August 6th, 2004, 07:37 AM
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Re: What Will Happen To SEIV
Originally posted by Atrocities:
What do you think will happen to SEIV once SE V comes out? Do you think people will continue to play it or pretty much right it off and stick to the new?
I expect SE V will have a period of wierdness after release. As in, I wasn't really entirely happy with SE4 until SE4 Gold. Most SE4 players will of course give it a lot of attention, and different people will like or dislike different things. I think there will still be enough people playing SE4 to find new PBW games probably for as long as PBW continues to offer it. Are there not still diehards playing pre-Gold SE4 on PBW?
Of course, you are invoking the annoying term "people", which suggests maybe you are interested in herd behaviour, and not just in whether there will be enough players for games.
I for one am hopeful that people will continue to play SEIV as it is a great game. I know that many of the PBW game will more likely than not continue through to there conclusions, however no new games will start.
I'd say you're wrong that no new games will start. Unless again, you are exaggerating out of concern for what "people" will do, meaning some sort of herd.
We all have invested a huge amount of time into SEIV and I am sure we will all do the same for SE V. But turning our backs on SEIV, something I do not want to see happen, would be a crime in my opinion. Then again I could be wrong an no one really asked me so there.
Why then do you (if I'm not mistaken) periodically create such threads where you talk about SE4 "dying" and such concepts? Seems like counterproductive populist pessimism to me. No?