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AlgaeNymph September 17th, 2009 10:58 AM

Who here is a Vet?
While my personal goal is to find a team captain, I'm keeping the question general so that this thread can stand alone information-wise. (Though if there's a previous thread answering my question, I'd be glad to have it pointed out to me.)

That said, who here is a vet?

Ironhawk September 17th, 2009 01:20 PM

Re: Who here is a Vet?
You mean like a full list? I dont think anyone has ever made one. It might be interesting to have like a full list of players and what they consider thier own rank or something.

Illuminated One September 17th, 2009 01:27 PM

Re: Who here is a Vet?
Well, you can always look at the hall of fame or old NVV games.

Calahan September 17th, 2009 01:40 PM

Re: Who here is a Vet?
I have considered many times if it's worth having a thread where every player gets one post to name three players they consider vets. And then when a player has enough votes or points (if the votes are ordered and allocated points) then they get added to a list of vets.

I think a high number of votes/points would ensure no surprise or rigged entries. Say 30+ votes or 100 points (1st=3 : 2nd=2 : 3rd=1). And there also wouldn't be a viewable running total of current votes/points either. As that should stop any "oh look, XYZ only needs another few votes/points to become a vet, so I'll help make him a vet".

I'd be happy to run and maintain a list like this if enough people thought it was a good idea. Or run and maintain any other type of vets list if someone has a better idea of how to do one.

And there also probably needs to be some line drawn between vet players and good players, depending on what the ultimate purpose of any vet list is. Since there are several players who are vets, as in have a lot of knowledge of the game, but are self proclaimed poor players. So being a vet and a good player doesn't always go hand-in-hand.

Zeldor September 17th, 2009 01:55 PM

Re: Who here is a Vet?
I don't think you need to make it so complicated. When it comes to most vets it's quite easy. For example no one would deny that QM, Baalz, Micah, Ironhawk, archae, atul, Jurri etc are vets.

Micah September 17th, 2009 02:00 PM

Re: Who here is a Vet?
From my direct experience in games (and hence a fairly small sample) my vote is for Calmon as the best player I've come across. QM gets mention as putting in some of the best mods and theory discussion...he'd be a top-notch player, too, if he'd just stop turtling now and again. =)

Agema September 17th, 2009 02:38 PM

Re: Who here is a Vet?
I was about to reply to this thread that no I wasn't, but I do work with animals.

Calahan September 17th, 2009 02:56 PM

Re: Who here is a Vet?

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 710718)
I don't think you need to make it so complicated. When it comes to most vets it's quite easy. For example no one would deny that QM, Baalz, Micah, Ironhawk, archae, atul, Jurri etc are vets.

Maybe it's just me, but I would rather go through a process to obtain something, rather than just say...

"That's the list of vets. Why? because it just is".

To a new player / forum member, what we have above is just a bunch of random names being mentioned by a random name. Some of those names tie in with the HoF, some of them don't. So new players might wonder how or why certain players have been labelled as a 'vet', and who it was that labelled them. Many probably view the vets as some sort of secret mason-like society, especially with the growing trend of vets only playing in games with other vets.

The HoF maybe isn't all it could be either, with some wins being of different relative value to others. So that's possibly not the most reliable source of vet info, or the best tool for vet identifying as result.

Baalz is probably the most well known vet due to the fantastic guides that he writes. So maybe some then make the distinction that anyone who writes a guide must be a vet. But as many know, that is not necessarily a correct link to make either.

Some of those mentioned above also don't post too often. Jurri for example, while being a mighty fine player, is someone most on these forums have possibly never come across, or even heard of. As they would only really have done so with a visit to the IRC. So to just label an unknown player (to most) a vet might seem like a strange idea to some people.

But if there was a thread dedicated to a list of vets, and a transparent process behind how it was obtained, then players could see clearly why or how players became a 'vet'. (Especially if a few words had to be mentioned on any player being voted for by those voting for them)

So as I said, I am happy to post and maintain a list of vets if it is considered a useful thing to the community. But I would much rather obtain a list via a transparent process that would have a visible post/thread history, rather then just slap-up a list and say....

"Here is the vet list".


Originally Posted by Micah (Post 710719)
...he'd be a top-notch player, too, if he'd just stop turtling now and again. =)

There's no way Micah can be a vet due to his natural hatred of turtles :)

Trumanator September 17th, 2009 03:05 PM

Re: Who here is a Vet?
Really, unless we want to go through some system like Calahan is proposing, the only real way to figure out who the "vets" are is just to spend time on the forums. Even then, its a pretty ambigous designation.

Illuminated One September 17th, 2009 03:23 PM

Re: Who here is a Vet?
Eh, well, vet = veteran I guess, so the only real qualifier is has been around for some time/played a lot of Dom3 games. I don't really see why you should need a list of it nor why you should need any explanation.
Unless you are thinking of making a list of skilled players, but that's practically impossible short of personal opinion considering how unbalanced/different games can be, unless you are only counting the top 5 HoF.

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