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Gregstrom May 13th, 2009 02:27 AM

Unsanity... surely this is modness!
2 Attachment(s)

Server: Llama
Players: 12
Map: Antilarium
Turns: 30 hours, quick host. Longer turns after turn 20 or so.
Era: MA
Hall of fame: 15
Mods: Antilarium metamap, CPCS, Mytheology 3, Endo's Site Mod, CBM 1.5, Holy War 0.8
Victory: Standard
Magic sites: A little higher than default.
Renaming: On
Graphs: On
Missed turns: Two in a row and you will be replaced.

The four mods above appear to be intercompatible, although Mytheology seems to be having trouble with its extra divine spells, and I may need to create a replacement .dm file with the holy spells removed.

I'll throw CBM into the mix if people believe it won't cause any difficulties with the other mods being used.

Antilarium is a 12 player map, and needs 9 land and 3 water nations.

Nation choice: Nations will be randomly assigned, but each player gets to choose a nation to be thrown into the pot for the random selection. Water nations will already be in the pot, so three of the suggested nations will remain unplayed. Players will not be assigned the nation they suggested themselves, so don't throw Ashdod into the pot unless you really like the idea of being on the receiving end of an Anakite horde.

One exception to random assignment: If anyone wants Oceania, they can have it.

Final nation placements:

Bandar Log-----Gregstrom


Machaka (proposed by Gregstrom)
Pangaea (proposed by Executor)
Jotunheim (proposed by Alpine_Joe)
Man (proposed by Goodchild)
Ulm (proposed by Ossa)
Bandar Log (proposed by Burnsaber)
Shinuyama (proposed by Meglobob)
Agartha (proposed by tgbob)
Ermor (proposed by Strabo)
Arcoscephale (proposed by fakeymcfake)
C'tis (proposed by simonlost)
Caelum (proposed by Scarlioni)

llamabeast May 13th, 2009 09:36 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Recruiting
Have you considered using Burnsaber's Holy War mod as well? I think it looks really interesting.

llamabeast May 13th, 2009 09:37 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Recruiting
Also if you have any difficulty with mod conflicts you can use my script to combine them and remove conflicts. If you're not sure how to use it I can do it for you.

Zeldor May 13th, 2009 11:47 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Recruiting

It looks like you pretty much want to make it with my modpack :) Too bad I am at my limit of games and can't join that one.

Executor May 13th, 2009 01:32 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Recruiting
Well, since I can't play my own game :mad:,
I'll join this one if you'll have me.
So, how does this work, I state one nation right?
Ok, Machaka, you're in! Always wanted to try those little spiders.

Gregstrom May 13th, 2009 01:39 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Recruiting
Llamabeast: I'd be happy to put in Holy War as well.

Zeldor: I'd been considering starting a game like this since I saw CPCS and the magic site mod turn up, but I had too many other games going on at the time. Looks like we were thinking along the same lines :)

Executor: You're in, although I'd already put Machaka in as my suggestion. So you get to put a different nation into the pot.

Burnsaber May 13th, 2009 01:55 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Recruiting
Word of warning.

Mytheology + CPCS + Holy War might go over the in-game limit on modded spells (IIRC it was 133 spells). They'll probably fit, but there probably won't be any room for modded nations (since those usually add national spells).

If the combined mod crashes the game, try to remove the "Curse of the Four Horsemen" spell from CPCS (along it's nextspells), that will free 5 more slots.

One solution is also to just overwrite national spells from nations which are not in the game. It's pretty easy to write too. Just replace the #newspell line with #selectspell "XXX"

I'm just itching to join, but I'm at my limit on MP games. Perhaps I'll get quickly eliminated in one..

Executor May 13th, 2009 02:09 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Recruiting
Sorry, didn't see Machaka was in, Pangaea than.

Alpine Joe May 13th, 2009 04:21 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Recruiting
I'm in and I will throw Jotunheim into the pool.

Gregstrom May 13th, 2009 04:59 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Recruiting
Fair enough. I'll note that you're a sucker for punishment, and some lucky player will be very grateful to you.

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