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Old August 6th, 2004, 04:17 AM
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Default Re: What Will Happen To SEIV

Originally posted by Barronosod:
What a wonderfully rich community you guys have here. I truly wish I'd been a part of it longer, I just got SEIV yesterday. The prospect of everyone moving on in a year or so is a bit of a bummer, but such is progress.
Possibly half of the (Online, vocal) SE3 community left when SE4 came out, because in some ways it was a radically different game. Some of them converted after the game was out for a few years (myself being one of these). With a real time combat engine, SE5 may well be just as different from SE4 as SE4 was from SE3. Who knows what will happen. Those that remain will just move to the SE5 forum and it will be business as usual...
It's not whether you win or lose that counts: it's how much pain you inflict along the way.
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