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Old December 17th, 2003, 05:35 PM
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Default Re: tactic vs underwater

Originally posted by reverend:
great input!

hadn't really thought of constructs / golems. shows how much i still have to learn. (only got the game yesterday)

Remember that any mage with a water magic skill can enter the water. If it has more than one water magic it can take another ait-breather (1 for each water point) with him.
does this include empowered spies? one scuba-diving scout should help determine where to attack with the rest of the army. the construct approach sounds good since i'm researching construction anyway, but i think i'll go with masses of shamblers. never really had a gold problem, and they cost only 1 resource per unit. should be enough to form the bridgehead. (or whatever they call it underwater )

and, yes, this is vs. AI.

If you got enough water gems income, it's cheaper to empower *one* mage to Water one and have him forge "Ring of Water Breathing" (5 gems, Construction 2) or as another person said, Shambler Skin Armor (also 5 gems, Construction 2). There are other items to get you into the water but they're probably out of easy reach for Ulm.
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