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Old January 11th, 2004, 09:08 PM
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Default Re: Alexander\'s ever-expanding Tome of Knowledge

Originally posted by apoger:
The Falchioneers are good troops, but I have found the Elite Warriors to be better even at the higher gold cost.
Agree, especially after Mass Protection - but when you're gold limited with resource aplenty, as is often the case even with all econ scales maxed, the cheaper cost of the Falchioneers or Swamp Guards comes handy.

#1 The trident is a length 4 weapon, which will provide extra defense in the form of repels much more often than the length 2 falchion.
In my tests the trident's length didn't prevent the EW to be hit as often as the Falchioneers, because of their worse defence. And anyway, I count on my Falchioneers being repelled to activate their berserk rage, I usually consider shorter weapons to be well suited to berserkers.

#2 They have a 12 morale as opposed to the flachioneers 10. That's a huge difference, particularly for C'tis, who has no other troops with good morale.
That's a huge difference _early_, that's why I count on EWs more. But I have yet to see a squad of Falchioneers under Touch of Madness or Growing Fury rout. And I always have berserk support for them, I stick to EWs if I can't get that support.

#3 The higher attack skill is absolutely critical. In practice I find that the Elite Warriors simply deal damage on a much more consistent basis.
The low attack rating is indeed my only real concern with Falchioneers. I agree in most cases EWs gets the edge when it comes to dealing damage. I've found Falchioneers to be superior vs Jotun spearmen, Minotaurs or Lava Warriors though - typically big targets with low def.

#4 The lower resource cost means that I can generate more troops. When playing C'tis I often find that numbers are the key to victory, and the production limitations are often a tighter constraint than the gold costs.
But you can really only amass numbers of EWs if you neglect recruiting mages, that's an efficient strategy but it has its drawbacks. If you want to recruit a Shaman or Sauromancer every turn or close, gold runs low fast. But OTOH you can use Falchioneers with Touch of Madness fairly early, and Falchioneers are better survivors than EWs. Using that approach works quite well after after an initial Javelin/EW rush.

#5 I have tried games using both troops, and while this is certainly nothing more than anecdotal evidence, I have found that the Elite Warriors appear to out perform the Falchioneers in practice.
Depends on what you're up against, or even the game settings. Against some targets, slightly smaller numbers of berserked Falchioneers will do the job as well as EWs, with less casualties. EWs work better vs high defense troops, with few or no missile support. At least that's my experience.

On the other hand I'm open to input on potential ways that the falchioneers may be abused.
Well, berserking them vs an army of shortbows is the only one I can think of. I like to use Einheres vs shortbows, and crazed Falchioneers aren't very different.
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