Doh, what's the point of morale since your army is going berserk anywy. Besides, Mass Protection is most useful to guys with low natural prot and plenty of armor on top of that (heh, pan satyrs go up to prot 19

). Actually neither of the two are really armor kings and have pretty good natural prot too, but you're forgetting the fact that berserking gives a nice boost to the falchioneers' attack skill. I'd thus go for two high strength attacks but as with most of the stuff in the game it's a matter of preference.
As for those army bLasting strategies. I usually try to have quick response fliers (harpies, spring hawks, even ordinary hawks will do) with my armies to counter teleporting mages. Defender gets the first turn so the attacking mages are swarmed right from the very first combat round. Even if they manage to survive the harpy/whatever attack the combat AI tends to make their personal survival a preference thus leading into spells like shock wave/melee attacks :/. In other words, I wouldn't be sending in anyone smaller than a golem using teleport/cloud trapeze as they don't allow for a bodyguard.
The poison strategy, however, is very effective. Pangaea, Man, Miasma C'tis and Serpent cult Pythium can all easily pull it off. Just research conj 3, const 2, alteration 1, ench 5 (or alternatively evocation 4/5 for the poison spells, I prefer enchantment since it takes you near Relief, too). Have a good screen of vine ogres and cast quickness, poison resistance, foul vapors, (cast spells/whatever) and enjoy. Actually, vine ogres are also fantastic at dealing with illithids and such if you include some cheap fodder for the illithids to bLast at. Otoh their mr of 5 gets them owned by all kinds of control spells so this is naturally not an endgame strategy.
Other than that, I agree with most of the stuff you say, especially concerning incinerate (if I go for evocation it's usually for spells like stream of life/nether darts for nations like jotunheim or anyone with access to lamia queens - cast eagle eyes and bLast away w/ nethers). Actually, alteration and enchantment are pretty high on my research list every time (Relief, Mass Protection, Mass Regeneration, Battle Fortune, Doom etc...)