January 15th, 2004, 06:12 PM
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Re: Mod - Improved Light Cavalry
Originally posted by Keir Maxwell:
After failing to get Alex's mod off the dom library I quickly made up my own for Tien Ch'i and came up with what I believe to be an important break through in dealing with quality LC - fear.
So give low to moderate quality LC high defence, as Alex has suggested, to make it hard to shift and give the hard buggers (Huns, Xiongnu, Turkomans, Mongols, Szekeler etc) a fear ability to represent the greater stress they could apply. This is not just about fear but about representing the overall impact of aggressive LC.
So my Tien C'hi Barbarian Kingdoms mod gives the LC bucklers, raising both defense and prot, I've raised precision to 11 (ouch), removed the lance, tinkered with res cost and added fear -4 (good for pillaging). I've given the other cav precison 9 - lower than the LC to reflect the impact of heavy armor on shooting from horseback.
I think that fear is a great way to simulate the effect of LC with the current limitations. High defense against missile fire would be better than an overall increase in defense IMHO. I diagree with lowering the precision of armored cav. They were usually the nobles or other elite and were probably better with the bow. I look forward to giving your mod a run! Thanks!