Thread: Blood?
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Old January 9th, 2004, 04:46 PM

Windreaper Windreaper is offline
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Default Re: Blood?

Originally posted by Nagot Gick Fel:
Originally posted by Windreaper:
EQ I use with Ice Devils.
Agree on every point, except the Messenger boots. Flying is an awesome ability to get on Ice devils (more for strategical than tactical reasons). I was fond of starshine skullcaps and rainbow armors for my SCs in Doms 1.

I see your point there and to quote myself:
"Boots: boots of the messenger, flying boots (again, unless I'm using rainbow armor I often get the messenger boots)"

Still, getting nailed by a single quickened arch seraph casting orb lightning kind of sucks so I'd take survivability over strategic mobility in this case. It's a matter of taste however. Rainbow Armor/Flying Shoes might be better if you wish to take part in smaller combats with less mage power in play.

Jasper: Good point, you just don't want to unstealth your scouts. If they happen to get attacked and you lose a scout the whole army retreats, ugh. Never tried it this way so I'm not 100% sure of this, however. OTOH, you could always keep some mock troops with your ID to prevent this from happening.
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