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Old July 23rd, 2004, 03:43 AM

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Default Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

Originally posted by Starhawk:
Meh passenger liners would be cool instead of just the bulk transports that are used in game I mean think about it a civilian transport would not be the same kind that you'd use to pick up 10,000 troops with.

But yeah to add specifics to what i was saying, every starsystem would have a single space-port in it just as in SEIV but instead of just a mysterious form of resource conveyance you would actually have to send freighters to that world to pick up whatever resources were brought there during the turn (the transfer of resources to the spaceport would be automatic not involving any freighters) and bring them to the nearest refinery world or to whatever other destination you tell the freighter or freighters to go to.

And you can form a convoy much the way you'd form a normal warfleet except you would be able to give it orders like (proceed to the nearest refinery or in the case of an alliance proceed to X race's nearest refinery) and they would automatically begin heading in that direction.
ok this is good but in order to get rid of the micro management this would cause i would suggest a screen where you spend X number of X resourses to set up a convoy to X system-must have spaceport

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