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Old January 9th, 2004, 04:27 PM
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Default Re: Last of the Tuatha strategy

1) Pretender magic / bless effects
All sidhe are holy, i.e. solders, commanders and "real" mages may benefit from blessing effects.

Nature-6 will only get you a rather weak berserk-2, however, what does not that much good to your holy elite troops:

It will make them go berserk when wounded, while lowering their defense. You really don't wont that, as defense is their strength, while protection is only adequate ...

Daoine Sidhe (?sp?)
They are medium infantry with javelins and relativly high defense, but medium encumbrance as well. The attack bonus from bers-2 does not help them much (have 12 already), is not figured in for javelin throwing but lowers their 15 defense to a meager 13.
Better look for something that beefs up their defense even more (water-4 or water-6) and makes shure it doesn't drop much from fatigue (Javelin throwing doesn't count vs. fatigue, though. earth-4)
Defense-17 or -18 combined with glamour makes them pretty much unhitable by standard troops, unless they have to endure multiple attacks per round. Getting them to 2 stars of experience shouldn't be too hard, what will result in defense-19 or -20 .. few possibilities to top with on normal troops.

.. will benefit nicely from reinvigoration, too. Plus they start out with even higher defense and reach 20+ easily.
Make a Sidhe Lord your prophet asap - fanaticism will take care of any moral problems your troops will encounter.

To make the fights shorter (less chance some enemy gets in a lucky hit, or fatigue wears your troops down), there are 2 options:

Make them hit harder (blood-4). As they have STR12 already, you may need blood-6, though, for a noticable difference.

Or make them scary (death-4). Found this especially effective - remember to set them to "fire nearest" enemy, and the approching squads will have suffered from Javelins when going into melee. Which in my experience Lasts for 2 turns only, after which the enemy front line routes. Even a second line of attackers isn't much of a problem, as fatigue is still rel. low on the own troops.

.. more about spells etc. later ...

As for AI the most effective work around to this problem so far is to simply use an American instead, they tend to put up a bit more of a fight than your average Artificial Idiot.
... James McGuigan on somewhen back in 1998 ...
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