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Ragnarok-X April 17th, 2010 01:22 PM

communion question w/ concrete example
im playing MA pythium.
I have 2 arch theurgs, one prophetized and two theugs. I only have researched level 2 thaumatury. How would i go about best setting up these 4 units to take indy provines ?
I thought i should do slave, slave, slave and master the prophet and then use mind burn but that doesnt work so well. Is a communion in this example even useful or should i just set them all to twistfaste/airshield/mindburn ?

Rookierookie April 17th, 2010 01:33 PM

Re: communion question w/ concrete example
This may be a completely irrelevant answer...

But if you are still taking indy provinces, why not use armies?

Frozen Lama April 17th, 2010 01:57 PM

Re: communion question w/ concrete example
really if you only have 4 guys, don't communion them.

Ragnarok-X April 17th, 2010 02:31 PM

Re: communion question w/ concrete example
Because i have only army and those 4 theugs but i want to take 2 provinces per season :p

How many Theugs should i get, Lama ?

Frozen Lama April 17th, 2010 02:40 PM

Re: communion question w/ concrete example
well you'd need a lot more than its worth to kill indies with just weak magi. honestly i'd say you are way better off researching. trying to kill indies with just pyth magi is a bad idea. you're just asking for a lot of gold to get arrowed to death.

4 man communions aren't really worth it because they can do the same magic (mind burn) without the communion, and they don't need to waste a turn casting CM or CS.

Sir_Dr_D April 17th, 2010 04:08 PM

Re: communion question w/ concrete example
Communions are usually only usefull to
1) have the master cast spells he doesn't have the path levels to cast normally. This is usefull for battlefield wide spells such as flaming arrows, or arrow fend.
2) Boost your slaves with self buffs in a reverse comunion strategy. Good buffs to have the master cast include power of the spheres, summon earth power and eagle eyes. The slaves would then get the same buffs.

But in almost all cases , you want your communion behind an army.

Rookierookie April 17th, 2010 06:28 PM

Re: communion question w/ concrete example
I don't know if you are playing in a standard game or not, but in four turns you could probably churn out an army of around 50 principe with the gold you needed for the four theurgs.

Ragnarok-X April 17th, 2010 07:20 PM

Re: communion question w/ concrete example
so what. theurgs are unique and fun, an army of 50 decent units can be levied by every nation. Besides, mind burning is more fun thrusting a spear :p

Fantomen April 19th, 2010 07:38 AM

Re: communion question w/ concrete example
In any case you'll need a screen of some sort to keep those mages alive. And you won't have any benefit of a communion in this case, too few mages and too little research done.

If you really want to use them for expansion just for the hell of it, then put them behind some principes and spam mind burn. It's not very competitive though.

Sombre April 19th, 2010 07:41 AM

Re: communion question w/ concrete example

Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X (Post 740999)
an army of 50 decent units can be levied by every nation.

Try MA Atlantis. Or EA Agartha.

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