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earwicker7 November 5th, 2010 12:16 AM

Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)


Hey, all. This will be my first MP game, so I'm kind of wanting to wade in with people who aren't going to slay me within a few rounds lol. So... I'm thinking "noob" should be defined as no more than 3 MP games under your belt. I'm also wanting to avoid mods for my first game, so, um, no mods :p

The game will be PBEM, with lovely me as your host. Here are the parameters I was thinking of:

Middle Age.

"Cradle of Dominions" map.

Turns start at 24 hours; will adjust as necessary (I don't want to call this a "busy person" game, but I do want it to be a "has a life" game:rolleyes:).

Number of players is hopefully ten, but if we can't get that within, say, a week, it's cool if we go to eight.

Non-standard settings: Score graphs disabled, 15 Hall-of-Fame. EDIT: By request, re-naming is allowed.

Diplomacy will be decided by vote... I really have no opinion, as it's my first MP game, so I'm good with the majority.

Water races are fine IF there are at least two of them. EDIT: We have two water races. Woohoo!

Abyssia - earwicker7
Arcoscephale - Korwin
Bandar Log - Colonial
Marignon - 13lackGu4rd
Pangaea - nrasch
R'yleh - CthulhuDreams

Atlantis Dead
Man Dead
Shinuyama Dead
Vanheim Dead

Domenje November 5th, 2010 05:43 AM

Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (Recruiting)
i want to play as marigon

earwicker7 November 5th, 2010 10:09 AM

Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (Recruiting)

Originally Posted by Domenje (Post 761998)
i want to play as marigon

Sweet. You're in.

cwkjc November 5th, 2010 11:22 AM

Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (Recruiting)
+1 as Bandar Log

Nosantee November 5th, 2010 11:41 AM

Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (Recruiting)
Arcoscophale reporting in.

earwicker7 November 5th, 2010 12:01 PM

Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (Recruiting)
6 more spots available... get 'em while you can!

Korwin November 5th, 2010 03:21 PM

Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (Recruiting)
dips for Vanheim.

Whats the reasoning behind the disabled score graphs?
Not really against it, but ... it seems to be hard to make an reasoned choice without those graphs.
(well Scouts seems to be more important than they allready are.)

What are the choices for the diplomacy vote?

earwicker7 November 5th, 2010 04:09 PM

Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (Recruiting)

Originally Posted by Korwin (Post 762028)
dips for Vanheim.

Whats the reasoning behind the disabled score graphs?
Not really against it, but ... it seems to be hard to make an reasoned choice without those graphs.
(well Scouts seems to be more important than they allready are.)

What are the choices for the diplomacy vote?

Alright, you're in.

I like the graphs being disabled just for realism. Imagine that you are a general, and you're considering attacking an enemy's army; what's the first thing you do? You check the graphs and say, "No, that won't work... even though I only see 200 soldiers and I outnumber them ten to one, my chart says they have five times more total troops than I do, and their dominion is crazy, so I'll hold off for now." :D I'd rather have players say, "I thought they were weak, then they destroyed me the next turn with their stealthed army!"

As far as diplomacy goes, my choice would be the following: no declaration of aggression needed, you can attack out of nowhere, but any treaties made are binding, with three turns warning needed to break them. This is just off the top of my head; I'm totally open to different ideas.

Korwin November 6th, 2010 07:11 AM

Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (Recruiting)

Originally Posted by earwicker7 (Post 762034)
As far as diplomacy goes, my choice would be the following: no declaration of aggression needed, you can attack out of nowhere, but any treaties made are binding, with three turns warning needed to break them. This is just off the top of my head; I'm totally open to different ideas.

Sounds good to me.

CthulhuDreams November 6th, 2010 01:27 PM

Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (Recruiting)
This would be game three for me.

Can I join as Ryleh? It's my favorite nation for reasons that should be very obvious.

I would vote to enable score graphs.. it's pretty useful for knowing what the heck is going down, which will be more important in a newbie game.

Edit: I'm not in favour of 'binding' treaties. What does binding even mean? You're going to kick the offender out of the game?

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