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Gandalf Parker June 10th, 2011 04:06 PM

the #homesick modding command

OK guesswork time.
Is this going to allow creation of SCs that are defense or one-shot only?
I think I like that idea.

Foodstamp June 11th, 2011 12:25 PM

Re: the #homesick modding command
It will work just like homesick works for naiads and hamadryads I think.

When you assign #homesick 20 for instance, the unit will lose 20% of it's HP every turn it is away from it's home province.

So yeah, you could use it to neuter SCs or create purely defensive units by assigning #homesick 100.

Jack_Trowell June 17th, 2011 12:39 PM

Re: the #homesick modding command
#homesick 100 would seem redundant with just giving the unit a strategic move of 0.

However high values could allows for a SC able to leave its home province for one turn or two.

Hum, does regeneration helps against the homesick loss of HP ?

Foodstamp June 17th, 2011 04:30 PM

Re: the #homesick modding command

Originally Posted by Jack_Trowell (Post 779022)
#homesick 100 would seem redundant with just giving the unit a strategic move of 0.

However high values could allows for a SC able to leave its home province for one turn or two.

Hum, does regeneration helps against the homesick loss of HP ?

It seems like when you take Naiads away from their home and cast regeneration, they regen to their new hit point total, not the original value. I may be wrong though.

Gandalf Parker June 17th, 2011 05:03 PM

Re: the #homesick modding command
Does movement of zero block things like teleporting into someones capital?

Foodstamp June 17th, 2011 05:27 PM

Re: the #homesick modding command

Foodstamp June 17th, 2011 06:59 PM

Re: the #homesick modding command
I'm curious how we can use #homesick with shapeshifting.

For instance, how cool would it be to have a Dryad unit that functions normally in forest provinces (via #forestshape) but then has the #homesick tag when in other terrains.

How I think it will work is as follows:

Unit can roam around the forest np.

Unit can roam in home province np, even if it is not a forest (If it is a summon, can make it target forest provinces only to get around this).

If the unit goes anywhere else, it suffers from homesick.

Hooray, a Dryad who can't leave forests.

Gandalf Parker June 17th, 2011 07:46 PM

Re: the #homesick modding command
That would be cool.

And Im thinking #homesick 100 would not be the same as move zero. You can have an SC that works like a nuke missile. It can sit at home forever to protect the capital, or you can "fire" it (teleport) to another province where it only gets one use win-or-lose

Edi June 19th, 2011 09:09 AM

Re: the #homesick modding command

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker (Post 779032)
That would be cool.

And Im thinking #homesick 100 would not be the same as move zero. You can have an SC that works like a nuke missile. It can sit at home forever to protect the capital, or you can "fire" it (teleport) to another province where it only gets one use win-or-lose

You're right about that. If you actually gave such a SC a ridiculous mapmove, something like 20 or 40 or 50, flying and amphibian, you could fire it at any province on aany sanely sized map and a good distance away even on the ridiculously humongous maps.

llamabeast June 19th, 2011 05:05 PM

Re: the #homesick modding command
I thought all homesick units just lost 1 hp per turn. In which case there would be no "#homesick 20" - it would just be "#homesick".

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