanjarls everywhere who are priest 2 and have blood, you can communion them for banishment and give some penetration items, but that also depends what undead you're fighting, some of them have MR 8 and some have MR 14. I think carrion beast have only 8.

chrispedersen February 23rd, 2009 12:51 PM

Re: Countering Pangaea
Maggots is also good against SC.

You may wish to consider, that his best beasts are going to come from very specific territories: woods with temples.

And since he doesn't spawn undead leaders (that I recall) you may well find it worthwhile to hit it with remote summons.

Leaderless Undead don't route - they pop. After the first time however you will probably have to hit each territory with 3-4 remote summons.

If you take the territory: gravy. Even if you don't each round about 25% of the beasties will die.

VedalkenBear February 23rd, 2009 01:38 PM

Re: Countering Pangaea
Another option, if you have time, is to cripple his gold income. As Helheim, IIRC Blight is castable right out of the box.

Also, the production of the carrion beasts is based on the growth scale. If you have a way of 'messing with that', it would proactively cut down on the number of beasts you must defeat in combat.

Ewierl February 23rd, 2009 03:32 PM

Re: Countering Pangaea
Another trick against carrion things: go for chaff instead of SCs/thugs. Those sleep vines are hugely effective against high HP/protection/defense targets, since they essentially ignore the first two, and have many attacks to overwhelm the last.

Think of your opponents as if they're an army of chaff with built-in SC counters. Go for evocations, archers/slingers, and your own chaff. Banishment will work well on his most numerous units, but the best vine critters have much higher MR.

Tifone February 23rd, 2009 03:43 PM

Re: Countering Pangaea

Originally Posted by VedalkenBear (Post 676246)
Another option, if you have time, is to cripple his gold income. As Helheim, IIRC Blight is castable right out of the box.

Also, the production of the carrion beasts is based on the growth scale. If you have a way of 'messing with that', it would proactively cut down on the number of beasts you must defeat in combat.

Well I'd say one Pangaea playing the Carrion Woods' and maenads' route will likely not rely that much on gold (order etc) as it is doomed to end it for popkill, and more on Luck usually. Also carrion creatures and maenads don't cost upkeep so gold loss wouldn't cause much loss of troops to Pangaea.

The Carrion Woods' route depends on high dominion too (more dominion more beasts afaik), and all the best carrions'-recruiting places will have a temple, so trying to lower Pangaea's Growth dominion in such an environment could be difficult, expecially without inquisitors. Stone idols and blood sacrifices might help - maybe.


@ chris,
true afaik, Carrion Woods don't spawn undead commanders, but if Pangaea's gone for maenads it means they'll have a bunch of Pans with Blood which can provide leadership.

Gregstrom February 23rd, 2009 03:57 PM

Re: Countering Pangaea
...and Pans with Death access, and carrion summons for more extreme leadership.

chrispedersen February 23rd, 2009 04:06 PM

Re: Countering Pangaea
Certainly, Pans can provide undead leadership.

He additionally has great summons which will provide undead leadership.

But the point is, he will spawn these undead beasts all over his dominion. My point is to remote spam where he doesn't have pans/leadership to pop undead.

If he puts pans in the field - its a huge plus - those pans will either not be doing anything except sentry duty - or he will be stretching his already tight gold building labs.

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