Vanguard X |
May 1st, 2012 11:07 PM |
Re: GUI Question
Originally Posted by jimkehn
(Post 803287)
Also it seems there was a simple way to copy battle commands and past them to other commanders for like minded mages and priests to cast the same sequence of I remembering that right?
ctl. + number keys 1-9 while hovering your cursor over a command list copies the commands. Press number 1-9 to paste the copied commands onto another command line, while hovering your cursor over the command line.
You can also set up a template of orders, and battlefield placement or regular troops too. Troops remember their orders, and field placement when you move them to a different commander, but only if you drop them directly onto the commander icon. If you just mix them in with other troops, they forget their old orders, and use the orders, and placement of the squad they are joining instead.
So you can set up 1 commander, with 5 squads of 1 troop in each squad, set up with your orders, and placement. Then add new units into these squads so that they "learn" the orders for that squad. Then move the "learned" troops to a 2nd commander, (dropping the troops on his icon) and your orders, and field position will be carried with them to the 2nd commander. Leave 1 troop behind in the 1st squad, so your orders will still be set up for the next batch of new troops to repeat the process later if needed.