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Old August 6th, 2004, 03:03 PM
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Default Re: What Will Happen To SEIV

Considering the quality of the artwork that I've seen so far, the way in which Aaron is integrating our comments into the game, and what I've heard about the 3D displays and combat, I imagine that I'll be switching over to SEV exclusively once it comes out.

I hate to say it, but 4x games have needed to go fully three-dimensional for a long time. Space is, after all, three dimensional (even more, really, but three is good enough for game purposes). Ascendancy did it, and looked great doing it, but unfortunately the rest of the game was pretty shallow. MoO3 failed miserably, Stars! Supernova never got released, and all the other 3D space games are fully RTS mission-based games like Homeworld. If SEV retains the strategic depth of SEIV (I'm pretty sure it will) and seamlessly integrates real-time combat and a 3d universe (which will be the new stuff), it will be my dream game.
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