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sidhos August 25th, 2011 04:51 AM

Random Map Generator
I was wondering why the random map generator provides the player with options and then ignores the player's request?

Set water percent- player sets to 1 percent- game generates map with 65 percent water.

So far, after 30 efforts, I have not created a map yet, with no water provinces, with the setting at zero for water. Zero.

I must be missing. Right? Let me know please.

Also, I haven't found a way to get snow/sand provinces to take advantage of the "hidden in snow" and "hidden in sand" spells.

Chazar August 25th, 2011 05:19 AM

Re: Random Map Generator

Originally Posted by sidhos (Post 782400)
Also, I haven't found a way to get snow/sand provinces to take advantage of the "hidden in snow" and "hidden in sand" spells.

There are no terrain types snow/sand. The only terrain types existing are: plain, farm, forest, swamp, wasteland, cave, mountain, border mountain (like mountain, except for not restricting map movement), sea and deep sea.

I don't know anything about these two spells, but
"hidden in sand" requires wasteland terrain according to its description.
"hidden in snow"'s description only talks about turmoil and magic, but maybe the spell benefits from cold scale?

sidhos August 25th, 2011 05:26 AM

Re: Random Map Generator
What terrains are used for Hidden in Sand and Hidden in Snow spells then? Every time I try to cast one, I get told that I am not in the proper terrain.

Edit: thanks, I just caught the last part of your post.

Soyweiser August 25th, 2011 06:01 AM

Re: Random Map Generator
Well iirc hidden in snow does not even have a terrain requirement.

sidhos August 25th, 2011 06:08 AM

Re: Random Map Generator
Thanks. I'll just have to experiment more trying to cast it, I guess.

Stagger Lee August 25th, 2011 08:54 AM

Re: Random Map Generator

Originally Posted by Soyweiser (Post 782408)
Well iirc hidden in snow does not even have a terrain requirement.

That's right. I've used hidden in snow for magic diversity and something to spend water gems on. Unfrozen are way better than longdead and some have magic weapons. There is no terrain requirement.

I've used hidden in sand far less often. It's a nice spell and offers very good magic diversity plus holy magic. The unburied troops are just as good and also have magic weapons. But the wasteland restriction and other options for E gems leave it low on the priority list.

If we can reconnect with the wiki, there is lots of good info on what you can expect when you cast these two. Scales in the province affect the number of mages/priests you get. iirc magic tilts it toward mage commanders, and order tilts it toward warrior commanders.

Edi August 25th, 2011 09:17 AM

Re: Random Map Generator
I love Hidden in Sand, for thematics if nothing else.

Magic: More mages
Order: More warriors (non-commander)
Heat: More non-warriors (non-commander)

I think the maximum I got from one casting was three mages, but several times I've gotten two and those were with high magic scales. You always get at least one Dust King too.

Hidden in snow also has some scale adjustments, you get more unfrozen in warmer provinces and magic might have affected how many unfrozen mages you get, but I'm not sure about that.

sidhos August 25th, 2011 04:59 PM

Re: Random Map Generator
Thanks to everyone for the replies.

Anyone have any ideas why the map generator seemingly ignores the set parameters? It pretty much ignores the settings I put for sea percentage and ruggedness.

JonBrave August 26th, 2011 06:16 PM

Re: Random Map Generator

Originally Posted by sidhos (Post 782443)
Thanks to everyone for the replies.

Anyone have any ideas why the map generator seemingly ignores the set parameters? It pretty much ignores the settings I put for sea percentage and ruggedness.

Just tried it. Works fine for me, just changing from defaults. Including, 0% sea == 0 sea provinces.
Try reinstalling? ;)

Edi August 27th, 2011 02:03 AM

Re: Random Map Generator
Just remembered that you need to actually restart Dominions after every random map and you must name each map different or it may have problems.

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