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-   -   Map: Glory v3.17 SP map, hand-named with start locs, v3.17_G13 (quick fix) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=43034)

Globu May 4th, 2009 05:26 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Version 3.17_G14 is now being hosted at the new site, here. Please go there for the newest version, which now includes a custom version with AI pretenders for LA.

The version referenced below is now obsolete.

Glory of the Gods SP Map for Dominions 3
Version v3.17_G13 (Apr. 18, 2010)

Original map by Jason Lutes, revised by Edi and now Globu

UPDATE: APR. 18, 2010

v3.17_G13: Yep. I did indeed screw up the LA Atlantis start location and left an erroneous entry in the LA section for MA Eriu. These errors have been fixed, along with a few other minor corrections. Thanks for pointing those problems out, Rookierookie.


This is a further modification by myself, Globu, of Edi's fixed version of Jason Lutes's excellent Glory map. Like the original, it has 602 provinces: 480 land, and 122 sea.

I have made the following changes to the map:
  1. Hand-named all provinces with what I hope are thematic and sensible names, with nothing silly fru-fru, and using regional naming schemes (Northeast Otesia, South Otesia, Otesian Highlands, and so forth).
  2. Revised the map data very carefully, correcting a couple of missing province connections and revising many territorial designations (to either correct clear errors, or make them more logical or viable).
  3. Added the ManySites flag to provinces that feature things like ruins, henges, monoliths, and so forth.
  4. Provided alternate variants of the map (see below).

This archive does *not* include the map image, which you should already have by default; this is only the .map files.


The map has four variants available:
  • RANDOM STARTS VERSION: Uses the #start command to mark 42 appropriate provinces as possible start locations for random placement.
  • FIXED STARTS VERSION: A version in which I have hand-placed (what I hope) are sensible and thematic start locations for each nation in all three eras.
  • CUSTOM VERSIONS: As the Fixed Starts version, above, but the two custom versions also include a full slate of thematic custom pretenders set up for all nations; one is for EA, one is for MA (I have not yet done one for LA).

The custom AI pretenders used are created using the criteria I found in the custom gods given in SemiRandom -- in other words, AI pretenders are all awake but get 150 bonus points as if they were dormant. In most cases, where nations has their own national pretender(s) available, I have used them. I should note that, since flavor was an important element here, the custom pretenders are workable but by no means optimal. However, all are created with a mind to long-run viability, and none are given the horrible scales the AI often chooses.

Be sure and read the instructions in the readme on how to get a game started using the custom maps.

Further information, version history, credits and permissions are in the enclosed readme.

Frozen Lama May 4th, 2009 09:10 PM

Re: Glory v3.17 SP map, hand-named with start locs
lol Arco is stuck between Vanheim and Mictlan.

Globu May 5th, 2009 08:06 AM

Re: Glory v3.17 SP map, hand-named with start locs
I've posted a newly-updated version (and reference image), as I realized that Fomoria wasn't following my placement rules because I had placed it inland, and it requires access to a sea province.

It definitely works a bit better this way, technically as well as thematically, as Fomoria is now on an island and, despite the map's small sea provinces, it can still use its oceangoing ability to reach several coastal provinces in Eriu's and Vanheim's regions. Caelum is inland with its other mythological bedfellows, and Arcoscephale is now stuck in the corner with Mictlan and R'lyeh.

Globu May 8th, 2009 12:51 AM

Re: Glory v3.17 SP map, hand-named with start locs
Okay, now I've got a map-editing question for anyone who feels like answering.

I'm trying to figure out when I should use the nostart flag with a province.

(1) Is it a good idea to nostart all provinces but those that are in ideal spots? (Probably about 60 or so provinces on the map, out of 605 or so.)

(2) Does SemiRandom ignore nostarted provinces?

(3) What is the best way to go about it for maximum flexibility? (So that the map can be used as is with or without the start provinces I specstarted.)

Any advice on the matter is welcome.

Thanks all.


Globu May 27th, 2009 06:17 AM

Re: Glory v3.17 SP map, hand-named with start locs
I'll be posting a new version fairly soon with some corrections and adjustments. For the time being, I'd be interested to know if anyone has tried it and has any feedback. Has anyone found this useful? Any comments/criticisms are welcome (including suggestions on better names).

