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Old July 6th, 2003, 04:25 PM
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Hrothgar Hrothgar is offline
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Default Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets

I've upgraded the Pulp race/shipset to neo-standard [++, I think] and improved the AI. My unit is leaving for overseas duty in a few days, so this will probably be the Last update for while, altho I would like to do more with the AI. However, it's as good as I could get it, given the deadline I had to work with, and testing indicates that it compares favorably with other TDM AIs, altho the best ones, like United Flora and the Space Vikings consistently beat it. I hope everyone who downloads it enjoys it.

Here's the link:

Perhaps we'll have internet access where we're going. If so, I'll try to follow developments in the SE community. I wish we had remained here long enough for me to get a copy of the new game--guess I'll get it when I get back, plus, hopefully, SE5. Take care, everyone.
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