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Old January 10th, 2004, 07:46 AM

Posts: n/a
Default Re: Game balance suggestions.

I've done it plenty of times with S&A. And yes, it has a downside.

But if you didn't notice, I said if it doesn't impede your expansion.

You're looking at it only from a numerical point of view as opposed to a by turn point of view. And it's important to note the conVersion of Astrals that you get from the Clams to Water. That's 20 Pearls.

Here is the exerpt from my email detailing part of an old clam strategy.

Turn 4 (Usually when you can Research Construction 2)
10 Water Gems = 1 CoP
1 CoP = 1 Astral Gem. 10 Water Gems = 1 CoP
2 CoP = 2 Astral Gems. 10 Water Gems = 1 CoP
3 CoP = 3 Astral Gems. 10 Water Gems = 1 CoP
4 CoP = 4 Astral Gems. 10 Water Gems = 1 CoP
5 CoP = 5 Astral Gems. 10 Water Gems = 1 CoP
6 CoP = 6 Astral Gems. 10 Water Gems = 1 CoP.

Now it's Turn 10. You have made 21 Astral Pearls, which alchemizes to 10 Water Gems. Total Investment = 50 Water Gems (- 10 from Alchemized Pearls)

Turn 11 - Turn 20

7 CoP = 7 Astral Gems. 10 Water Gems = 1 CoP
8 CoP = 8 Astral Gems. 10 Water Gems = 1 CoP
9 CoP = 9 Astral Gems. 10 Water Gems = 1 CoP.
10 CoP = 10 Astral Gems. 10 Water Gems = 1 CoP
11 CoP = 12 Astral Gems. 20 Water Gems = 2 CoP
13 CoP = 14 Astral Gems. 20 Water Gems = 2 CoP
15 CoP = 16 Astral Gems. 20 Water Gems = 2 CoP
17 CoP = 17 Astral Gems. 20 Water Gems = 2 CoP
19 CoP = 19 Astral Gems. 20 Water Gems = 2 CoP
21 CoP = 21 Astral Gems. 20 Water Gems = 2 CoP

Turn 20 = 133 Astral Gems. 220 Water Gems. Alchemized Pearls = 66 Water Gems. Total Investment 154 Water Gems.

I may have been off by turn 25, but it's still something you can look at.

It has worked for me both trying the "Wish" strategy and also using the pearls for other things. And not with having complacent neighbors, more often than not I was doing quite well having fought the entire time; but when turn 40+ comes around, most have a large number of gems/research, supercombatants etc, so having access to a high end gem income a definite advantage that they potentially don't.

Like I said it only works with certain nations in certain circumstances, but it's not 'unthinkable'.

Maybe if Water had a better selection of combat oriented spells, or gem uses it would be more of a 'hit' in my mind. But I consider Water weaker than most of the other paths. Even though it contains Quickness and a few other key spells, I'm talking about things that can pivot the game. There are a few but far from most other paths.

Like I said the Clam strategy has it's weaknesses, like fielding and keeping alive 'carriers', having a decent water income to begin with and getting a few sites searched. This strategy is only really viable with an already strong nation or one that doesn't need to rely on water summons or gem income. Pythium, Arco, etc.

Edit: With the above example even if you only make 1 clam a turn (Not costing you any more gems, because it is paying for itself) from turn 20 -40 and end up wiuth 41 Clams at turn 40 your total investment for a 41 Astral Gem Income is 154 water gems.

[ January 10, 2004, 10:20: Message edited by: Zen ]
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