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pyg May 2nd, 2010 07:32 PM

Reinstate Sombre
Post here if you want Sombre to be unbanned.

Oh and

-- Snarling Nodachi
#newweapon 645
#name "Snarling Nodachi"
#rcost 7
#dmg 11
#att 2
#def 1
#len 3
#sound 78 -- lion sound
#secondaryeffect 51 -- strong poison

Fantomen May 2nd, 2010 07:34 PM

Re: Reinstate Sombre
*Raises hand*

This is the worst news since I joined the fora. Sombre is clearly one of the top 5 contributors to Dom3.

Sure he's got a bit of a mouth sometimes, but on the other hand he's always helpful and answers a lot of questions. It's not like he's really been mean to anyone, just a bit impolite.

Permanent ban seems extremely harsh, why not just mute him for a month or so. Or a 3 month ban or something.

I mean, shrapnel is even indirectly making money on his mod nations. They're so good they could just as well be an official expansion pack.

I'm really really disappointed, bad BAD moderators.

Frozen Lama May 2nd, 2010 07:35 PM

Re: Reinstate Sombre
well i'll copy my post from the other thread:

Good effing job Shrapnel.

good to know that the moderators are looking out for us and banning the jerks who make this forum worse and add nothing to the community. mod nations, who needs em? helpful, if mouthy, members? screw them. we really only need moderators. then they can ban each other.

Raiel May 2nd, 2010 07:35 PM

Re: Reinstate Sombre
Aye. Can't think of anything he could have done that warranted such a casual dismissal of his value to our community.

Seriously, if he's out.. so am I.

13lackGu4rd May 2nd, 2010 07:41 PM

Re: Reinstate Sombre
perma banning is great for jerks who just don't give a damn about the rules and flame, cuss, spam, troll, etc. Sombre didn't go that far, not to mention that he actually contributed a lot to the dom3 community. thus perma banning him is very harsh in my opinion, and in the opinions of many others.

quantum_mechani May 2nd, 2010 07:41 PM

Re: Reinstate Sombre

Originally Posted by Raiel (Post 743335)

Seriously, if he's out.. so am I.

I am inclined to agree. I would not support perma-banning any but the most extreme violaters, and to do so to on of the most productive contributing members of the community is ludicrous.

Maerlande May 2nd, 2010 07:52 PM

Re: Reinstate Sombre

If any ShrapnelCommunity.com staff member tells you to comply with one of these rules, you must comply.

If you argue the rules with a ShrapnelCommunity.com staff member publicly, you'll be warned, and all members of ShrapnelCommunity.com staff will be notified. This includes violating any of the above rules with a username or in any part of the user profile.

Keep it up, and you'll receive a temporary ban.

After 2 temporary bans, a permanent ban will be given.

Official Grievance:
If your thread is deleted do not start another thread about it. Contact a Moderator of the forum your thread was in or an Administrator.

If you have a problem with a Moderator please contact an Administrator, posting a thread about any problems you have regarding a member of the Moderation Team will be disregarded, and removed.
I'm curious how this rule was applied? It's the sombre truth that this action by the administration violates it's own rules. There were no 2 temporary bans. Perhaps I missed a couple of 30 seconds bans.

kianduatha May 2nd, 2010 07:59 PM

Re: Reinstate Sombre
Agreed. Some resolution can be come to without a permanent ban.

Also the Snarling Nodachi sounds pretty cool and it'd be awesome to give it to Shura to further differentiate them from Wights/Banes.

rdonj May 2nd, 2010 08:03 PM

Re: Reinstate Sombre
Sombre: Modder, community pillar, and member with one of the highest thanked posts counts of anyone on the forum. Tell me why we banned him again?

Annette May 2nd, 2010 08:34 PM

Re: Reinstate Sombre
I'm the one who banned Sombre. Don't blame our volunteer moderators, please. We're all very saddened by this and don't take it lightly. We (Shrapnel Games' staff) understand that Sombre has made many positive contributions to these boards. On the other hand, he/she continually violated the rules we have established and expect every forum member to observe. We actually gave some extra rope in this case, encouraging Sombre to continue participating positively without breaking our forum guidelines. Unfortunately, Sombre was not willing to do this.

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