ihearthonduras |
February 19th, 2014 03:14 PM |
Game massively buggy on Steam
I downloaded the steam version of dominions 3 yesterday and started a game. About 40 turns into the game, the commander plaques on the game started disappearing. So I uninstalled the game and reinstalled it, rebooted and whatnot, and started a new game. Right about the same point, it started displaying "enemy intelligence" stuff about my own provinces and would not let me recruit national units at new forts. Weird. So I rebooted, uninstalled reinstalled, rebooted. Started a new game. Right about 40 to 50 turns in, the map refuses to scroll. At all.
Does anybody else have these problems? I'm kind of depressed about starting games and then having the game become unplayable. What is the deal?
Someone said in another post that the commander plaque thing is a symptom of a pirated game, but I got my key from steam, so what's up?