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Old January 15th, 2004, 10:44 PM

Keir Maxwell Keir Maxwell is offline
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Default Re: Mod - Improved Light Cavalry

Originally posted by apoger:
Hrm, fear is supposed to be the supernatural kind.
I think you are defining things to cause yourself problems. Fear may generally be of the supernatural kind but the results of low fear, pillage bonus and wearing away enemies morale while they struggle to cause harm to you, makes sense for representing the impact of aggressive LC. Sure the term as generally used doesn't quite apply but this light stretch of imagination isn't too hard to make - if it actually works as a mechanism. Not then going furthur and extending it to Emerald Guards etc is a matter of remembering why it was given - to represent the impact the high wear down factor of aggressive LC. Anyway I can't know if its going to work till I test it. Heheheh - this will be fun.

I do not think this ability should be given to all LC. Much LC was low aggression and there to shoot arrows, worry at flanks and stay out of harms way. Fire and flee covers the way Pechnegs generally fought pretty darn well. Representing these LC's ability to skirmish by increased def seems a good approach for now.

I think Illwinter could have been a bit looser in giving out fear to really big creatures like Giants. Seeing the look on Gandalfs face as the Trolls burst through the gate at Minis Tirith was a good even if it would have been better with the Witch King coming through. I guess what held Illwinter back is that a Giant shouldn't be afraid of a Giant. Not having any Giant races in the WoTR mod I'll be giving Trolls a low fear rating.

re LC and missile fire.

Unfortunately for LC massed foot archery was pretty deadly and the only solution is to ride off or charge. Even small amounts of missile troops proved useful for supporting HI against LC. In dom its actually pretty easy to put arrow catchers out the front with orders to keep them out of harms way and this keeps the LC fairly safe.

I was thinking Last night about the Barbarian Kingdom HC. In the ancients rules I play these are currently represented as either charging cavalry or Cataphracts as there is evidence for wide spread usage of horse armour and the riders were heavily armoured. That being the case I'm going to upgrade the HC's armour which will aid the syncronicity between the LC's archery and HC's lances as their is nothing as frustrating as wiping out your HC with archery while they pursue the enemy off table.

I wish those bloody archers would ignore any target which has an intervening friends close to it. Its not like archers really did shoot into close combat with the threat of killing their own side unless directly instructed. They stopped, had a smoke, read the newspaper, made a cuppa and waited for the next opportunity .

re prec for HC

I have actually raised this from what it was just not so much as the LC's. My understanding is that armor that was both full and heavy was a significant impairiment to firing a bow. Illwinter dropped all their precisions to 8 presumably due to the difficulty of firing a bow from horseback. I think this is way harsh on a peoples who learnt to ride before they walked, whose legs have changed shape from so much riding young, and who specialised in the useage of powerful powers with devestating results. It was the horse archer that was the basis of the success of the Mongol, Huns, Turks etc so having BK's most useful units as being foot and LC who can't shoot straight is why I made this mod.


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