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Deca February 15th, 2010 11:29 PM

Questions about the Settings.txt file
Several questions about the "Settings" file
Note: Using BM1.19f


Maximum Number Of Ships 1 := 100
Maximum Number Of Ships 2 := 200
Maximum Number Of Ships 3 := 500
Maximum Number Of Ships 4 := 1000
Maximum Number Of Ships 5 := 2000
Maximum Number Of Ships 6 := 3000
Maximum Number Of Ships 7 := 4000
Maximum Number Of Ships 8 := 5000
Maximum Number Of Units 1 := 500
Maximum Number Of Units 2 := 1000
Maximum Number Of Units 3 := 2000
Maximum Number Of Units 4 := 3000
Maximum Number Of Units 5 := 4000
Maximum Number Of Units 6 := 5000
Maximum Number Of Units 7 := 10000
Maximum Number Of Units 8 := 20000
1) What are the ship 1-8 & unit 1-8 referring?
2) Are the values after the "=" the total number which can be built & on the map for each faction or total?


Minimum Computer Player Low Setting := 3
Maximum Computer Player Low Setting := 5
Minimum Computer Player Medium Setting := 5
Maximum Computer Player Medium Setting := 9
Minimum Computer Player High Setting := 10
Maximum Computer Player High Setting := 14
3) Is 14 the maximum number computer players that can be used?


Minimum Neutral Player Low Setting := 1
Maximum Neutral Player Low Setting := 2
Minimum Neutral Player Medium Setting := 2
Maximum Neutral Player Medium Setting := 4
Minimum Neutral Player High Setting := 4
Maximum Neutral Player High Setting := 6
4) If I wanted to make sure that no "Neutral" played, can I place a 0, or must there be a minimum of at least 1 neutral?


Main System Display Icon Move Speed Points Per Second Low := 100.0
Main System Display Icon Move Speed Points Per Second Medium := 500.0
Main System Display Icon Move Speed Points Per Second High := 1000.0
Main System Display Icon Move Speed Points Per Second Very High := 100000.0
5) How much more can I increase the value for the "Very High" setting?

6) Furthermore, I thought there was a setting which also dealt with the time in which the game delayed (playing sound and animation) while ships went through warp that could be removed or altered in order to speed that process up? Is there, and if so which one is it?

Thanks in advance for any help and assistance.


Leternel February 16th, 2010 11:04 AM

Re: Questions about the Settings.txt file
Some answers:
1 and 2) those fields are the value for the game setup options. 1-8 refers to each option, and values are used by empire.
3) I do try with 20 but it is quite useless.
4) You can place a zero, but has you may chose "no neutral empire" during setup, it is totally useless
5) no idea, I think you can go as far as a float number can go, some thing about 100000000000.0, but it would become impossible to control
6) I don't know about this feature.

Deca February 16th, 2010 09:26 PM

Re: Questions about the Settings.txt file

Originally Posted by Leternel (Post 731807)
Some answers:
1 and 2) those fields are the value for the game setup options. 1-8 refers to each option, and values are used by empire.

Thanks for the reply.

It's funny that I did not even notice that as I was literally over analyzing those values thinking that it must pertain to the ship sizes or factions or something, but instead it was just dealing with the values for the game setup.

Xrati February 17th, 2010 02:07 PM

Re: Questions about the Settings.txt file
#6 IIRC involves turning all the movement sound on or off from the setup menu.

Fyron February 22nd, 2010 06:12 PM

Re: Questions about the Settings.txt file

Originally Posted by Deca (Post 731704)
3) Is 14 the maximum number computer players that can be used?

There are only 14 main empires available in the stock game, thus the default setting. There can be up to 20 empires in a game of SE. If you want to increase this setting to get more main empires and less neutrals, make sure to install at least 6 new <a href="http://www.spaceempires.net/shipyards.html">shipsets</a> so the game has enough to choose from.


4) If I wanted to make sure that no "Neutral" played, can I place a 0, or must there be a minimum of at least 1 neutral?
Many would say the ideal setting there is 0 (or selecting "no neutrals" at game start), since neutrals are merely free pop and colony tech to conquer.


6) Furthermore, I thought there was a setting which also dealt with the time in which the game delayed (playing sound and animation) while ships went through warp that could be removed or altered in order to speed that process up? Is there, and if so which one is it?
There is no such setting. Instead, you need to edit the warp point animation in Data\BitmapEffects_System.txt:


Effect Type                                          := Warp Flash
Specific Type                                        := Warp Flash Standard
Effect Name                                          := Flash 1
Bitmap Filename                                      := WarpFlash.bmp
Sound Filename                                      := Warp Flash
Width                                                := 1.0
Height                                              := 1.0
Src Blend                                            := Blend_One
Dest Blend                                          := Blend_One
Number Of Frames                                    := 1
Frame 1 Texture Start X                              := 0.00
Frame 1 Texture Start Y                              := 0.00
Frame 1 Texture End X                                := 1.00
Frame 1 Texture End Y                                := 1.00

IIRC all you need to do is change Number Of Frames to 0. Search the forums for "Warp Flash" if that is not sufficient, and you will find other posts discussing it.

Deca February 25th, 2010 03:59 AM

Re: Questions about the Settings.txt file

Originally Posted by Fyron (Post 732957)
There is no such setting. Instead, you need to edit the warp point animation in Data\BitmapEffects_System.txt:

Effect Type := Warp Flash
Specific Type := Warp Flash Standard
Effect Name := Flash 1
Bitmap Filename := WarpFlash.bmp
Sound Filename := Warp Flash
Width := 1.0
Height := 1.0
Src Blend := Blend_One
Dest Blend := Blend_One
Number Of Frames := 1
Frame 1 Texture Start X := 0.00
Frame 1 Texture Start Y := 0.00
Frame 1 Texture End X := 1.00
Frame 1 Texture End Y := 1.00

IIRC all you need to do is change Number Of Frames to 0. Search the forums for "Warp Flash" if that is not sufficient, and you will find other posts discussing it.

Excellent info on the other questions, plus that's what I was looking for in regards to the Warping. Oddly, setting the "Number Of Frames" to Zero causes the game to crash; however, you've given me the info I need to play around with these settings. Plus I found a few other threads based upon your suggestions on the wav files, too:



Fyron February 27th, 2010 03:10 PM

Re: Questions about the Settings.txt file
Maybe the solution was to simply comment out the Warp Flash entry, then. It's a simple edit to the file to kill the animation entirely; I just forget which it was. Place // at the start of every line of it, and the following blank line. You should end up with an empty line above the comment block, and solid lines of comments til the next entry starts.

Note that commenting it out is safer than outright deleting it, in case you need to restore it at some point in the future.

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