I thought that all ships moved according to a phased system, wherein each turn was composed of 30 "days" and a ship or fleet "spent" a movement point on any given day according to a fixed schedule based on it's total movement points. Sort of like the turn chart in Star Fleet Battles. So, if a ship has 10 movement points, it would spend one every three days, if it had 15 movement it would spend one every other day, etc...and within that structure, movement would be perhaps simultaneous or according to player order. If, after movement for that day was finished there were opposing ships in the same sector, then combat would ensue, I think.
OTOH, if movement was not simultaneous, but went in order of player number, that would be weird, I would think, as it would imply that there actually is a benefit to being player number One - which, IMHO, would be wrong.
Originally posted by Ragnarok:
I think that is closer to the correct answer, Slynky. Because PBW all ships move at the same time, thus the term simultaneous movement. If the game was sequencial then I believe my answer would have been correct. But I am probably thinking too hard on all of this.