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-   -   The Rope Bridge, any-skill MA (uploading pretenders) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=48880)

Kungfoo June 4th, 2012 10:56 PM

The Rope Bridge, any-skill MA (uploading pretenders)
As much as I love the new trend of 6-player games, I thought it might be nice to get a slightly larger one going. As such, I would like to welcome everyone to the rope bridge! MA, standard settings, with graphs off, this game is open to players of all skill levels - although if this is one of your first MP experiences, I'd highly encourage you to take the time to get extremely familiar with game mechanics and come in with the expectation that it might be a short trip*.

*and also with the intent to stick it out to the bitter end, even if you're getting crushed - it's a great way to learn.

Game Info
Name: The Rope Bridge
Players: 16
Schedule: 36h quickhost to start, moving to 48/72/beyond as needed - the general pace will be relaxed, as it's summer and you guys are probably as busy as I am
Mods: CBM 1.92 w/ ettin fix http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showpost.php?p=804194
Map: Riverlands for Rope Bridge http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showp...3&postcount=29

EDIT: Please make sure that your map image file is Riverlands_for_RopeBridge.tga, and NOT ropebridge.tga. I'd mistakenly included the wrong image in one of my zips. The above link is now correct.

Game Settings
Age: Middle Age
Independent Strength: 5
Research: Standard
Magic Sites: Default for the age
Money: Default
Resources: Default
Supplies: Default
Random Events: Default
Re-naming: On
Score Graphs: Off
Hall Of Fame: 15

Diplomacy: Machiavellian. Trades are binding. As for the rest, think of it like the board game Diplomacy - you can do whatever you want, but reneging on treaties is likely to have consequences on your ability to pursue further diplomatic options within this game. Please keep any hurt feelings over political machinations within the confines of this game, however.

House rules: Usual stuff, common sense applies here. No bogus orders, no free ettins, no lab-flooding or invisi-sieges, etc. If newer players have any questions about this section, please feel free to ask in the thread and I'll be more than happy to explain in greater detail.

Note that I will be simultaneously recruiting on several forums; I'll do my best to keep the nations list current, but it's first-come, first-serve across all boards.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR NEWER PLAYERS: please DO NOT set yourself to AI without prior approval. if for whatever reason you're unable or unwilling to continue playing, either find a sub or just make a post in this thread saying you have to bow out - it takes the same amount of time, and prevents the rest of the community from hating you forever.

Admin: Kungfoo

link to dom3mods post: http://z7.invisionfree.com/Dom3mods/...?showtopic=769

Nations [16/16]
Kungfoo - MA Agartha
HotCarl - MA Pythium
ghoul31 - MA Ermor
AlbertTheObscure - MA T'ien Ch'i
HoleyDooley - MA Shinuyama
EZBrown - MA Arcoscephale
Reverend Zombie - MA Bandar Log
Jolly Roger - MA C'tis
Mars76 - MA Marignon
Ragnarok-X - MA Vanheim
skymoon - MA Ulm
himselfbh - MA Eriu
garga - MA Abysia
Wendigo_reloaded - MA R'lyeh
ismellcolours - MA Caelum
RabbitCook - MA Machaka

HotCarl June 4th, 2012 11:02 PM

Re: The Rope Bridge, new MA game (open to all, vets warmly welcomed) - Recruiting!
Hey I'm in and I want Pythium. I'm going to build an empire of bath houses and also orgies.

ghoul31 June 4th, 2012 11:38 PM

Re: The Rope Bridge, new MA game (open to all, vets warmly welcomed) - Recruiting!

AlbertTheObscure June 4th, 2012 11:41 PM

Re: The Rope Bridge, new MA game (open to all, vets warmly welcomed) - Recruiting!
Put me down for T'ien Ch'i, if you would.

Reverend Zombie June 5th, 2012 02:23 PM

Re: The Rope Bridge, new MA game (open to all, vets warmly welcomed) - Recruiting!
Bandar Log, please.

Jolly Roger June 5th, 2012 04:49 PM

Re: The Rope Bridge, new MA game (open to all, vets warmly welcomed) - Recruiting!
For me CĀ“tis

Shardphoenix June 5th, 2012 07:12 PM

Re: The Rope Bridge, new MA game (open to all, vets warmly welcomed) - Recruiting!
How about using CBM from http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showpost.php?p=804194?

Mars76 June 6th, 2012 12:53 AM

Re: The Rope Bridge, new MA game (open to all, vets warmly welcomed) - Recruiting!
I'll try Marignon if you don't mind.

Ragnarok-X June 6th, 2012 01:27 PM

Re: The Rope Bridge, new MA game (open to all, vets warmly welcomed) - Recruiting!
I would try Vanheim, thanks.

skymoon June 6th, 2012 09:32 PM

Re: The Rope Bridge, new MA game (open to all, vets warmly welcomed) - Recruiting!
Ma ulm, please. ^Q^

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