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Old December 16th, 2003, 06:55 PM

RadiantFleet RadiantFleet is offline
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Default Re: Is growth scale must in a long game?

I find a strong growth scale helpful but not neccisary in a long game. Basicly, in later game their are a lot of ways to raise money (gift of nature's bounty, direct conVersion of gem to cash, etc.). Don't forget that their are other economies than money. You can use blood summons (once again growth helps, but is not required) for units, magic summons, well equiped hoards of leaders, lots of combos work.

I tend to like growth, high province defences with a couple of nodal armies for conquest and destruction of invading armies, but don't get locked into the idea that their is one optimum way to play. Also, sometimes your strategy can change by finding a really cool site early in the game that makes other strategies attractive.
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