Hoplosternum May 27th, 2009 03:32 PM

Re: Glory v3.17 SP map, hand-named with start locs

Originally Posted by Globu (Post 689830)
Okay, now I've got a map-editing question for anyone who feels like answering.

I'm trying to figure out when I should use the nostart flag with a province.

(1) Is it a good idea to nostart all provinces but those that are in ideal spots? (Probably about 60 or so provinces on the map, out of 605 or so.)

This is the only question I can answer. For me and for most people I think the answer would be yes.

60 locations are more than enough for even those who play with all ages mods on a map of this size. And starting with a sub optimal start is not too much fun. In SP it can be viewed as a challenge but many strats and powers depend on having a decent Capital. Having just a couple of neighbour provinces or being surrounded by wasteland can seriously dent the fun. Plus it may cripple some of the AIs and quite frankly they seldom need that as bad scale choices and bad luck often does for a share of them anyway.

The map is large and lacks wrap around so is not a common pick (in the big SP version) for mp games. But if it was to be used bad start locations are a real drag. There is plenty of bad luck that can afflict you in mp without being crippled by a bad start location. So it would be a big help there too.

So I would definitely add the no starts if you can be bothered. There are quite a lot :p

I like the map and sometimes play sp on it. So I would certainly download your version at some stage. Especially if you no start the bad spots as that is very helpful :)

Fixed starts are not so great though IMHO as although you have put a lot of thought in to them I don't usually want to know where my enemies are or where I am before I start. Knowing I'm close to Neifel etc. would affect my build.

Doing a version with some set sites and fixed guards like the new version of Faerun has a lot more replay value than fixing starts IMHO. You would not want to play the same power on the same map from the same start with the same neighbours (even if the indies and sites get randomised) very often :p

But - at least for me - I could play the same map with some fixed sites over and over if my location and neighbours change. Even if the game is mp the fact that everyone knows where some of the good sites are (and therefore who owns them) helps as diplomacy can even things up. Owning a great construction or summoning site can paint a big target on your head :)

But maybe thats just me :) Thanks for taking the time to modify the map. I haven't downloaded it yet but as its one of my favourites I certainly will. Cheers :)

chrispedersen May 30th, 2009 04:21 AM

Re: Glory v3.17 SP map, hand-named with start locs
Globu, I am using the Glory map for the Bid game - but I have not an ounce of artistic talent.

I had wanted to shade out kingdoms (multi provinces) and dress the map out - you can see functional yet completely non artistic result.

Would you have any interest in helping out on the artistic side of things?

Zeldor May 30th, 2009 09:11 AM

Re: Glory v3.17 SP map, hand-named with start locs
That's my favourite SP map. It's rather too big for MP though, even if it was somehow balanced. There is already MP version of the smaller version of Glory.

chrispedersen May 30th, 2009 12:24 PM

Re: Glory v3.17 SP map, hand-named with start locs

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 693627)
It's rather too big for MP though...

too big.. from the author of WotG?

Sheeeesh = )

Ballbarian May 30th, 2009 06:09 PM

Re: Glory v3.17 SP map, hand-named with start locs
(1) Is it a good idea to nostart all provinces but those that are in ideal spots? (Probably about 60 or so provinces on the map, out of 605 or so.)

I'm a little rusty, but I suggest using #start. Just be sure to place enough #start locations to cover the number of players.

2.5.1 #start <province nbr>
By creating at least one start location for each
player, every player will start at one of these
locations. If #start provinces are set, nations will
start at these locations unless there are more
nations than #start provinces. If there are more
nations than #start provinces, the extra nations
will start in eligible random locations.

(2) Does SemiRandom ignore nostarted provinces?

It will ignore nostart for purposes of placing custom provinces, but it will not ignore them when placing starts (as of version 1.07). It is also worthy of noting that when it places a custom province it will mark that province as no start (unless it's intention was to place an actual start. :) )

(3) What is the best way to go about it for maximum flexibility? (So that the map can be used as is with or without the start provinces I specstarted.)

Include multiple ".map" files. (In my opinion. :) )

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