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Old January 10th, 2004, 07:33 AM

Jasper Jasper is offline
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Default Re: Last of the Tuatha strategy

After more testing I've come to agree with Keir that the Water 9 blessing is better than Fire 9 for Tuatha (a main point of our discussion in the thread he mentions). I think I must have had bad luck with my initial Water 9 test, or done something stupid. Moreover the benefit of +4 defense increases as your troops gain experience.

Still, Fire 9 + Dom 6 is much cheaper to get with the Moloch than Water 9 + Dom 6 is with a Blue Dragon...

As an aside, I think it's better to send your Sidhe into battle, rather than casting evocations. They're effective, hard to hurt, and you won't get any friendly fire. Barkskin and Mist Form help greatly here.

Also, someone else mentioned putting your Doaine Sidhe in the front to attract arrows. IMHO this is a very bad idea. True, their glamour helps a bit, but for their cost they're still vulnerable, especially due to their low protection. Something cheaper with higher protection works better IMHO, as you really don't want to lose any Sidhe during expansion.

[ January 10, 2004, 05:37: Message edited by: Jasper ]
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