Re: Game balance suggestions.
>the clam probably needs an explanation.
>By converting all your gems into water (easiest with water nations, naturally) and making solely clams and again turning the astral back to water will get you an astral income of over 100 by turn 40.
This doesn't sound like a good strategy to me.
In order to have a clam income of 100 you need 100 clams.
The cost of 100 clams is 1000 water gems.
Lets be generous and say that 30% of your gem income is water, 30% is astral, and 40% is other.
That means the construction of 100 clams cost somewhere around 2500 gems.
This strategy includes waiting 40 turns to use gems while you horde, and won't accumulate 2500 gems in return for an additional 25 turns.
The way I see it the clam strategy doesn't start turning a profit until about turn 65, and takes quite a bit of dedication.
Is this really a good strategy? What am I missing?