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-   -   March Madness Newb/Intermediate Game (EA, CBM 1.92) (Running, 10/12 remaining) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=48518)

Torgon March 12th, 2012 04:15 AM

March Madness Newb/Intermediate Game (EA, CBM 1.92) (Running, 10/12 remaining)

The games I'm in right now are wrapping up or getting towards the endgame and I feel like starting another.

Game is intended to be a newb/intermediate game. To give some guidance I would say fewer than 10 MP games is a good cutoff point. I've got 6 under my belt.

Players 12, Hosted on Llamaserver
Map: Riverlands for 12 + 1

Proposed Rules:
Research: Difficult
Gold: 125
Sites: 55
Hosting: Every 30 hours until a majority want to go longer

All other's standard.

Diplomacy: NAPs not binding, but don't think anyone is going to ever trust you again if you break one. You stab someone in the back expect to get stabbed right back. Trades binding.

All standard exploits banned: Bogarus orders, autospawn locking forts, filling labs, etc.

No nations banned.

I'm taking Marverni

Players (7/12)
Torgon: Marverni
Ulius: Niefelheim
Odeoderok: Sauromatia
HoleyDooley: Abyssia (defeated)
Mattyburn: Caelum
Immaculate: Yomi (defeated)
Dojango: Fomoria
Aderion: Arco (defeated)
Excist: Agartha (defeated)
Sansanjuan: TC
Jotwebe: Pangaea
Shardphoenix: Tir Na'Nog (defeated)

ulius March 12th, 2012 04:56 AM

Re: March Madness Newb/Intermediate Game (EA, CBM 1.92)

I'm a total newb to MP, and my first (different) game is about to start. But I think I can handle another one and would like to join this too.

My race of choice: Niefelheim, Sons of Winter.

odeoderok March 12th, 2012 06:51 AM

Re: March Madness Newb/Intermediate Game (EA, CBM 1.92)
Hi all,

I'd like to join as Sauromatia. I've probably played about 10 MPs, but I'm coming back from a bit of a break. And I was rubbish before the break anyway :)

HoleyDooley March 12th, 2012 07:08 AM

Re: March Madness Newb/Intermediate Game (EA, CBM 1.92)
Arcoscephale thanks.

mattyburn7 March 12th, 2012 08:40 AM

Re: March Madness Newb/Intermediate Game (EA, CBM 1.92)
I'll play...Not sure who yet though

Immaculate March 12th, 2012 10:55 AM

Re: March Madness Newb/Intermediate Game (EA, CBM 1.92)
In as Yomi.

I also prefer default resources gold and supplies unless there is a good reason for increasing them. I like the extra research and magic sites though...

Torgon March 12th, 2012 07:58 PM

Re: March Madness Newb/Intermediate Game (EA, CBM 1.92)
Alright we have 6. Four more to go.

Immaculate March 12th, 2012 08:00 PM

Re: March Madness Newb/Intermediate Game (EA, CBM 1.92) (6/12)
Hey Torgan,

I was hoping you might explain why you like the 125% resources, income and supplies? Normally the default sits well and all nations are designed and balanced for default. By increasing these values we practice play that is suboptimal in the majority of games. I was hoping you might provide your insight for the proposed settings.

dojango March 12th, 2012 08:18 PM

Re: March Madness Newb/Intermediate Game (EA, CBM 1.92) (6/12)
I assume you meant "Bogus orders forbidden" instead of "Bogarus orders"?

any rate, I'd like to try formoria.

Torgon March 13th, 2012 01:17 AM

Re: March Madness Newb/Intermediate Game (EA, CBM 1.92) (6/12)
Yep. Typo. Meant Bogarus orders.

As to the settings. The only ones I'd really like to try is the hard (difficult) research and higher magic site frequency. Main reasons are that I want to play a game in which the early and mid game last a little longer before massive battle magic takes over everything, and I like games in which a you see more indie mages popping up.

The 125's were just to make those conventional armies a little bigger and a little more fun and exciting. 125 doesn't seem to dramaticially change how the game is played, but I'm happy to put them back down to 100.

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